The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee that recently, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Jiangmen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and

entertainment 3817℃

reporters learned from the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee that recently, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Jiangmen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and jointly created by the Propaganda Department of the Pengjiang District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Jiangmen City and the Pengjiang District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau, the original drama "Liangxi" "Morning" premiere.

According to reports, the drama "Morning in Liangxi" is set in Liangxi Ancient Village, Tangxia Town, Pengjiang District, and tells the story of the persistence and pursuit of three generations. The play lasts about 1 hour and 45 minutes and is divided into three acts. The story begins with the promise of "one key and one lock". In this land where their ancestors lived, the young people of Liangxi Ancient Village use their love and strength to continue their hometown. of beauty.

The reporter learned from the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee that recently, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Jiangmen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and  - Lujuba

It is reported that Liangxi Village is praised by historians as "Hou Zhuji Lane". It is an important transfer station for the transfer of Central Plains culture, Lingnan culture and overseas culture. It has been rated as "China's famous historical and cultural village" and "Guangdong Province Ancient Village". "Historical and cultural village in Guangdong Province", under the comprehensive implementation of the "Hundreds and Thousands Project" strategic plan, Liangxi Village was selected as the first batch of typical villages in the province's "Hundreds and Thousands of Projects". In recent years, Jiangmen City has taken the initiative and actively explored, focusing on traditional village protection projects, to continue to deeply explore and display the cultural connotations of ancient villages, forming a new path for the protection and revitalization of traditional villages with unique characteristics of overseas Chinese hometowns.

The relevant person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangmen Municipal Party Committee introduced that the planning and preparation of the drama began at the end of 2019. The screenwriter, director, music creation and production, stage design and all actors are all made of outstanding local literary talents and literary and art workers in Jiangmen. In the early stage of creation, the main creative team went to Liangxi Ancient Village many times to repeatedly polish the script creation and artistic conception through collecting materials, on-the-spot interviews, character interviews, and experiencing life. "Based on the early stage collection, we integrated the elements of Liangxi Village into the drama and carried out organic integration and improvement." Director Huang Yingzhi said, this is a sunny, energetic drama with a fresh rural atmosphere, conveying the concept Everything is moving in the direction of new development and sunshine, so it is named "Morning in Liangxi". The script of the play also won the first prize of the 5th "Guangdong Provincial Drama Literature Award Script Award".

The person in charge said that currently, Jiangmen is focusing on creating “10 city cultural business cards” to promote the high-quality development of Jiangmen as a culturally strong city. The successful premiere of the drama "Morning in Liangxi" is another vivid practice of Jiangmen's proactive planning, persistence in digging, and stringing beads together to bloom more beautiful flowers of overseas Chinese culture and create more literary and artistic masterpieces. It is also based on The power of literature and art is a concrete action to find the "golden key" for rural development.

Text | Reporter Chen Zhuodong Correspondent Jiang Xuan

Tags: entertainment