Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking

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looks back on 2023 and summarizes it with one key word: counterattack.

Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their destiny changed.

For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking down on counterfeiters. Even eating a meal and lip-syncing a song can increase your fans like crazy overnight.

Compared with last year’s Gu Ailing and Liu Genghong, this year’s new Internet celebrities generally have one characteristic: is more grassroots.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

has become a super internet celebrity on the entire Internet, not because he has some outstanding and irreplaceable qualities, but because he has more spiritual resonance with netizens and even seeks spiritual sustenance.

However, ordinary people's labels make them successful, but they can also destroy them.

Many people fell through the cracks overnight due to various reasons. For example, Yu Wenliang, a scholar who was banned overnight and whose reputation has been overturned.

reached the top and fell from the altar, just for a moment.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Teacher Huang:

"Dig, Dig" became popular, but it was short-lived

This May Day, as popular as holiday travel, there is also a magical children's song "Dig, Dig".

Because of this song, a beautiful woman stood out in a crowd of short videos with her sweet and innocent appearance, and gained millions of fans overnight.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

From an ordinary children’s song teacher to an Internet celebrity with a large number of fans, Teacher Huang completed a counterattack in life in a short period of time.

However, gradually, everyone discovered that Teacher Huang was not as "innocent" as they thought, but rather a bit "philistine".

The reason is that after it became popular, she quickly came up with a three-piece set of cash: update videos, start live broadcasts, and ask for rewards. During the live broadcast of

, not only did he ask for gifts from netizens in disguise, but he also laughed from ear to ear when he saw fans buying large amounts of gifts.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

To make matters worse, the sweet appearance that once made her popular has also been pulled down from the altar by netizens.

Once, when Teacher Huang cooperated with her hometown's cultural and tourism bureau to shoot a promotional video, because there was no filter blessing, her whole person looked different from the youthful and sweet image in the live broadcast room. Many people were disappointed and asked for "a return of the reward."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Since then, Mr. Huang’s video updates have been ridiculed as “too single”. I don’t know if there is too much pressure from public opinion, but Mr. Huang’s Weibo account has shown that “the user does not exist”.

"The pie falls in the sky and hits me." Obviously, Teacher Huang is an ordinary person, and the traffic is too strong. While enjoying the good traffic of public figures, his abilities are obviously not matched.

Therefore, the collapse of Mr. Huang’s character is due to the failure of the public’s own expectations.

If a person is not strong enough to control luck, things that are too easy to obtain will also be easy to lose.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Tour guide Xiao Qi:

has gained millions of followers overnight, subverting an industry by the way

Tour guide Xiao Qi, who is so good that he almost looks like a "fool", has completely overturned people's "smart" impression of tour guides this year.

His popularity this year is extremely unexpected, but it comes with great force - the latest "speed king" in the Internet celebrity world has emerged.

In June this year, a travel blogger who had finished his trip to Xinjiang posted a 2-minute video, lamenting that the tour guide Qi Qin who was responsible for reception these days was "too stupid".

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Other tour guides led tourists to go shopping, but he tried his best to persuade his elder brother not to buy random souvenirs;

While other tour guides might be impatient because of tourists' requests, he was as considerate as a nanny: taking care of the children along the way and preparing safety seats. , carried luggage, and bought ice cream, dried fruits, and fruits. In just one day,

’s fans increased from more than 600 to 3 million.

For Chinese tourists who are accustomed to fighting wits and courage when traveling abroad, the main feature is a sincere "guide Xiao Qi" whose precision is to capture everyone's destiny.

Countless netizens flooded his short video account and left messages: "Everyone else is a shopping guide, but you are the real tour guide."

and Xinjiang also became popular. Some tourists even said that they originally planned to travel to other places, but because he chose to change The destination is Xinjiang, and the order is directly scheduled until October, so I have to wait for him.

The most touching scene in Xiaoqi’s video is when he climbs mountains and ridges to retrieve the drone that fell to the ground.

crawled until his pants were covered with mud, but his first sentence was, "If the drone breaks down, the company can reimburse it, but the photos you took cannot be thrown away."

Nowadays, there are more and more tour guides. The correct way to "whitewash" the industry is to improve the tourist experience.

