Economic Calendar: 17:00 Eurozone November seasonally adjusted money supply M3 annual rate (%) 17:00 Eurozone December Markit manufacturing PMI final value local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the three major U.S. stock indexes It closed slightly lower, with the Dow Jones

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Economic Calendar:

Economic Calendar: 17:00 Eurozone November seasonally adjusted money supply M3 annual rate (%) 17:00 Eurozone December Markit manufacturing PMI final value local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the three major U.S. stock indexes It closed slightly lower, with the Dow Jones  - Lujuba7:00 The euro zone’s November seasonally adjusted money supply m3 annual rate (%)

Economic Calendar: 17:00 Eurozone November seasonally adjusted money supply M3 annual rate (%) 17:00 Eurozone December Markit manufacturing PMI final value local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the three major U.S. stock indexes It closed slightly lower, with the Dow Jones  - Lujuba7:00 The euro zone’s December markit manufacturing PMI final value

Local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the United States Major stock indexes ended slightly lower, with the Dow falling 0.05%, the S&P 500 falling 0.28%, and the Nasdaq falling 0.56%.

Economic Calendar: 17:00 Eurozone November seasonally adjusted money supply M3 annual rate (%) 17:00 Eurozone December Markit manufacturing PMI final value local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the three major U.S. stock indexes It closed slightly lower, with the Dow Jones  - Lujuba

Most technology stocks fell, with Apple falling 0.54%, Amazon falling 0.94%, Netflix falling 0.74%, Google falling 0.39%, Facebook falling 1.22%, and Microsoft rising 0.2%.

Airlines stocks generally fell, with Boeing rising 0.12%, American Airlines falling 1.72%, Delta Air Lines falling 0.98%, Southwest Airlines falling 1.7%, and United Airlines falling 1.69%.

Popular Chinese concept stocks generally rose. Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index rose 1.22%, Shuodi Biotech rose 10.31%, TAL rose 7.03%, Douyu rose 6.55%, Shanda Technology rose 4.43%, NetEase rose 4.32%, Wu Core Technology rose 4.17%, Huya Live rose 3.68%, New Oriental rose 3.74%, and Tencent Music rose 3.21%. In terms of decline, Canaan Technology fell 17.79% and Ame Semiconductor fell 2.1%. Zhonggai New Energy Automobile stocks had mixed gains and losses, with Weilai falling 3.82%, Xpeng Motors rising 2.24%, and Li Auto rising 1.63%.

►►According to CCTV News, on New Year’s Eve, President Xi Jinping delivered the 2024 New Year’s message through China Central Radio and Television and the Internet. Xi Jinping: Next year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China. We must unswervingly promote Chinese-style modernization, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, promote high-quality development, and coordinate development and security. We must persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through advancement, establishing first and then breaking, consolidate and enhance the positive trend of economic recovery, and achieve long-term economic stability. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, further boost development confidence, enhance economic vitality, and make greater efforts to develop education, science and technology, and cultivate talents.

►►On December 30, 2023, the 8th plenary session of the 7th Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Economic Work Conference of the Municipal Party Committee were held. The meeting emphasized that consumption and the service industry must always be firmly grasped. Based in Shenzhen, serving the mainland and facing the world, we will come up with detailed plans and practical measures to stimulate potential consumption, stabilize and continuously expand the advantages of the for-profit service industry, accelerate the development of the financial industry, and accelerate The wholesale and retail housing and catering industry will achieve leapfrog development, accelerate the development of transportation, warehousing and postal industries, promote the service industry to expand the total volume, optimize the structure, and strengthen the main body, accelerate the construction of consumption centers and logistics centers with important global influence, and build a A new system of high-quality and efficient service industry. It is necessary to promote investment to achieve stable and rapid growth. Give full play to the key role of investment, boldly plan all possible major projects in advance, focus on industrial investment, especially manufacturing investment, do a good job in new infrastructure investment, vigorously promote private investment, actively expand government investment, and use greater efforts to It is good to attract investment and form a virtuous circle in which consumption and investment promote each other.

