As the temperature gradually drops with the arrival of winter, the risk of heart disease also increases. Recently, an entry "A certain singer's new song can save lives" has been on Weibo's hot search list. In fact, such a song also has Phoenix Legend's "The Most Dazzling Nation"

entertainment 5719℃

With the arrival of winter

Temperatures are gradually decreasing

The risk of heart disease is also increasing


an entry "A new song by a certain singer can save lives" has been trending on Weibo

In fact, there are also such songs in China

Phoenix Legend's "The Most Dazzling National Style"

has been hailed by many students as

"The Divine Comedy You Must Pass in the CPR Certificate Practical Examination"

When performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the frequency of chest compressions is required to be 100-120 times/minute. On average, after 30 compressions, perform 2 artificial respirations and observe the rise and fall of the chest. However, it is difficult to master the number and frequency when you are nervous.

As the temperature gradually drops with the arrival of winter, the risk of heart disease also increases. Recently, an entry 'A certain singer's new song can save lives' has been on Weibo's hot search list. In fact, such a song also has Phoenix Legend's 'The Most Dazzling Nation'  - Lujuba

Source: Hangzhou Daily

And the frequency of "The Most Dazzling National Style" is exactly 120 beats/minute, and if according to - "The vast horizon is my love, the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green mountains, what kind of rhythm is "The most swaying, what kind of singing is the most joyful?" performed chest compressions. After singing four lines (a total of 31 beats), he received two artificial respirations, which perfectly solved the problem of frequency and number.

Can listening to music cure diseases?

Chinese medicine five-tone therapy has a long history and a complete system, and has been valued by doctors and scholars for thousands of years. There is an old saying that "all diseases arise from Qi and stop from sound", which fully illustrates the importance of music to people's health.

As the temperature gradually drops with the arrival of winter, the risk of heart disease also increases. Recently, an entry 'A certain singer's new song can save lives' has been on Weibo's hot search list. In fact, such a song also has Phoenix Legend's 'The Most Dazzling Nation'  - Lujuba

Among them, palace corresponds to the spleen, Shang corresponds to the lungs, angle corresponds to the liver, signs corresponds to the heart, and feathers correspond to the kidneys. uses different musical rhythms and rhythms to regulate the patient's emotions, give the patient peace and tranquility of body and mind, and make the patient While appreciating classical national art, you can enjoy the physical and mental pleasure and achieve the effects of physical therapy and mental therapy.

Whether it is brainwave music or five-tone therapy, there is currently no very complete and systematic theoretical system. Scientists still need to continue to explore experiments and enrich the theoretical framework in order to better guide clinical practice.

Director Producer/Duan Ruizhong Supervisor Producer/Yu Yanhong Duty Director/Lin Lin

Producer/Yan Kai Graphic Editor/Wang Yaqiong

Source: Guangzhou Daily

Copyright belongs to the original author and may not be reproduced without permission

Tags: entertainment