What we look forward to so much is not only the simple kindness between people, but also the service spirit of the tourism industry.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba


The official "certified" anti-counterfeiting Internet celebrity

anti-counterfeiting Internet celebrities are not uncommon this year, but with such huge energy, I am afraid only b Tai is.

was named a Newsweek figure by CCTV reports.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

has been invited by the market supervision and administration bureaus or culture and tourism bureaus of many cities to upgrade from visiting stores to fight counterfeiting to "exploring cities."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

He is responsible for Zibo's explosion. A video reflecting Zibo people's fair business practices has received more than 4 million likes.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

His energy was even so great that when he "attacked" Dalian, the relevant personnel in Dalian felt like they were facing a formidable enemy and the entire city was on guard.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

However, before that, he was just an ordinary food blogger. Once when I was buying durians, I was shortchanged by the store, and I accidentally discovered the public's pain point. Since then, Mrs. B has launched a series of anti-fake videos, and her number of fans has soared to 24 million.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Some people applaud him, while others think he is too late for the benefit.

In fact, no matter what the purpose is, whether the anti-counterfeiting influencers have done their job well is what deserves more attention.

can see that unscrupulous traders who have been cracked down on fake Internet celebrities have been given "yellow card warnings" one after another.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

The Yaohuli Night Market in Nanchang became a hot search topic after being discovered by an internet celebrity who was cracking down on counterfeiting. The manager of the night market quickly called on all the vendors to bring out non-standard scales and staged a drama of "smashing the scales". Since then, they have all used uniform scales. Standard scale. After Mrs.

b visited the "Dream House" in Anshan, Liaoning Province, Teacher Bai Jian received a large amount of donations within a few days, solving the debt problem that had troubled him for many years.

anti-counterfeiting Internet celebrities have become popular because of their "punishing evil and promoting good", and because of their popularity, they are more able to "punish evil and promote good". If the traffic of

is used like this, it should be a good thing.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba


Aunt Harvester, another cool night

The biggest reversal this year is none other than Xiucai.

is a rural boy who started to get in touch with the Internet in 2020 and frequently uploads works, most of which consist of lip-syncing and singing.

In the past few years, he has accumulated more than 12 million fans and become a top Internet celebrity. With live broadcast rewards, he has made a lot of money in these years.

Someone summarized a set of his signature moves: surprise, shy smile, fist covering his mouth, licking his lips, raising eyebrows, tilting his head to smile, flipping his hair...

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

This set of moves has deeply impressed Aunt fans. More than 70% of Xiucai's fans are women, and women over forty account for nearly 80%. Those who like her are all middle-aged and elderly women. For this reason, he has "middle-aged and elderly women" Harvester" title.

once reported that a 72-year-old old lady traveled thousands of miles by train from Jilin to Anhui just to meet the scholar and would not give up until she saw him.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

However, just a few days after the scholar became a top streamer, his account was suddenly blocked and he has disappeared to this day. Some people describe it as "so red and so cool that it's inexplicably cold".

Regarding scholars being banned, there are two reasons.

One is "I was reported by my aunt to commit a fraud of 510,000 yuan."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

The second issue is tax issues. The relevant departments said they had received reports.

Middle-aged and elderly people, both men and women, generally have a huge need for lack of emotion. This phenomenon is the soil that breeds the chaos of Internet celebrities such as "Xiucai" and "Allure with a Smile".

In the face of huge fame and wealth, if people look too ugly, they will eventually be eaten up by greed.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Internet celebrity teacher Zhang Xuefeng:

I will give you a smile

There are many Internet celebrity teachers in China, but Zhang Xuefeng is definitely the one who dares to speak out.

Over the years, he has always repeatedly ruined people's jobs with his mouth.

In June this year, a parent consulted him during a live broadcast, claiming that his child wanted to major in journalism.

After hearing this, Zhang Xuefeng quickly said that any major with closed eyes is better than news. He even said: "If it is his own child, he must knock him out and change his major."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

As soon as these words came out, the big guys in the relevant majors sat down I couldn't stand it anymore, saying that he was "harming people and misleading the public."

When answering a question from another parent not long ago, Zhang Xuefeng made another more heart-wrenching comment: "Liberal arts are all service industries. What is a service industry? It can be summed up in one word: 'lick', which means 'I'll give it to you. You smiled and said, 'Do you want to buy the No. 1 link?'"

His lecture style and remarks all show that he is a traffic master.

He did not shy away from this: "I chase traffic just to increase the voice of education."

The core of his exit password is to disclose another kind of education that many schools will not teach, that is, to let more People, especially students in the ivory tower, see reality.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Some people think that he is creating and selling anxiety.

However, more often than not, the anxieties already exist, and he just presents them nakedly in front of the students.

This is why, in several controversial hot searches about him this year, he has always been supported by public opinion. A Zhihu netizen commented: "Zhang Xuefeng is the first person I have ever seen who lives by telling the truth."

The truth is hard to hear, but someone always needs to tell the truth.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Li Jiaqi:

Douyin’s No. 1 Internet celebrity, unable to escape the shadow of Hua Xizi

“How expensive is it?” made Li Jiaqi completely on the opposite side of the workers. Since then, Douyin’s number one brother has also been pulled down from the altar.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Before the Hua Xizi incident, Li Jiaqi’s personality and reputation were the well-deserved king in the live broadcast industry.