►►According to CCTV News, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on December 29, 2023. The meeting pointed out that deepening the new people-centered urbanization will not only help stimulate consumption and investment, continue to release the potential of domestic demand, and promote the construction of a new development pattern, but also help improve people's livelihood and promote social fairness and justice. It is the only way to promote Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee on coordinating new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, fully understand the huge potential and significance of the development of new urbanization, firmly grasp the important principle of people-oriented, put the urbanization of agricultural transfer population in a prominent position, and further Deepen the reform of the household registration system, increase investment in education, medical care, elderly care, housing and other fields, and promote equal access to basic public services for the permanent residents who have not yet settled down. It is necessary to focus on the urgent, difficult and anxious issues of the masses, strive to make up for the shortcomings in urban infrastructure and management services, improve the economic and population carrying capacity, and make the city healthier, safer and more livable.

►►The Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council held an enlarged meeting. The meeting emphasized that we must resolutely serve the national strategy, actively participate in the construction of farmland water conservancy and high-standard farmland, increase investment in the field of food security, promote the accelerated transformation of the grain industry, and vigorously promote key and core agricultural technologies. We will tackle key problems, promote technological self-reliance in the seed industry, and autonomously controllable seed sources, strengthen agricultural machinery and equipment support, and enhance the reserve capacity of grain and important agricultural and sideline products to better promote agricultural development and maintain national food security.

►►The Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission of the Communist Party of China wrote an article in Qiushi magazine that comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, strengthening innovation-driven development, and continuing to stimulate the vitality of economic development. Resolutely implement the "two unwavering principles", deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, promote the development and growth of the private economy, implement the requirements for equal treatment of state-owned and private enterprises from an institutional and legal perspective, implement high standards of national treatment for foreign-funded enterprises, and allow state-owned enterprises to dare to work , Private enterprises dare to venture, and foreign companies dare to invest. Accelerate the construction of a unified national market, strive to eliminate various forms of local protection and market segmentation, effectively reduce logistics costs for the whole society, implement actions to improve the business environment, and do a good job in rectifying outstanding problems in the field of investment promotion.

►►The Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Communist Party of China wrote an article in "Qiushi" magazine that efforts should be made to improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain and supply chain. Focus on forging long plates, focus on advantageous industrial chains such as rare earths, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, and 5g, and forge a number of "killer" technologies to improve industrial quality. Focus on strengthening the foundation, carry out in-depth industrial foundation reconstruction projects and major technical equipment research projects, accelerate the improvement of industrial basic capabilities, and break through a number of strategic and iconic equipment. Make good use of the first (set) and first-batch policy to speed up the promotion, application and iterative upgrade of innovative products.

►► According to Xinhua News Agency, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Finance said in an interview that the next step will be to make full use of fiscal policy space, coordinate various financial resources, improve various policy tools, strengthen policy support and financial guarantee, and focus on high-quality development , and solidly promote Chinese-style modernization. Maintain necessary spending intensity. Make good use of policy tools such as additional issuance of national bonds, local government general bonds, and local government special bonds, increase the coordination of fiscal funds, appropriately increase the scale of fiscal expenditures, and better play the role of stimulating domestic demand and promoting economic circulation.

►►Notice from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Standardization Administration Committee on the issuance of the "Guidelines for the Construction of Data Security Standard Systems in the Industrial Sector (2023 Edition)". The goal is to initially establish a data security standard system in the industrial field by 2024, effectively implement data security management requirements, basically meet the data security needs of the industrial field, promote the application of standards in key industries and key enterprises, and develop national, industry or group standards for data security. More than 30 items.

►► Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics show that in December, the manufacturing purchasing managers index (PMI) was 49.0%, a decrease of 0.4 percentage points from the previous month, and the prosperity level of the manufacturing industry has declined.

►►The National Bureau of Statistics issued an announcement that after final verification, the total current price of GDP in 2022 was 120,472.4 billion yuan, a decrease of 548.3 billion yuan from the preliminary calculation; calculated at constant prices, an increase of 3.0% over the previous year, which was consistent with the preliminary calculation Number remains unchanged.

►►In order to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of delisting risk warnings and clarify investor expectations as early as possible, on December 29, 2023, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the "Information Disclosure Guidelines for Companies with Delisting Risks" and simultaneously optimized the relevant announcement formats to reduce delisting risks. Relevant information disclosure requirements will be stipulated in a centralized manner to further create a concise and friendly rule system to facilitate the inquiry and comparison of implementation by market participants such as listed companies. Among them, information disclosure requirements are put forward based on the key delisting types in recent years.First, clarify the time point and frequency of disclosure of financial delisting risks, strengthen annual report preparation and audit progress disclosure, and require focus on verification of operating income deductions, non-recurring gains and losses, major transactions and other matters; second, regulate the low closing price of stocks The information disclosure behavior of companies with a delisting risk of less than 1 yuan requires strict requirements for matters that may have a significant impact on stock prices, such as shareholding increases and repurchases. It is clear that corresponding disclosure conditions must be met to prevent disrupting investor expectations; thirdly, for matters that may have a significant impact, Companies that are subject to illegal forced delisting are required to disclose in a timely manner the specific circumstances in which violations of laws and regulations lead to forced delisting.

