Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. "The Annual Party Can't Stop" is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H

entertainment 6500℃

The author of this article: Li Xiaotian

New Year's Day has passed, and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (Having a good time? "Having a good time"?)

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Anyone who has worked in a big company, especially a big Internet company, will definitely feel sad when watching "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop". Will!

This film is a vivid and vivid satire on the "big business disease" in large-scale enterprises.

The so-called "big business disease" is a typical manifestation of bureaucracy. It is also called "organizational paralysis" or "Parkinson's law." It well explains the formation mechanism of the "pyramid" type management organization that naturally forms in large groups. In administrative management, administrative agencies will continue to increase like a pyramid, administrative staff will continue to expand, everyone is busy, but organizational efficiency is getting lower and lower.


Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Because of an incompetent official, he had three options to choose from. First, give up your position and give up your authority to someone with higher ability than yourself. Second, find a high-level assistant to help you write. Third, find two low-level assistants to help you.

The first option is the best for the organization, but the worst for the officials themselves. Who wants to lose power and high salary? For the second type, the organization can accept it, but it is still not a good choice for officials, because this assistant with a higher ability than themselves will pose a great challenge to themselves in the future, hiding a huge power conflict, and the final result will be the same as the second one. One will replace itself. Only the third option is the best choice, because if you choose two mediocre assistants to help you, you only need to give orders. The assistants will not threaten you, and then hire high-level front-line employees under the assistants to Work is divided into two levels, and high-level employees cannot directly threaten themselves.

For enterprises, it would be fine if they replaced the low-level employees with high-level employees. The final result was that it became a three-tier system. The original employee became an official, hired two assistants to assist him, and then hired competent employees to do the work. If an enterprise wants to develop, this structure will continue to expand, eventually forming a rigidly structured system of more than ten levels. Management needs to govern these levels from top to bottom, which leads to different departments supervising each other, competing with each other, plotting against each other, blaming each other, and then forming cliques, strife, and intrigues. Internal friction and struggle. The employees were at a loss what to do and exhausted.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

This is true for enterprises, and it is also true for officialdom.

Official dramas are difficult to film in the current context, but workplace dramas are no problem.

"The Annual Party Can't Stop" is an excellent workplace drama that is extremely satirical and quite fun.

Considering that many viewers have not spent time in a major factory, in order to better understand this story, we can actually expand it and watch the film from another angle.

While watching the movie, the more I watched it, the more I felt that this was a modern version of "Level 3".

"Level 3" was adapted in 1955 by stand-up comedy master Guo Baorui. The story is short and concise, spicy and interesting, and is very popular. Once it was performed, it immediately became a hit. Later, it was incorporated into Chinese books as a cross talk text and educated several generations of newcomers to the motherland.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

"Continuous Promotion to Three Levels" tells the story of a playboy named Zhang Haogu in Linqing, Shandong Province during the late Ming Dynasty. I don't know a word of Chinese characters. I eat, drink and have fun all day long with nothing to do. As a result, he was deceived by a fortune teller, saying that he could reach the top three in high school and be promoted to three consecutive official positions.

The fortune teller was originally trying to scam money, but Zhang Haogu believed him and actually went to Beijing to take the exam.

As a result, I didn't know where the door of the examination room was, so I wandered around and bumped into Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian was supposed to be able to kill him directly by beheading him first and telling him later. But Wei Yi was in a good mood that day and asked Zhang Haogu what he wanted to do.As a result, Zhang Haogu neither knew Wei Zhongxian nor knew the benefits of rushing him. He loudly accused Wei Zhongxian, saying that you blocked my good deeds.

Wei Zhongxian took a look and said, "Hey, you have such a strong tone. I want to see if you can win the top three."

So, Wei Gao gave Zhang Haogu a business card and took it into the examination room.

Wei Zhongxian wanted him to enter the examination room quickly to see how capable he was. However, when the examiner saw that the person was sent in by Wei Zhongxian, why should he depend on his ability? This is a person from Old Wei. He won't need to be roasted, and he will win the first prize directly. Ah no, it’s too obvious to win the first prize, so let’s just win the second place.

Just like that, Zhang Haogu, who couldn't read a single Chinese character, didn't even take the exam and finished second in high school.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Zhang Haogu, who had passed the exam for no apparent reason, went to visit Wei Zhongxian with a heavy gift. As a result, when Wei Gong saw it, he was really good at it. He said he could reach the top three, but he really did. So it was a treat.

As a result, this confirms that Zhang Haogu is Wei Zhongxian's man. Then the people below saw it, and in order to curry favor with Wei Zhongxian, they jointly recommended Zhang Haogu to enter the Hanlin Academy.

The Hanlin Academy is home to top students from all over the country. Zhang Haogu didn't do anything inside, and others didn't dare to let him do it because he was Wei Zhongxian's employee.

However, the top student is a top student after all, and it can still be seen that Zhang Hao doesn’t understand anything and can’t even read a single big Chinese character.

So, on Wei Zhongxian's birthday, in order to tease Zhang Haogu, the editors of the Hanlin Academy wrote a couplet cursing Wei Zhongxian and asked Zhang Haogu to give it to Wei Zhong as a gift.