In the eyes of fans, he is a successful representative of grassroots counterattack.

365 He can play 389 shows in 65 days, each show lasting more than 6 hours. He also tried on more than 400 lipsticks in one session until his lips peeled off. Fans suggested that he stop using his lips and use his arms instead. He would say don't feel bad for me, this is my job.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

A fan once said that he liked a certain high-end cosmetics, but he needed two months’ salary. He would say that the most expensive is not necessarily the best. We also have many alternatives suitable for pig girls.

When he considers his fans from the perspective of a worker, consumers trust him, allowing him to secure his position as the No. 1 brother.

With the popularity of "all girls", Li Jiaqi's annual net income exceeds 1.8 billion, and his average daily income reaches 5.08 million. His annual income exceeds the performance of 90% of listed companies.

But when he asked fans to find their own reasons, reflect on whether their wages have increased over the years, and whether they have worked seriously, he was already on the opposite side of consumers.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

So even though several months have passed since this incident, it is still difficult for Li Jiaqi to get out of Hua Xizi's shadow.

Li Jiaqi’s encounter with Waterloo during Double Eleven this year is quite obvious: Negative rumors such as GMV shrinkage, empty product bottles, high return rates, and low-price agreements have put him at the forefront time and time again.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Recently, Qinghai, Gansu Province suffered severe earthquake disaster. Li Jiaqi donated 5 million, but was criticized.

Some people think that Li Jiaqi’s donation of 5 million is too small, while others think that Li Jiaqi’s donation was just to “whitewash” the previous Hua Xizi incident.

It is naturally wrong to force donations, but it also shows from the side that Li Jiaqi has indeed hurt the hearts of many consumers.

traffic is a double-edged sword, and it all depends on how the owner uses it.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Crazy Little Yang:

spent 30 million to counterattack with word-of-mouth, and there is an expert behind him

Little Yang’s 2023 can be called a world of ice and fire.

First, the performance of "Three Sheep Network" reached a new high. According to the analysis of professional institutions, this year the sales output value of Three Sheep Network will exceed 30 billion, the comprehensive service revenue will reach 1.5 billion, and the tax revenue will exceed 450 million.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

But along with it is the "controversy" that Brother Yang has been lingering on.

was first involved in the "low-price agreement" incident between Li Jiaqi and JD.com, and Brother Yang was also pushed to the forefront.

followed closely and cracked down on counterfeit products in the live broadcast room again. When Wang Hai was hammering Li Jiaqi for selling fake Hetian jade, he also brought Brother Yang with him.

Not long after, Xiao Yang’s “apprentice” and anchor “Traffic Light Huang” was named and criticized by the Hefei City Supervision Department for indecent live broadcast.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Netizens also uncovered a lot of "dark history" in Brother Yang's past, and also brought up a topic #Brother Xiaoyang was accused of making more vulgar remarks during the live broadcast than his apprentice.

In the midst of all kinds of negative news, Brother Yang held a concert, which directly counterattacked by word of mouth.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Before the concert started, Brother Yang promised several times: he would not sell tickets, bring no goods, and stop giving gifts. He would also give away refrigerators, tablets, and battery cars because he wanted to "give back to the brothers."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Brother Yang broke the "profiteering status quo of the performance industry" just like breaking the low prices of goods during the live broadcast, and once again helped him establish a stable persona.

The controversy over "vulgar live broadcast" has gradually been downplayed. After the concert, Xiao Yang's account increased by 800,000 followers, and Xiao Yang Zhenxuan's account increased by 4 million followers.

A concert, word-of-mouth traffic exploded. I have to admit that Brother Yang is a professional at playing with emotions.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Dong Yuhui:

On the cusp of the storm, I can’t help myself

Most people will not reject traffic, but many people will resent the way it comes.

Dong Yuhui, who was forced to become the protagonist of the year-end drama, may be filled with helplessness when he sees the hot search for Oriental Selection, which has been dominating the list for a week.

No one could have imagined that the internal fighting between "cultural people" would be so simple and unpretentious, and the discussion of who wrote the essay would be enough to set off a tinderbox.

No one could have imagined that "literary people" also had thunderous methods. They made multiple appointment and dismissal decisions in just one week, and finally "removed Sun and retained Dong", quickly quelling the huge controversy.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

From beginning to end, Dong Yuhui, one of the protagonists, can do little. When

was roasted on the stove, his response was to change the signature on his Douyin account - no intention, no necessity, no solidness, no me.

