The grass-roots team will create a new world! Produced by Er Dongsheng, directed by Mak Qi-kwong, and starring Aaron Kwok, Jack Lam, Simon Yam, and Zhang Keyi, the absurd crime comedy "Temporary Robbery" will be released nationwide on January 19th. " version of the ultimate trail

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Form a temporary team and work hard to make a fortune! The movie "Temporary Robbery" released the ultimate trailer of the "pain in pain" version Duration: 01:38 Source: Movie Network

Form a temporary team and work hard to get rich! The movie "Temporary Robbery" released the final trailer of the "suffering in suffering" version Hide

Duration: 01:38 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Caotai team, create a world! Produced by Er Dongsheng, directed by Mak Kai-Kwong, and starring Aaron Kwok, Jack Lam, Simon Yam, and Zhang Keyi, the absurd crime comedy "Temporary Robbery" will be released nationwide on January 19. The official announcement of pre-sales has begun, and a bitter version of the story has been released. The ultimate trailer and the final poster of Renshangren version. The trailer shows the poor people played by Aaron Kwok, Lin Jiadong, and Ren Xianqi, who are each in poverty and decide to get rich together and create a new world. The absurdity of the little people is vividly displayed. The two dead brothers are so short of money that they can only Mei Lantian, a gangster who robs, A Zang, a driver who wants to buy a house, and Murong Hui, a social worker who wants to send his daughter with dictation difficulties to school. Three middle-aged people got together by accident because of poverty. Team up to start a robbery just for the sake of common prosperity. In the final poster, the three people are in a stack of arhats, one of them suppressing the other. With the super eye-catching macho pink background, the contrast is full of absurdity. The pre-sale of the film has officially started, and it will be released in theaters nationwide on January 19th!

Living a life of hardship and asceticism, the good-for-nothing bandit Master Master opens his way to robbery

In the latest final trailer of the "Suffering of Misery" version, the three wastes introduced their different but similar life dilemmas, Mei Lantian (played by Aaron Kwok), A seemingly experienced gangster accidentally killed two brothers in an operation. His robbery career collapsed and he was in urgent need of new help; A Zang (played by Lin Jiadong), a diligent taxi driver, Not only does the family have seniors and juniors, but they also shoulder the burden of buying a house. Transportation is just a drop in the bucket, and they are hesitant when they are accidentally involved in a robbery; Murong Fai (played by Ren Xianqi), a social worker in a nursing home, faces work. In order to save the crumbling orphanage and face the family, he had to provide for his daughter with dictation impairment to study. This is where the idea of ​​robbing to make a living came into being. Although they are not in the same profession, the three of them came together because of poverty, and accidentally started the road of robbery. Faced with the clumsiness of two novice robbers, A Zang and A Hui, they not only had to get along again, but also faced the pursuit of the two. Female police detective Jiang Jie (played by Zhang Keyi) and all kinds of robbers who come from all walks of life are evil and eyeing. The relationship between the three robbers is more clearly shown in the poster released by

: Mei Lantian, who knows best about robbery, points his gun at his brother, Azi, who needs robbery the most, is in a dilemma and has to hold his head, and in the end... Murong Hui, who wanted to rob, was so scared that he raised his hands to surrender. The scattered banknotes and scared chickens on the poster, coupled with the dopamine-filled macho fan background, filled the audience with a sense of absurdity. How will the three people in this grassroots team change the world? ? Looking forward to going to the theater to find out the answer!

The grass-roots team will create a new world! Produced by Er Dongsheng, directed by Mak Qi-kwong, and starring Aaron Kwok, Jack Lam, Simon Yam, and Zhang Keyi, the absurd crime comedy 'Temporary Robbery' will be released nationwide on January 19th. ' version of the ultimate trail - Lujuba

A resonant and absurd thief comedy Various materials have been released Fans have expressed surprise

As a wild film to open the year of 2024, "Provisional Heist" has been attracting a lot of attention from the audience since it was finalized. The constant sense of absurdity has caused many Hong Kong film fans to express surprise: Is Ye Qing coming back? That familiar Hong Kong movie tune is back! The final trailer released today is a perfect combination of absurd elements and action scenes: when loading a bullet, he accidentally made a miracle and the gun barrel fell to the ground, Murong Hui closed his eyes and mouth and controlled the gun, his fingers were shot away, and he shouted "Hello" after being shot. The absurd scenes brought about by the various outrageous operations of the robbers once again prove that "Temporary Robbery" is not a traditional criminal police film in Hong Kong, but an absurd crime comedy belonging to this gang of grassroots teams.

At the same time, the stories behind the robbers can resonate strongly with the audience. From seeing Mei Lantian's buck-toothed look, he said it was unprecedented, to now, Mei Lantian said thank you and laughed and called it polite. As a tough gangster, Ah Zang, whose life is not easy, wants to escape but can't. At the climax of the fight, Murong Hui said "We are really not the material to be thieves" and Mei Lantian said "I am not one", once again showing the little people who have been played by fate. Not easy, a story like this is sure to make the audience laugh first and think later. Placing it in the entire January schedule, "Temporary Heist" can open up multiple genres and meet the needs of different audiences. It is undoubtedly a robbery to start the year! Blind audition in January, so good to rob! The pre-sale of the film has officially started today, let the robbery team take care of your excitement and happiness this month!

The movie "Temporary Robbery" is produced by Er Dongsheng and directed by Mak Kai-kwong. It stars Aaron Kwok, Jack Lam, Simon Yam, and Zhang Keyi, and also stars Lin Xue, Lu Haipeng, Liang Zhongheng, Bao Qijing, Wang Minde, Sun Jiajun, Zeng Bit, Fu Jiachun, Zhang Songzhi, Jiang Starring Zhuo Wen, Chen Yishen and Wang Songyin, with a friendly appearance by David Jiang and a special appearance by Wu Dingxin, it will be released nationwide on January 19, 2024, and pre-sales are in full swing.

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