Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.

entertainment 6597℃

asked: What is the most popular color scheme this year?

Answer: dopamine style.

Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main characteristics of the dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.

And this New Year's Eve, a new film with the most dopamine color scheme is ushered in: "If You Are the One 3" directed by Feng Xiaogang, focusing on the married life of Qin Fen, played by Ge You, and Liang Xiaoxiao, played by Shu Qi.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

In the movie, whether it is the Mu Shu Villa where Qin Fen lives or the outfits of the characters in the film, they are all filled with bright and contrasting colors with high saturation. Such a strong visual impact brings a bit of joy and splendor to the cold winter, which is in line with the comedy tone of Feng's films; and the use of colors creates a flowing and warm adult fairy tale.

01 Uncle Ge, the old lady

As Feng Xiaogang's most famous New Year comedy series, the "If You Are the One" series has spanned 15 years since the release of "If You Are the One 1" in 2008, and finally meet new and old friends again at the end of 2023.

In the past 15 years, we viewers have grown up, and the protagonist Qin Fen, played by Ge You, has also experienced the temper of the years with us.

In the first part, Qin Fen is a middle-aged promising returnee; in the second part, he and Xiaoxiao, played by Shu Qi, face the panic of entering the siege of marriage together; and in "If You Are the One 3", time has passed. By 2031.

In this near future time and space, Qin Fen is over 70 years old and has become an empty nester, waiting in a tree house for his wife Xiaoxiao, whom he has not seen for ten years.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

The wait is long, and the tone should have been very gloomy. However, director Feng Xiaogang broke through the conventions by using extraordinarily bright colors, which was eye-catching and brought surprises that broke through the conventions.

In fact, this is not Director Feng’s whim, but is based on the consideration of fitting Qin Fen’s character setting - the currently popular dopamine color system is in line with the aesthetics of the elderly Qin Fen.

During the location scouting process for "If You Are the One 3," Director Feng Xiaogang had in-depth contact with and understanding of the elderly population, and found that many nursing homes were colorfully decorated.

"It seems that the older you get, the more you return to the world you like, which is the same as the world that children see in kindergarten, which is the so-called Lao Lai Qiao."

Therefore, "Lao Lai Qiao" has become the core aesthetics in the movie Style, throughout.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

Except for Qin Fen’s treehouse, the characters are also dressed in dopamine outfits. Moreover, the color scheme refers to the paintings of master Edward Hopper, and the colors are bright but not complicated.

Warm green, bright yellow, bright red, Barbie pink, Prussian blue... large areas of beautiful color blocks in the house are intertwined with light and shadow, and the character costumes are cleverly layered with dark and light colors of the same color, creating an overall harmonious and textured look.

For example, in the film Chuan Chuan played by Guan Xiaotong, when he meets Qin Fen, he uses blue as the keynote, combining light and dark colors. The sky blue hat and jacket, the plain blue inner outfit, and the gray blue trousers have a girlish charm and complement the color of the tree house's exterior wall.

02 Colorful adult fairy tale

The color scheme of "If You Are the One 3" reminds me of movies directed by Tim Burton. The bright tones and rich colors create a dream-making "Disney Kingdom" for adults, bringing them a touch of beautiful comfort with grand illusions.

When you peel off this delicious coat, you will find the loneliness and sadness hidden behind the laughter.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

When watching "If You Are the One 3", sensitive viewers will find that the color of the sky outside the tree house where Qin Fen lives is so beautiful that it is almost fake: the sunny sky is so blue that it looks like a whole bottle of fuel has been poured into it, and the sunset is especially pink. Tender.

Thinking about it from another angle, perhaps "If You Are the One 3" is Qin Fen's dream, and the tree house is Qin Fen's fantasy castle.

What did Qin Fen experience in "If You Are the One 3"?

His good friend Li Xiangshan passed away, and he personally accompanied Li Xiangshan on the boat to end his life; Xiaoxiao's best friend Mango was dating everywhere; Hokkaido farmer Wu Sang was far away from home; Lao Fan was busy making money.And Xiaoxiao, on her tenth wedding anniversary, decided to pick up garbage to protect the environment, so she left him and traveled around the world. Qin Fen waited for ten years.

During these ten years of empty nesting, Qin Fen's life was simple and boring.

Xiaoxiao doesn’t know when he will be able to return to him. The only person he talks to every day is the smart butler "Baoqiang". From being full of expectations to waiting became a habit, his life was so boring that he didn't even want to cook. He ordered takeout every day and just ordered a small drink to finish his meal.

In the Japanese drama "The Perfect Divorce", there is a line that is very crude: "What two people eat is food, and what one person eats is feed."

Qin Fen spent ten years eating "feed" Year.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

Every time he receives a postcard from Xiaoxiao, he flies a kite. Over the past ten years, Qin Fen's longing for Xiaoxiao has condensed into kites, and the kites are filled with the desire for his wife to come back along the line.

Someone once asked Ge You what smiling means to Qin Fen.

Ge You replied: "For example, if the kite breaks and Xiaoxiao no longer has contact, maybe Qin Fen will have no interest in living anymore."

The emergence of the AI ​​intelligent person developed by Lao Fan finally changed his life and life. The soul brought a little color, allowing him to have a grand dream.

In the dream, he finally gave comfort to loneliness.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

He reunited with his old friend.

Mango brought the grown-up Chuanchuan to have a small gathering with him. They drank and talked happily, and as he talked, he slowly let go of his own hands to "end" Li Xiangshan's knot.

Wu Sang suddenly came to visit.

The two of them "talked like crazy teenagers" and went together to fulfill their old dream of "four sisters". Even though they were drunk and drunk, someone still took them home.

Of course, Xiaoxiao is also indispensable.

Q: What is the most popular color scheme this year? Answer: Dopamine style. Colorful, bright colors and high saturation are the main features of Dopamine style. Colorful, sunny and energetic clothing is synonymous with dopamine, which can bring people joyful and joyful emotions.  - Lujuba

Qin Fen relived the good times of the past while getting along with the AI ​​intelligent person and the young version of "Xiaoxiao". The process of "setting up" Xiaoxiao was also the process of pouring his accumulated thoughts and love into it. How beautiful the past was in his imagination, he could never forget it and continue to wait.

After Zhen Xiaoxiao came back, the metaphor about dumplings was guarding the marriage vow of "only loving one person in my life". It’s not only him who remains faithful to love, but also Xiaoxiao, whom he hasn’t seen in ten years.

The kite string has never been broken, and Xiaoxiao can always follow that string back no matter how far she flies.

believe in love.

As long as you are the one you love, you are willing to wait for ten years, and it is worth waiting.

In the fast-decaying Internet age, this is such a romantic adult fairy tale.

Tags: entertainment