DPP "legislator" Luo Zhizheng recently had a sex video with an unknown woman widely circulated on the Internet. Luo claimed that the video was a deepfake and directly reported it to the prosecutor as a victim. The "Investigation Bureau" was responsible for identifying whether the

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Democratic Progressive Party "legislator" Luo Zhizheng recently had a sex video with an unknown woman widely circulated on the Internet. Luo claimed that it was a deepfake video and directly reported it to the prosecutor as a victim. The "Investigation Bureau" was responsible for identifying whether the video was For deep fakes and fraud. The "Investigation Bureau" today confirmed that the above-mentioned video identification results have been released. Considering that the entire case has been investigated by the New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office, it is not appropriate to explain it to the public. The New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office stated that the entire case involved false sexual images under the "Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act" and obstructing sexual privacy, it is inconvenient to explain.

DPP 'legislator' Luo Zhizheng recently had a sex video with an unknown woman widely circulated on the Internet. Luo claimed that the video was a deepfake and directly reported it to the prosecutor as a victim. The 'Investigation Bureau' was responsible for identifying whether the - Lujuba

According to Lianhe News Network, the "Investigation Bureau"'s deep fake identification report was released last Friday. In order to prevent the identification results from leaking, the "Investigation Bureau" sealed the report immediately after receiving it and assigned a dedicated person to send it to the New Taipei District Prosecutor's Office; The District Attorney's Office also confirmed that it received the appraisal report on Friday afternoon. Since there are only 5 days left until the election, in order to avoid announcing the results at this moment, which will affect the election situation, it is reported that the investigation will be conducted after the election, and the progress of the investigation will be determined before making an appropriate explanation to the public.

According to the "Supreme Procuratorate"'s recently announced election inspection case Q&A, regarding the false information part, the prosecutors and police were clearly instructed to investigate the cases of deepfake videos and false information and should immediately send them to the "Investigation Bureau" or "Criminal Bureau" for investigation Forensics, if it is determined after forensics that there is a possibility of deep fakes, the prosecutors and police should immediately release news to clarify, assist in rapid removal from shelves, and trace the source of the main suspects.

However, the investigation is still unwilling to say whether the rumored Luo Zhizheng sex video is real or fake. The reason is that the "Sexual Assault Prevention Act" stipulates that relevant sexual images can only be released with personal consent, and the true identities of the men and women in the video have not yet been released. It is confirmed that these will have to wait for further investigation by the prosecutor before they can be confirmed and clarified.

In response to this, Chinese Kuomintang Legislator Wang Hongwei produced an official document today and said that the Taipei City Investigation Office said on January 3 that it would take one day to identify and analyze the authenticity of the video, and it could be released as soon as the same day. All are here today It’s January 8th. What kind of pressure are the relevant units under? Do they need to be sealed like high-end contracts? She has already issued a document asking relevant units to report to the public within 24 hours. At the same time, they must respond to the results before leaving get off work today. “Otherwise they will definitely There is a ghost. "

Wang Hongwei said that as a "legislator" of the Defense Foreign Affairs Committee, Luo Zhizheng has recently leaked a large number of personal videos and sound files. It must be determined as soon as possible whether they are deepfake videos. If his personal mobile phone files are leaked, it will also involve the leakage of confidential information. Of course it is related to Taiwan's security.

Straits Herald reporter Xue Yang compiled the report

Tags: entertainment