A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. ....

entertainment 1679℃

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

A little makes a lot, and a little adds up to a tower.

Author: Every night leyla

will first ask you a heart-wrenching question:

How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed?

I believe many friends feel nervous when they see this sentence.

A few days ago, I looked at my bills. When I reviewed them, I realized that I had spent too much meaningless money.

From food, clothing, housing and transportation to entertainment and enjoyment; from firewood, rice, oil and salt to interpersonal communication, it turns out that I have incurred too much unnecessary consumption this year.

I think of what Sadie once said: Whoever is luxurious and extravagant when he is rich will die of hunger and cold when he is poor.

In today's changing era, money is the greatest confidence in our lives.

If you don’t know how to control consumption, it will be difficult to cope with the uncertainty of the future.

In the brand new year of 2024, we must stop spending money meaninglessly.

I found 4 financial and business documentaries. I hope that after watching them, everyone will achieve financial freedom in 2024.


"The culprit of uncontrolled consumption"

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In today's society, uncontrolled consumption has almost become a common phenomenon.

Some people have a monthly salary of 3,000, but they have to spend two-thirds of it on aj;

Some people live frugally, but they also want to buy the latest brand-name bags;

Some people are heavily in debt, but they continue to borrow money to buy luxury cars.

However, endless material desires have not actually improved our lives, and may even make people fall into poverty and be unable to recover.

But have you ever thought about: Why can’t you control your spending? What are the reasons behind it?

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

The documentary "The Culprit of Uncontrolled Consumption" provides an in-depth analysis of the truth about consumption. The

film talks about a phenomenon.

Whenever Apple launches a new model, people always line up like crazy to buy it, even if they need to borrow money.

Because in the eyes of consumers, Apple is not only a mobile phone, but also a status symbol.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

This vanity attribute has led merchants to launch many similar products.

These products either show fashion, wealth or status.

Even if such items do not have much practical value, people are still willing to pay high prices to obtain them in order to seek psychological satisfaction.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In the final analysis, the reason why many people cannot save money is because they have been paying for their own desires.

Spend 10,000 yuan on a mobile phone today, 20,000 yuan on a watch tomorrow, and 30,000 yuan on jewelry the day after tomorrow...

Over time, wealth will be exhausted little by little.

The moment when the wallet is empty, that is the moment when the pressure comes.

Many times, the reason why life is full of troubles is because we want too much.

Thoreau said:

As long as a person meets the basic needs of life and no longer obsesses about fame and wealth, he can enjoy life more calmly and more fully.

Learn to streamline your desires so that your consumption can be controlled and you can move forward lightly in the future.


"Super Customer"

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

Nobel Prize winners in economics Abhijit and Esther are world-class experts on poverty.

They found through research and comparison: The reason why people are poor is because they have fallen into "consumption traps" one after another.

What is a "consumption trap"? The

documentary "Super Customer" gives a few examples.

In real life, many consumers will pay for hair dryers that are full of gimmicks.

Such hair dryers are often packaged very high-end by merchants.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

For example, many ionic hair dryers claim to have the following functions:

1. Gentle hair care to keep hair away from damage;

2. Use low temperature blow-drying to protect the health of the scalp;

3. Care for hair and make every hair radiate natural beauty. luster.

But when the host asked: How to be gentle? How low is the temperature? How long does the added shine last? The seller of

actually replied: Wait while I go online to find the answer.

Later, the column team found a physics professor at King's College London and got a scientific and credible answer:

The so-called luster added to the hair will disappear the moment the hair dryer is turned off.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In other words, except for the purpose of drying hair, the other advertising effects of hair dryers are minimal.

Not only that, the film also talks about:

The hydrating sprays loved by countless women actually evaporate in just a few minutes, and the skin cannot absorb nutrients at all;

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

The protein foods loved by many fitness experts actually contain a lot of calories. and sugar;

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

The antibacterial hand sanitizer that housewives are accustomed to buying is almost as effective as ordinary soap, but the price is often higher.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

However, in reality, this consumption trap has caused countless people to empty their wallets to pay for it.

has a good saying: The wisdom of life lies in discernment, rather than following the crowd.