As a result, Wei Zhongxian was too busy that day and did not look at the pairs. No one dared to report it to Wei Zhongxian, and no one dared to ask for trouble, which put Wei Zhong in a good mood. As a result, Zhang Haogu's couplets hung all day long.

Later, Wei Zhongxian fell and all the Wei party dismounted. As a result, because of that couplet, Zhang Haogu was considered to have scolded Wei Zhongxian a long time ago and was not a member of the Wei Party. Not only was he not implicated, he was promoted to a higher level.

is just like this, a pure illiterate, who rose from second place in high school to entering the Hanlin Academy, then promoted one level, and three levels in a row in a short period of time.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

This old joke compiled by Mr. Guo Baorui is really wonderful and satirical, and it scolds the corrupt officialdom in the late Ming Dynasty.

"Upgrade to Three Levels" is a typical ugly picture, a classic satirical comedy.

Most of the first half of "The Party Can't Stop" is a wonderful reappearance of "Three Levels in a Row".

html Hu Jianlin, a grassroots blue-collar fitter for more than 0 years, accidentally entered the group headquarters and became a white-collar worker in the corporate culture department.

Officialdom has become a workplace, but the core is actually the same.

fitter Hu Jianlin is Zhang Haogu, the chairman of the group is Wei Zhongxian, and the corporate culture department is the Hanlin Academy.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

The corporate environment was not good, and layoffs were being laid off one after another. As a result, Hu Jianlin bucked the trend and joined the company at this critical moment. In addition, the chairman happened to have started his career in the factory where Hu Jianlin worked, so he was mistaken for the chairman, and was even rumored to be the chairman's illegitimate son.

has this aura. He doesn't understand anything, and he is like a fish in water among a bunch of rotten mid-level and high-level people. Not only does he not show up, but he also rises step by step, rising one level at a time.

Of course, if "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" faithfully reproduces the satirical power of "Level 3" and turns the entire work into a pure satire, its artistic effect should be better, and it can even become a level 1 drama. A masterpiece of satirical comedy.

There are too few satirical comedies in mainland movies. "The Annual Party Can't Stop" has made a good start. If it is done well, it can certainly become a masterpiece. It's a pity that it didn't be filmed well, it started in an anticlimax and ended in a tailspin.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

However, "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" is still kitsch, portraying Hu Jianlin as a person full of idealism and asking him to transform this enterprise group.

Therefore, the second half of the entire film is extremely unrealistic. A few idealistic people changed the entire corporate ecology through a party. This treatment obviously oversimplified the problem and became very It's so bloody that it greatly reduces the artistic quality of the film.There is no way to adjust the structure of

, because the core of the story of the entire film revolves around this party. The previous "three levels in a row" is just embellishment.

However, these accusations in the first half, these parts of the workplace, and the process of showing the diseases of big companies bit by bit are actually more exciting and can better hit the mentality of the employees of big companies. This is also the film that won the most applause. part.

In other words, the sesame part is obviously more beautiful than the watermelon part. However, the whole film picks up the watermelon and loses the sesame. The final effect can only be average, not particularly exciting.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Liu Baorui did not say that it was all rubbish, but the emperor was good. After his intervention, the order of the entire court was once again in order.

Liu Baorui didn't praise it, he just criticized it, and then it stopped abruptly. In the process of lingering sound, the best artistic effect is achieved.

"The Annual Meeting Can't Stop" was too full, and the director had too many ideas, which was self-defeating.

This is a movie. Since Liu Baorui was mentioned above, I mentioned that this is a joke adapted by the master in 1955. This involves Guo Degang. He is also good at extracting stories from the pile of old papers, and is good at extracting old jokes from some old artists that have rarely been performed in public, and then making appropriate adaptations to bring out new ones.

But now with the continuous expansion of Deyun Club, Guo Degang no longer thinks about technology or creates. His peak was in the early days of Deyun Society. The period from 2005 to 2006 was the peak of artistic creation, and around 2008-10 was the peak of artistic performance.

Waiting for the rise of Yue Yunpeng, and then the rise of He Zigen, Guo Degang never delved into technology. Both his creative ability and performance skills have greatly declined, and he collapsed before reaching the peak.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Now I listen to Guo Degang's cross talk. It's so broken that I can't listen to it. I can't live for ten minutes. For a long time, I don't know what kind of story he is going to tell. Even though he is alive, he keeps talking nonsense, making excuses, and telling stories in a messy manner. The effect on set may be good, but as art, it's so bad that I can't look back on it.

includes Wang Yuebo, who is regarded as a leader in modern storytelling. However, if you listen carefully to his books, you will find too much nonsense, telling a story in a loose and messy manner, making it impossible to listen back.

Think about "Three Levels in a Row", don't Guo Degang and Wang Yuebo feel ashamed?

Think about the film industry, which can incorporate stories like "Upgrading to Three Levels in a Row" into movies. Then look at the cross talk stage. The new generation of actors can only make jokes and have no creative ability.

Author of this article: Li Xiaotian New Year’s Day has passed and the Spring Festival has not yet arrived. This season happens to be the time for major units to hold annual meetings. 'The Annual Party Can't Stop' is released at this time, which can be regarded as just in time. (H - Lujuba

Therefore, cross talk is still a declining industry after all. The glory brought by Deyun Club is just the last reflection.

Tags: entertainment