On the afternoon of January 4, "Love Ends Nowhere - "Lily" New Book Launch" was held at Beijing One-Way Space Bookstore. The famous poet, critic, doctoral supervisor, and literature professor Yang Qingxiang, the famous writer, Renmin University literature teacher, and the editor-

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On the afternoon of January 4, "Love Ends Nowhere - "Lily" Book Launch" was held at Beijing One-Way Space Bookstore. The famous poet, critic, doctoral supervisor, and literature professor Yang Qingxiang, the famous writer, Renmin University literature teacher, and the editor-in-chief of a famous literary magazine Zhang Yueran, and the author of the novel "Lily" and the famous writer Dean, talked about writing and life. The press conference was hosted by Wei Bingxin.

On the afternoon of January 4, 'Love Ends Nowhere - 'Lily' New Book Launch' was held at Beijing One-Way Space Bookstore. The famous poet, critic, doctoral supervisor, and literature professor Yang Qingxiang, the famous writer, Renmin University literature teacher, and the editor- - Lujuba

book launch conference.

"Lily" is a novel written by Dean 17 years ago. When the scorching sun shone on the wilderness, my mother died from a hunter's bullet; on a night when the moon shattered, the sky spread like rivers of stars; the bonfire party came as scheduled, and the former king became a trapped beast in a cage; on a clear morning, the zoologist brought cinnabar to the Gone far away...it seemed like no one had ever appeared. Every inch of the earth tells secrets, and separation is like a dream. Lily knew that she had completed her mission in this life - when you have experienced a lot of separation, you can easily smell the smell of eternal farewell in the air.

writer Zhang Kangkang commented: "De'an's ability to tell stories is unquestionable. She examines and constructs a desolate city full of love, hatred and hatred with a sense beyond her years. She is a well-measured author. No matter in terms of language expression or plot setting, it can be said to be calm and accurate."

On the afternoon of January 4, 'Love Ends Nowhere - 'Lily' New Book Launch' was held at Beijing One-Way Space Bookstore. The famous poet, critic, doctoral supervisor, and literature professor Yang Qingxiang, the famous writer, Renmin University literature teacher, and the editor- - Lujuba

"What remains in the story is the original me"

Talking about the original intention of writing this story, Dean once said: "I originally wrote "Lily" 》, what I actually want to express is the tenacity of women. The very vital tolerance that a woman can achieve when facing the hardships in life. Lily has no intention of harming others, but she is born She is a beast, full of raw power - but she still encountered all kinds of betrayals. She finally forgave everyone who betrayed her. Maybe, when writing, I vaguely touched something One point that I couldn't clearly express in words at the time was that - 'loyalty' may be a virtue that is overly praised by human society. The reason why Lily can accept 'betrayal' is that she understands that betrayal will definitely happen sometimes. It's not anyone's fault. I think I wrote something like this in this novel."

At the new book launch conference, when talking about his reflections on looking back at the novel he wrote 17 years ago, Dean laughed and said: "The feeling is that I am so young, and being young is so good." She said that in this story written at the age of 23, "what remains in it is the original me, and this is more precious than anything else."

In Zhang Yueran's opinion, "Lily" is "a story purely about love, the most passionate story written when I was young." In it, she sees the self-sufficiency and perfection of the Leo girl, "This is also a story about Lily's self-realization, A story about what she finds in love and how to understand and know herself in love."

And Dean said that when dealing with the relationship between Lily and the hunter, what was in his mind was not the relationship between women and men, but the relationship between individuals and destiny. Set Lily up as an animal, helpless in the face of human power, just like everyone faces fate.

Yang Qingxiang said that reading the book "Lily" reminded him of works such as "The Little Prince". "There is a lack of works like "The Little Prince" in contemporary Chinese literature, which are both for children and for adults. It is quite fitting to find a perfect fit between them. Children can find innocence and cuteness in it, and adults can find worldly humanity in it. It’s interesting. Such works are very rare in the series of contemporary literary works, so more such works would be better.”

“How to use real experience to create fiction”

Talking about the relationship between himself and writing, Di Ann said frankly: "I think the relationship with writing novels has been changing, and I have been dealing with new relationships."

