The Chinese fantasy animated film "Heavy Rain" released a set of "rebirth" version posters on the 2nd. As the first set of posters for the film in the new year, it means "everything is renewed" after the "heavy rain". Director Bu Sifan used his "imaginative imagination" to build

entertainment 6814℃

The Chinese fantasy animated film "Heavy Rain" released a set of "rebirth" version posters on the 2nd. As the first set of posters for the film in the new year, it means "everything is renewed" after the "heavy rain". Director Bu Sifan used his "imaginative imagination" to build a new mysterious world in "Heavy Rain", showing all kinds of human beings in a miniature society. The film will be released nationwide on January 12.

This poster hints at the importance of this heavy rain through the contrast between "new" and "old". In the Dalongwan Village poster, with Liu Ziyan wearing a red cloak as the boundary, the deserted and dilapidated "old village" and the pyrotechnic "new village" are gradually unfolded.

In the poster of Dalong Bay, the totem stone tablet "flips up and down" to reveal two worlds: above the sea is a stone tablet with rough waves and mysterious and dangerous red light; below the sea is the peaceful, peaceful and vibrant Dalong Bay. The poster of the Opera Drum Boat is full of story: in the center of the once dilapidated Opera Drum Boat is the stage where guests now gather. The three posters present different time states of the same space together, suggesting that the heavy rain will bring "change".

The theme of "all things grow under heavy rain" is also in line with the film's story expression: even an abandoned village full of dangers can be revitalized by a heavy rain. The "Rebirth" poster of "Heavy Rain" vividly presents the story of the film and the profound themes behind it through the pictures. The "genius director" thinks beyond the ordinary and leads the audience into a new mysterious world of fantasy ink painting.

director Bu Sifan is good at using fictional stories to express reality: "Heavy Rain" seems to have constructed a strange fantasy world, but it is also a "miniature society" that is connected to reality. Every detail expressed is "related to me": poor people , rich people, monsters, gods...different classes and different races all coexist here. Dalongwan Village seems to be a mysterious miniature society built by Busifan for the audience. Baptism and rebirth on a rainy night seem to symbolize the realistic meaning of bidding farewell to the past and welcoming new life in adversity.

Just as Bu Sifan said, "Heavy Rain" is his understanding of the world. Under a heavy rain, this chaotic world shows all kinds of things in the world. "The movie "Heavy Rain" is also a reflection on the times: Ordinary people may encounter countless "heavy rains" in their lives, but fortunately there is love to support people to move forward firmly.

The Chinese fantasy animated film 'Heavy Rain' released a set of 'rebirth' version posters on the 2nd. As the first set of posters for the film in the new year, it means 'everything is renewed' after the 'heavy rain'. Director Bu Sifan used his 'imaginative imagination' to build  - Lujuba

The Chinese fantasy animated film 'Heavy Rain' released a set of 'rebirth' version posters on the 2nd. As the first set of posters for the film in the new year, it means 'everything is renewed' after the 'heavy rain'. Director Bu Sifan used his 'imaginative imagination' to build  - Lujuba

The Chinese fantasy animated film 'Heavy Rain' released a set of 'rebirth' version posters on the 2nd. As the first set of posters for the film in the new year, it means 'everything is renewed' after the 'heavy rain'. Director Bu Sifan used his 'imaginative imagination' to build  - Lujuba

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

Tags: entertainment