Reference News Network reported on January 7. According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network" reported on January 6, Taiwan will face the most serious egg shortage in history in 2023, and "it is hard to find an egg." In order to meet the needs of the people, the agricultural aff

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Reference News Network reported on January 7. According to Taiwan's 'China Times News Network' reported on January 6, Taiwan will face the most serious egg shortage in history in 2023, and 'it is hard to find an egg.' In order to meet the needs of the people, the agricultural aff - Lujuba

Reference News Network reported on January 7 According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network" reported on January 6, Taiwan will face the most serious egg shortage in history in 2023, and "it is hard to find an egg." In order to meet the needs of the people, the agricultural affairs department of the Taiwan authorities imported more than 150 million eggs through a special project. Unexpectedly, more than 50 million eggs were "worn and expired". The import cost alone was estimated to be about NT$200 million (NT$1). The Taiwan dollar is approximately 0.23 yuan - this website's note). In order to deal with expired eggs, the agricultural affairs department of the Taiwan authorities and the livestock association entrusted by the Taiwan authorities, in addition to paying the cost of frozen storage, have recently spent 8.375 million yuan and 32.82 million yuan respectively. Based on the bid for transportation and destruction costs, it is estimated that 3.35 million kilograms of eggs (approximately 55.8 million eggs) will be destroyed through composting from February 1 to May 30 this year.

According to reports, the recent bid award pointed out that Taiwan All Japan Logistics Co., Ltd. won the bid for 8.375 million yuan in the "transportation of expired imported eggs" commissioned by the Taiwan authorities' agricultural affairs department to subsidize the livestock association; "composting and recycling of expired imported eggs" "The entrusted labor case was subcontracted by the Taiwan Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Resources Recycling and Recycling Association" after winning the bid with NT$32.83 million. The execution period for both bids is from February 1 to May 30 this year.

Li Yiqian, deputy director of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Taiwanese authorities’ agricultural affairs department, said that due to the compost reuse, a manufacturer has recently won the bid and will complete the composting operation as soon as possible after signing the contract. The "Taiwan Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Resources Recycling and Reuse Association" won the bid this time. It has more than 60 members, and almost all recyclers on the island are members. By surveying the capacity of each site, it will be distributed systematically, but it will still take some time to complete the composting operation.

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