When Oriental Selection was under fierce attack from public opinion and the number of fans and market value both declined, he and Yu Minhong appeared on the live broadcast together, but fans found that "the light was gone from their eyes."

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Oriental Selection’s “De-Dong Yuhui” campaign failed this time. And he, who was deeply affected by this action, had to promise repeatedly in the live broadcast room that he would continue to stay in New Oriental and the Oriental Selection.

New Oriental and Oriental Selection, what else makes him nostalgic?

For Dong Yuhui, who has never wanted to be just a live broadcaster, what is really worthy of nostalgia here may be his past self, whether it is interests, feelings or ideals.

A person who wants to be himself too much will always find it difficult to take advantage of the fierce traffic.

But whether it is good or bad, only the parties involved know.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Selling cub frogs:

The most sad urban celebrity, the more popular it becomes, the more heartbreaking it becomes

This year's most popular urban celebrity is an ugly frog.

It wears a square scarf, droops the corners of its mouth, and opens its big, dull eyes. It carries a bunch of frog balloons and walks through the streets. It has become popular in many cities across the country.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

These frog sellers appear to be selling balloons, but they are actually performing arts, and are especially good at selling memes.

is like the signboard "If life forces you to sell your sons and daughters," it has its own black humor.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

They will interact politely with passers-by. Stomping their feet and saluting is their signature move. There was a case of human-to-human transmission at one time.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Not only that, there are also various prizes for confusing frog behavior circulating on social media:

There are frogs that "give birth" in underground parking lots.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Several frogs compete for territory by singing and dancing rap.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

In addition, you can meet them in all kinds of imaginable places, such as bars, schools, and square dances.

Even this frog costume sells tens of thousands of pieces every month, and some people make millions a month from it.

There is no doubt that Frog Army is already the top player in China.

Not only that, this group of frogs that only appear in China have even become popular abroad.

A video of a frog casually taken by a passerby was uploaded to TikTok and received likes from 15 million netizens around the world, and related videos also received millions of likes.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

However, this frog's carnival changed when it was "caught".

People suddenly discovered the cruel truth behind "caught selling frog cubs". It might be an old woman with white hair, or a middle-aged man running around for his family.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Wearing a hood, "Frog Selling Cubs" went on a traffic carnival. Taking off the hood, "Frog Selling Cubs" contained the sadness of ordinary people.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba


Once the national treasure was released, Chengdu was overcrowded

In March this year, the hearts of people across the country were captured by a giant panda.

Panda Hua Hua has become an instant hit all over the Internet, and its popularity is considered to be the top star in the panda world. Some people even climbed a tree just to see the Hua Hua.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Due to premature birth, Huahua is smaller than other pandas. She has no neck and short legs. When she sits down, she looks like a triangle of rice. The official introduction board of

describes Huahua as "short, fat and hairy, slow in movement and not good at climbing trees".

But this panda has many shortcomings in the panda world, but in the eyes of humans, it has advantages in every aspect.

On May Day this year, driven by the "top female star" Panda Huahua, 264,000 tourists visited the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, ranking second among the top ten popular attractions in the country.

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Huahua’s popularity not only brought Chengdu, but also brought the national treasure family back to the top.

Japan's Xiangxiang saw off a large number of fans when he returned to China; America's Yaya, the entire network was live broadcast 24 hours a day waiting for him to return home; South Korea's Fubao has the largest number of toys in the world...

Looking back on 2023, one key word to sum up is: counterattack. Many ordinary people were hit by the overwhelming traffic overnight, and even their fate changed. For example, the tour guide Xiao Qi, who is famous for his sincerity and kindness, and Mrs. B who goes around cracking - Lujuba

Times are changing, how to play It’s changing, and so are internet celebrities.

But the panda economy has always been in the spotlight. Whoever captures the fans and traffic can soar into the sky.


In 2023, no new super internet celebrities will be born.

has been baptized by short videos for many years. Audiences have developed their own distinct likes and dislikes, and information cocooning has become more and more serious. Therefore, the birth of every internet celebrity is almost always accompanied by controversy. It is also difficult to truly become popular and gain public recognition. It gets harder and harder.

In the end, it was the dolls and animals that brought people the purest emotions.

If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. If they cannot speak, the risk of house collapse will naturally approach zero.

However, are those internet celebrities who have been deified or banned really just because of their words and deeds? Is it really just a matter of not being able to handle the surging traffic? The foundation of

Internet celebrities is fans. They succeed and fail due to fans’ fantasies. Illusions are often broken at the first glance. On the way to becoming a god, a time bomb of destroying the god has already been planted.

On the other hand, watching the ups and downs of Internet celebrities is also watching your own disillusionment and recognizing yourself.

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Tags: entertainment