If you want to control consumption in the future, you must learn to proactively identify consumption traps.

is not attracted by the flashy advertisements and does not pay for the gimmicks hyped by merchants.

Only by selecting things that are truly suitable for you can you reduce unnecessary expenses and save more balance for your wallet.


"There is Nothing in My Home"

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

Xu Liwu is a best-selling comic book author on Amazon in Japan and a famous advocate of "subtractive living".

html More than 20 years ago, she was tortured by material desires, so she made up her mind to implement the ultimate renunciation in her life.

After that, she updated her thoughts on the separation on her blog and made it into a documentary "My Home Is Empty", which was loved by countless viewers.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In the film, there is a story.

The heroine Mai has a fanatical hobby for shopping, and everything she buys is piled up in a room.

Walk into this room and you will see various stuffed animals, notebooks and miscellaneous items. Wherever

looked, there was chaos.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

As more and more items pile up, the family’s activity space is gradually occupied, and every move feels like challenging the limit. The proliferation of

items not only brought trouble to their lives, but also caused endless trouble to Mai.

Under extreme pressure, she began to examine her shopping desires.

She found that the more she bought, the heavier the shackles in her heart became.

In this case, why not make a complete break with life?

So, she threw away most of the unworn clothes, expired cosmetics, and old furniture...

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

She also used alternative methods to reduce items:

For example, using towels instead of bath towels to streamline the area occupied by items. .

For example, if you buy something, throw away something accordingly, and the house will never have the worry of being occupied.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

When Mai buys things from now on, she will still base her purchases on two principles:

Try not to buy new things and cherish everything you have; if you want to buy something, buy items with good quality and long lifespan.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

When she finished her life and sat in the sunny but empty and clean apartment, she felt only contentment and joy in her heart.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In this era of materialistic desires, many people like to accumulate things just like Mai used to be.

However, those messy things not only waste money, but also take up your precious living space. There is a saying in

: Only by throwing away the visible things can we change the invisible world.

When we can effectively organize our lives, we can gain a more abundant life.

Every time you give up, you are implicitly controlling consumption, and it is also a win for a fulfilling life.


"Money and Me"

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

Yang Lan said that a happy life will not fall from the sky. Only by learning to save can you have the capital to support your future.

The documentary "Money and Me" tells the story of how to save money.

uses a study of six Irish families to reveal the important relationship between saving money and our daily lives.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

Experts who study consumer behavior specifically conducted an experiment:

They asked six Irish families to calculate the growth of 1,000 euros in 5, 10, 15, and 20 years after being deposited in the bank.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

At this time, members of the six families can estimate accurately.

expert asked again: If 1,000 euros plus interest are added, then another 1,000 euros should be deposited into the card.

So what is the growth of this money in the next 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years?

The results found that the subjects’ estimate of the income from this amount was nearly half lower than the actual income.

A little makes a lot, and sand makes a tower. Author: Every night leyla Let me ask you a heart-wrenching question first: How much money did you save in 2023 that just passed? I believe that many friends feel tight in their hearts when they see this sentence. .... - Lujuba

In other words: In life, people often underestimate the benefits of saving money.

Many people always feel that there is too little money in their hands. Instead of depositing it in the bank, it is better to spend it happily.

, as everyone knows, accumulates a little and makes a lot, and the sand becomes a tower.

After your monthly salary is paid, you can deduct your living expenses first and then deposit the balance into the bank.

Maybe at first, the monthly deposit was only a few hundred yuan.

But as long as you persist, you may be able to save a down payment for a house in a few years.

In a few decades, it may be an astonishing sum of money.

Because as you grow older, your income will increase accordingly, and your wealth will naturally increase accordingly.

So if you want to gain something in 2024, you must start planning carefully from now on.

saves every dollar carefully and strives to control every expenditure.

Believe: Every dollar you save now will bring you generous returns one day in the future.

Lu Yao said: Money is a good thing, it can make people no longer panic and make people feel confident.

Saving is for future stability, and frugality is to avoid potential crises.

Instead of pursuing the instant gratification brought by spending money, it is better to enjoy the long-term peace brought by the accumulation of wealth.

In 2024, stop spending meaningless money.

If you have enough food in your pocket, you can calmly overcome every difficulty in the future.

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Tags: entertainment