On December 28, the birth day of world cinema, the China Film Museum held a series of online and offline activities with the Beijing International Film Festival Organizing Committee and the members of the Film Museum Working Committee of the China Film Association to discuss the

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On December 28, the birth day of world cinema, the China Film Museum held a series of online and offline activities with the Beijing International Film Festival Organizing Committee and the members of the Film Museum Working Committee of the China Film Association to discuss the integration of film and culture and tourism, and film and a better life. .

On December 28, the birth day of world cinema, the China Film Museum held a series of online and offline activities with the Beijing International Film Festival Organizing Committee and the members of the Film Museum Working Committee of the China Film Association to discuss the  - Lujuba

On the afternoon of December 28, the China Film Museum and the Beijing International Film Festival Organizing Committee jointly organized a roundtable meeting on "Film Development and Integration of Culture and Tourism" - the "Never-Ending Beijing Film Festival" series of activities was held in the museum.

Director Huang Xiaowei said in his speech that movies are like a cultural business card. They not only tell the audience about the city’s natural features and humanistic spirit in its unique artistic form, but also become an important driving force for the development of urban cultural tourism. The China Film Museum invites experts and leading figures in the industry to meet at the Film Expo to jointly explore the integrated development of the film and cultural tourism industries, and further leverage the unique driving role of film in economic and social development. Before the

roundtable meeting, the "Museum Journal Editorial Department" attached to the Research Department of the China Film Museum was officially renamed as the "Institute of Film History". This is the successful transformation of the research results of the Film Expo theme education, which means that the China Film Museum will further devote itself to building a research platform for cooperation with academia, industry, and museums and schools, in-depth exploration of film historical resources, and inheritance of film culture.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang

Tags: entertainment