►►On December 29, 2023, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued the "Notice on Temporarily Exempting Some Fees in 2024" and launched a series of fee reduction measures in 2024. The Shanghai Stock Exchange and its subsidiaries have actively fulfilled their main responsibility for reducing fees and charges by temporarily waiving fees, lowering standards, and increasing discounts. According to preliminary calculations, this fee reduction is expected to transfer about 600 million yuan to the market.

►►Shenzhen Stock Exchange issued a notice on reducing or reducing related fees in 2024. It is proposed that the initial listing fee and annual listing fee for Shenzhen listed companies in 2024 will be waived. The initial listing fee and annual listing fee for Shenzhen-listed funds in 2024 will be waived. The trading unit flow fee of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Funds in 2024 will be waived.

►►According to CCTV News, during the New Year’s Day holiday in 2024, the national cultural and tourism market was stable and orderly. According to estimates from the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, during the three-day New Year's Day holiday, 135 million domestic tourism trips were made across the country, a year-on-year increase of 155.3%, and domestic tourism revenue was 79.73 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 200.7%.

►►According to Maoyan Professional Edition data, as of 21:00 on January 1, the total box office for the 2024 New Year's Day box office was 1.515 billion, setting a new high for the New Year's Day box office in Chinese film history. The total number of moviegoers was 36.164 million, and the total number of screenings was 1.402 million, setting a new record for the New Year's Day box office in Chinese film history. The total number of games reached a new high.

►►The announcement of major license changes for non-bank payment institutions on the official website of the central bank (as of December 2023) shows that the central bank issued the Bank Approval Judgment [2023] No. 189, agreeing to the change of Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. There is no actual controller.

►► issued a statement that it won the first instance of the “Choose One” case between and Alibaba. On December 29, 2023, the Beijing Higher People's Court issued a first-instance judgment in the "choose one" case of v. Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd., and Alibaba Group Holdings Co., Ltd., and found that it abused the market. The monopoly behavior of "choosing one of the two" in a dominant position was established, causing serious damage to, and it was ordered to compensate 1 billion yuan.

►►According to CCTV News, the European Commission stated on December 30, 2023 local time that from 2024, USB-C will become the common standard for electronic equipment in the EU. USB-C will serve as an EU universal port, allowing consumers to charge any brand of device using any USB-C charger. "Universal charging" requirements will apply to all handheld cell phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, portable speakers, handheld electronic game consoles, e-readers, earbuds, keyboards, mice and portable navigation systems. By 2026, these requirements will also apply to laptops.

►►According to CCTV News citing the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) report on January 2, the Ishikawa Prefecture Police Headquarters in Japan stated that as of 5:00 local time on January 2, the earthquake had killed 6 people. On the afternoon of January 1, local time, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.

Industrial Bank responded to the late trading limit: Operations are normal, and there have been no major changes in the internal and external operating environment.

Industrial Bank announced in the evening that on December 29, 2023, the closing price of the company's A shares reached the daily limit, and the stock price increased significantly. After self-examination and verification, the Company's operating conditions are normal, there have been no major changes in the internal and external operating environment, and there are no major matters that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed.

Kweichow Moutai: 2023 net profit is expected to increase by about 17.2%

Kweichow Moutai announced that preliminary calculations show that in 2023, the company will produce about 57,200 tons of Moutai base liquor and about 42,900 tons of series liquor base liquor; it is expected to achieve total sales Revenue is approximately 149.5 billion yuan (including Moutai liquor operating income of approximately 125.8 billion yuan and series liquor operating income of approximately 20.4 billion yuan), a year-on-year increase of approximately 17.2%; it is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of approximately 73.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of approximately 17.2%.

eight-connected board Yashi Optoelectronics: The company only has the production capacity of oled modules but there have been no orders for oled products in the past year

eight-connected board Yashi Optoelectronics responded to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s letter of concern. The company has the design and manufacturing capabilities related to VR products. The company's VR-related products are VR application products for liquid crystal display modules, which are mainly used in cinemas, etc. The company's VR-related products achieved operating income of approximately 1.4305 million yuan in 2018, accounting for less than 1% of the company's operating income in 2018. The company has had no orders for VR-related products in the past year, which has no impact on the company's current operating income. Regarding the OLED products that the market has recently paid attention to, the company only has the production capacity of OLED modules, but there have been no orders for OLED products in the past year, which has no impact on the company's current operating income.