Dean said that when he was young, writing was like a weapon used to fight dissatisfaction in life. Now, “What I find most fascinating is how to use real experience to create fiction, and fiction itself has technical requirements.Of course, there may be some writers who disagree with my point of view. Later, I discovered that the opinions on writing novels among colleagues are very different, even so big that they can start fighting. One thing I am very proud of is that I am still doing things from scratch, like the construction of a parallel time and space. "

Dean said that he has always been obsessed with writing, although the obsession is different. "When I was in my twenties, I felt very happy writing long sentences without paragraphs. What I am now satisfied with is spiritual. On a different level, I wouldn’t say it’s the satisfaction of being a creator, but at least it’s the satisfaction of taking a few steps back and looking at your own work in a calmer manner. "

Yang Qingxiang believes that current Chinese writing has been basically problem-oriented since Lu Xun, and is particularly closely integrated with social issues and trends. Such works can easily be recognized by readers. He said: "The generation born in the 1980s has just emerged. At that time, there was a social orientation that this generation had a different look. It will cause many things that deviate from the writing itself. I think Dean’s talk of returning to fiction and processing his own experience as an artist is a return to the topic of literary novel writing itself. "

Zhang Yueran also believes that our literature is very "close to the ground". This is the tradition of Chinese literature. Not only readers and creators, but even older people will move closer to this tradition. Under the attraction of huge gravity, What Dean said about insisting on doing fictional things actually became the biggest resistance.

Of course, the biggest resistance is that what she cares about is not what she writes that can be easily interpreted by readers, but how to write. Zhang Yueran said: "The 2006 work "Lily", seeing Dean's efforts in fiction, awakened my initial impression of Dean, who has a strong sense of structure. "The fictional world is the world. In the end, the house must not only stand up but also be strong, and it must also be beautiful and symmetrical. It must conform to Dean's aesthetics. Therefore, in Dean's novels, you can feel that Dean, as the creator of the novel, has a strong influence on the world." The hard work that goes into it. "

On the afternoon of January 4, 'Love Ends Nowhere - 'Lily' New Book Launch' was held at Beijing One-Way Space Bookstore. The famous poet, critic, doctoral supervisor, and literature professor Yang Qingxiang, the famous writer, Renmin University literature teacher, and the editor- - Lujuba

New book launch conference.

"Writing a long novel tests mental endurance"

Talking about the difference between writing novels and short stories, Dean admitted that he has not wanted to write long novels in the past year or two, "because novels have strict requirements. Well, there is some work that has to be done, and when writing short and medium stories, you write casually. You just want to write here and here to see where you can go. This is also the fun part of writing in the first place. I think this should not be thrown away. , but you can’t write whatever you think of in a long article. This has some requirements and disciplines. This is also a test for readers, and it is also relatively boring. Especially in the preparation stage or initial stage, strong discipline is required. "

In Dean's view, writing a long novel is similar to taking a long hike, which tests your mental endurance. "There is a very fascinating thing about writing a long novel. You will eventually find that writing exposes the weaknesses in your character, and this is something that everyone Write a long piece of self-care at one time. If you are brave enough, it will be like looking in the mirror and see yourself at this moment. There are still a lot of illusions in writing short stories, which are beautifully done, so it is not easy for us to see the real part of the author from short stories and novellas.

Zhang Yueran also believes that in the writing of novels, there must be things that the author does not want to write. "After the structure of a novel is built, from a to b, there is one point you don't care about. If you don't build it, the house will collapse. If you build it, the house will collapse." That part felt cliché afterwards, but it had to be done. Some novels have parts like this that you have to do, so sometimes you shouldn’t be too willful when writing novels. "

" There is still joy in writing. "

" They are getting closer and closer to great writers. "As a researcher of contemporary literature, Yang Qingxiang has been tracking and observing the writing of writers of the 1980s.He believes that writers like Dean or Zhang Yueran do not use writing as a tool, “but they have been writing seriously, thinking seriously, and constantly exploring areas that need us to explore, including the understanding of fiction. I know that the emphasis on storytelling ability, including Yueran’s seriousness in treating students in our university and hoping to cultivate more young writers, makes me more and more respectful.”

Zhang Yueran said: “I and Di An became famous at about the same time, and both experienced a very prosperous literary era. According to reliable information from those of us who come from the past, literature in the past was more prosperous than it is now."

Zhang Yueran believes that how to view the past self and how to view past literature Times, how to explain what happens to oneself, for writers, is related to today's writing. "I am very happy to see that there is very little loneliness in Dean. Nowadays, there are far fewer readers of literature than in the past, including myself who was younger at that time. But if you say loneliness, it means Bow to young or immature writers."

And Dean said that the reason why he insists on writing is because "there is still happiness in this matter" and "no matter what, there is still an element of obsession in it." Although she is often asked about the decline of literature, she believes that "even if people who read literature get older, there are still a lot of fictional people. It's just that the carrier is changing, and everyone's need for literature is still there." "Novel is fiction. I always think that the desire to see fictional things is a certain human instinct, so human beings are always interested in exploring experiences that are not their own."

Yang Qingxiang expressed optimistically that the readers' absolute The quantity has changed, but readers’ demand for higher and better literary works has increased. He said: "I have great confidence in young readers. They have better vision than us, and they know what is good and what is bad. Because I read five contemporary novels to the students in class, Students are amazing. Works that we think are particularly good, such as works written by great writers, students think are very poor. They are knowledgeable and judgmental. If we write good works, there will be good readers."

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