Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people

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Cover News Reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees)

“I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, tap dance, and challenge young people The stage."

- Cai Guoqing

From the elegant and upright Prince Charming image to the cute and exaggerated Cai Keyun, Cai Guoqing reshaped "Cai Guoqing".

Cai Guoqing, who claimed to have followed the "leading actor route" in the first half of his life, got a "counterattack script" when he was about to enter his twenties. In the summer of 2023, Cai Guoqing became one of the most discussed guests since the variety show "Wind Up 3" was launched. In just three weeks after the show aired, hundreds of millions of views were read about Cai Guoqing on social platforms. "Cai Keyun", "face-rubbing exercise", "mental state is decades ahead of us", "can't roll up but can't lie flat"... Cai Guoqing has repeatedly become the protagonist on the hot search list.

In this show, Cai Guoqing, from the beginning when no one was selected in the team, has become the "Teacher Cai" who is loved by everyone and follows "Blessings" with his strength and character charm. From Prince Charming who sang "Beijing's Bridge", to an evergreen singer who has appeared on 23 Spring Festival Galas, to "Teacher Cai" who contributes various emoticons in popular variety shows, Cai Guoqing brought "365 blessings" across the world. From the party era to the Internet era, stand firm.

How did he do it?

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

△ "Brother sending blessings" Cai Guoqing

On the afternoon of December 26, on the eve of New Year's Day 2024, a cover news reporter had an exclusive interview with Cai Guoqing in Beijing. He was wearing light-colored clothes and trousers, with a burgundy sweater draped over his shoulders. He was tall, with bright eyes and a bright look. During the entire hour-long interview, I didn’t drink a sip of water. I kept talking and talking frequently, with frequent golden sentences, which perfectly explained that my “mental state is decades ahead of the rest of the Internet.” At this time, people forget his age, and the term "uncle boy" seems extremely appropriate when used on him.

In the interview, he showed many aspects of himself besides being a singer: he is the "brother" who has overcome all obstacles and shows his sincere self in variety shows; he is a father who hopes to be a role model for his two sons; he is a son , I will never forget the teachings my parents gave me back then. The words reached an emotional point, and tears filled my eyes several times. He is also an ordinary person who cares very much about age, but because of this care, he hopes to live a wonderful life.

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

From a party singer to "Cai Keyun"

Not taking the Spring Festival Gala halo as a "conspicuous package"

Cai Guoqing became famous at a young age: he learned piano at the age of 5 and singing at the age of 7. Later he joined the Children's Chorus of China Central People's Broadcasting Station and the Galaxy of China Central Television Art Troupe, Beijing Children's Palace Art Troupe, etc. At the age of 12, he was admitted to the Youth Class of the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama. When he was 10 years old, China Record Company recorded his first album "Premier Zhou Comes to the Children's Palace" for him. The lyrics of this song were written by his father Cai Zhongqiu. Since then, Cai Guoqing has continued along this music track, becoming a household name with "Three Hundred and Sixty-five Blessings", "Bridges in Beijing", "Stories in My Heart", "Same Song" and "Go Home Often". Spring Festival Gala Singer".

For the first half of his acting career, Cai Guoqing was full of gratitude, "It was the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage that made people recognize me. Decades of Spring Festival Gala stage has made our generation of actors. The aura of the Spring Festival Gala is my honor, I cherish it very much."

French 18th-century Enlightenment thinker Rousseau once wrote in "Emile": "A person must be able to resolutely abandon that status when his status changes, and live a life regardless of fate. , can be said to be happy."

Times have changed. From a very upright party singer to "Cai Keyun" known to the entire Internet, Cai Guoqing has enough courage to accept, meet challenges, and regain applause. "Although my personality is that I don't want to talk to others. Fighting for it, but I can't always carry the aura of the Spring Festival Gala as a 'conspicuous bag' everywhere. I need to make new breakthroughs. Today's TV screens are no longer in the gala era, and there are new formats.As an actor in the party era, do you have the confidence and courage to accept new forms of expression? I feel like I’m really good, I can do it, I did it. I accepted new forms of variety show expressions and variety reality shows. I feel that it is this era that has changed me, and it is the new artistic presentation method in this industry that has changed me. "

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

Behind the "Health Master" is the deep love for his son. In the program, Cai Guoqing often walks around in a dopamine-colored pajamas with a smiley face pattern, which becomes a scenery in the dormitory. This is his son. Qingqing gave it to him, Cai Guoqing said: "He told me that no matter what my grades are, I must have a smiling attitude. "When

was hesitant about whether to participate in variety shows, "my two sons told me, 'Dad, you can do it. '"

The children have brought about great changes in Cai Guoqing's work and life. He said: "In fact, no encouragement is as good as the encouragement from family. I hope that my two sons can follow their father's example. What do you want your children to become? For such a person, you have to show it to him. "

Cai Guoqing admitted that he likes to "keep in good health" - not staying up late, going to bed early and getting up early. The truth behind it is - "I am not trying to retain youth, youth cannot be retained. I hope I have a healthy mentality and hope to see my son have a bright future. I have always looked forward to seeing my son get married, start a family, and succeed in school. This will only happen twenty or thirty years later. For them, I want to be a health expert and take good care of my body. "

Having said this, Cai Guoqing couldn't help but look up at the ceiling, tightened his lips, and tried to hold back the tears that were about to fall.

"When I am about to reach the age of hearing, I want to make a gift to these two minors. children watch. Qingqing, dad can still break through himself when he is almost 60. Qingqing, when you are 60 years old, do you still have the courage to break through yourself and face the challenges of life? ! "

talked about the love his parents gave him, and the scenes were like old movies, as warm as yesterday: his father sent him to play the piano in the piano room of the opera house; when he was admitted to the opera, he faced the hurdle of physical class and resolutely sent him to Practicing martial arts. His father's foresight made him stand out as a young man. When he mentioned his mother, who had been ill for many years, and recalled the teachings his mother gave him in the 1970s, he burst into tears again.

He said that he would discover his son's talent as early as possible, just like his father. He also worked hard to cultivate and would not put too much pressure on his children. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t do well in the exam, it was just a mistake. I want my children to be like me, to have a very healthy and comfortable mentality, above all else. ”

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

△Cai Guoqing was interviewed by a cover news reporter Photographed by Wu Deyu

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

Kindness is the best way to socialize


cannot be faked

In the program, Cai Guoqing had a heart-to-heart talk with "international friend" Luo Jiefu who missed his hometown, and encouraged young children Come on, brothers, your eyes are full of sincerity and kindness. Some netizens once broke the news, saying that many variety shows have scripts, the so-called true temperament is just a character set, and friendship is also a CP for external business. Cai Guoqing said: "Hundreds of cameras, The machine is constantly staring at you 24 hours a day, recording your every word and deed, and even the look in your eyes. Pretending is impossible. "

In the variety show, Cai Guoqing completely let go of himself, broke through, and became the irreplaceable "soul of the group." During performance training, he contributed Keyun-style acting skills, which shocked Chen Chusheng and Yu Haoming. Yu Haoming was even more direct Phew, what age is this, and there is still such a performance style?! This "old-school Keyun-style crazy acting" made the show extremely interesting, becoming another hilarious scene contributed by Cai Guoqing, and was awarded the title of "Cai Keyun" "This nickname.

Facing the title of "Cai Keyun" falling from the sky, Cai Guoqing's psychological route was as follows: Who is Keyun? Why do you call me Cai Keyun? He decided to check first to find out who Keyun is.After he got to know more about it, he took the initiative to ask people, "Are you cute to me, Cai Keyun, today?" From the beginning, he didn't know who Keyun was, and then he directly shouted to Sister Qiong Yao at the award ceremony: "If "Love is Deep" is remade in the future, "Deep Rain", I will play the role of Keyun!" This is Cai Guoqing, he knows how to pick up jokes from young people.

A person who dares to laugh at himself has a strong heart. Cai Guoqing caught all the memes and "carried them forward", "motivate yourself while rubbing, rub, rub, rub, the more you rub, the more people will love you; rub, rub, rub, rub, I am the little brother who is overcoming all obstacles; Rub, rub, rub, rub, rub the 60s into the 00s..." Cai Guoqing's "face-rubbing exercise" has become popular all over the Internet. It not only has movements but also formulas, making the brothers' collective expressions go out of control.

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

△Cai Guoqing revisited Shichahai and picked up many childhood memories

In order not to drag down his teammates, Cai Guoqing worked hard to practice dancing, but his health-preserving brain told him that it was time to rest. He lay on the bed and felt too comfortable, but then he thought, I still have to practice dancing. In this conflict between lying down and curling up, Cai Guoqing came up with a new trick, practicing dance moves while lying down, and actually fell asleep while practicing. Becoming the "real self" in the eyes of netizens - "can't roll up and lie flat", everyone said: I have been diagnosed as Cai Guoqing. Cai Guoqing did not forget to remind him kindly: "You can work hard, but not forcefully, and you can fight but not desperately. This is the art and philosophy of life."

Today, Cai Guoqing, in addition to his busy work, maintains a two-way friendship with his brothers. It is also getting stronger.

"Happy birthday, Teacher Cai!" On September 17, 2023, Cai Guoqing's birthday, Chen Chusheng's blessing was so shocking that thousands of people shouted happy birthday. Immediately afterwards, Chen Chusheng's Guangzhou concert, Cai Guoqing, as a non-staff guest of the "0713 Boy Group", used his singing to form an alliance. Netizens exclaimed, "Teacher Cai Guoqing is so popular and is remembered by so many brothers."

Cover news reporter Wu Deyu, Zhang Jie, Xunchao Zhou Bin, Xu Yuyang reported in Beijing (except for the signatures in the pictures, all belong to the interviewees) “I don’t want to be an old artist, I want to wear dopamine, sing mojito, dance tap dance, and challenge young people - Lujuba

△Cai Guoqing and the 0713 boy band have established a deep friendship

The interview ended that day, and Cai Guoqing hurried to the next rehearsal.

Cai Guoqing said: "Who doesn't care about age? Facing the passage of time, I must make every year of my life more exciting than the last one, so that I can live up to my life and live up to the years that have brought me. Every day, bring me such a day with four distinct seasons."

Venue provided: Beijing Bohai Runze Westin Hotel

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Tags: entertainment