Cyrus sales 42141 new energy vehicles in February, a year-on-year increase of 153.21%

Cyrus released a production and sales report for December 2023. Data show that sales of Cyrus new energy vehicles in December reached 42,141 units, a year-on-year increase of 153.21%; Cyrus sales in December were 31,490 vehicles, and monthly sales exceeded 30,000 for the first time, a record high, a year-on-year increase of 210.03%; from January to December , the cumulative sales of Cyrus cars have reached 106,703 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 33.31%. A total of 24,468 new cars of the Aito Wenjie series were delivered in December. Among them, the delivery of the new Aito Wenjie m7 in December exceeded 20,000.

BYD: 2023 years 12html New energy vehicle sales in February 34.10,000

BYD announced that new energy vehicle sales in December 2023 were 341,000 units, compared with 235,000 units in the same period last year. In 2023, the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles will be 3.0244 million units, a year-on-year increase of 62.30%.

Baidu: Affiliated company terminates share purchase agreement with Huanju Group

Baidu announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that moon spv limited, an affiliated company of the company, terminated moon spv limited, Baidu, Huanju Group and other related parties in 2020 by exercising its contractual rights. The "Share Purchase Agreement" entered into on November 16, 2018 and subsequently amended or supplemented. Previously, Baidu announced its intention to purchase Huanju Group’s domestic video entertainment live broadcast business in China.

CITIC Securities: It is expected that economic policies will continue to increase in concentration in January, the New Year's Eve effects of various financial behaviors will be more obvious, investor confidence will begin to turn positive, and the market will usher in an important turning point in January. In terms of allocation, it is expected that overseas products, technology independence, new consumption, and low dividends will become the main directions. In January, it was recommended to prioritize oversold growth represented by the Science and Technology Innovation Board. On the one hand, from the perspective of market expectations, various economic policies represented by real estate are expected to continue to increase in the middle of this month. It is expected that non-economic policies represented by online games will continue to be optimized and promote the continued and steady recovery of the economy. The market is expected to begin Turn to the positive. On the other hand, from the perspective of investor behavior, it is expected that the New Year's Eve effect of funds will be more obvious. The market ecology of "small-cap speculation" will usher in a significant improvement in the beginning of the year. Public equity is expected to actively turn to offensive, private equity may significantly increase positions, and risk Investors may gradually add positions to low-volume dividends, and financial management companies will follow suit to actively enter the market. Foreign capital outflows are nearing an end, and investor confidence will usher in an inflection point.

Centaline Securities: As of December 28, 2023, the photovoltaic industry index (931151) pe (ttm) is 11.93 times, which is at the 2.46% of the historical valuation quantile; the pb (lf) valuation is 2.22 times, which is at the historical 25.79 % percentile. This round of adjustment for individual stocks in the photovoltaic sector has been huge, with market trends fully reflecting factors such as overcapacity, slowdown in installed capacity growth, and fund redemptions. There have been breakthroughs in perovskite battery and BC battery technology in the short term, but large-scale commercial applications will still take time. Taking into account the supply of new production capacity, it is expected that the industry will still be in the process of reshuffle, and it will still take time for supply and demand to improve.The short-term trend of the secondary market in the photovoltaic industry shows an oversold rebound trend, and the sustainability of the rebound can still be expected. The industry investment rating is upgraded to "Stronger than the Market" rating, and it is recommended to pay attention to leading manufacturing companies and technological innovation fields in the medium and long term.

Guolian Securities: Based on the first-mover advantage of domestic game companies in the development and operation of mobile games, the overseas market size of domestic games is expected to continue to increase. Driven by the company's strategic focus, product advantages and policy incentives, the overseas expansion of games is expected to become an important performance increase for domestic game companies. It is recommended to pay attention to companies that have earlier laid out their games overseas and accounted for a larger share of their revenue.

Economic Calendar: 17:00 Eurozone November seasonally adjusted money supply M3 annual rate (%) 17:00 Eurozone December Markit manufacturing PMI final value local time last Friday (December 29, 2023), the three major U.S. stock indexes It closed slightly lower, with the Dow Jones  - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment