On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu "Music Talent Studio" project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first-

entertainment 3719℃

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu "Music Talent Studio" project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first-level director, hosted the event.

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first- - Lujuba

Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first-level director, presided over the event

At the acceptance site, three authoritative figures from the Chinese music industry appeared as judges. Jiang Lina is a famous mezzo-soprano singer, a national first-class actor, professor, opera performing artist, master's tutor, researcher at the Musical Theater Center of Peking University School of the Arts, a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, an executive director of the Chinese Choral Association, and a director of the Chinese Musical Theater Association. . Former leader and artistic director of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Chorus. He is currently the dean of the School of Music and Dance of China ASEAN Academy of Arts.

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first- - Lujuba

Jiang Lina

Acceptance judge Guo Long is a professor in the Composition Department of Sichuan Conservatory of Music and a master's tutor. His works have won awards in various competitions and have been performed at exchange activities between Chinese and foreign composers.

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first- - Lujuba

Guo Long

Acceptance judge Mou Linghong is a national first-class performer, former deputy director, program director and director of the Art Committee of the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra.

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first- - Lujuba

Mou Linghong

Three authoritative figures in the Chinese music industry were invited to serve as acceptance judges on site, adding authority, professionalism and fairness to the year-end acceptance of the 2022 Chengdu "Music Talent Studio" project.

Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association, said: "This time we invited three authorities in the Chinese music industry to review the creation, activities and funding of the 10 music studios that have won the 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' since the signing of the contract. The purpose of final acceptance is to supervise and test the actual creation results of each studio. Up to now, 10 studios have submitted 25 new works. After the early audio-visual meeting of new works, experts have 25 The first works were scored in turn. I hope that at today's case closing and acceptance site, in addition to stating the relevant situations of their respective creations and activities, each studio will play one of their own works live as an important part of the case closing acceptance. . The requirements for the work are to have elements of Tianfu, express Chengdu, be memorable, be spread widely, and be easy to sing. As Chengdu builds itself into an international music capital, I hope we will welcome the New Year with singing and let the public remember the beauty of Chengdu in our singing. !"

Ten Chengdu "music talent studios" including Sichuan Art Federation, Sichuan Chengxiang, Sichuan Ruocheng, Loud Art, Wanfang Music, Vibrant Times, Le Sanyuan Culture and Art Center, Chengdu Laxiduo were awarded the 2022 "Music Talent Studio" Music and culture enterprises were reviewed by experts. At the acceptance site, which lasted more than 3 hours, they gave on-site presentations and new works presentations. At the same time, the original song MV newly created by each studio was played live. After listening to the statements of each studio, the experts also asked on-site questions based on different situations.

On December 28, the Chengdu Performing Arts Group Art Base was bustling with activity. The 2022 Chengdu 'Music Talent Studio' project will be held here for year-end acceptance. Zhang Lintai, secretary-general of the Chengdu Music Industry Promotion Association and national first- - Lujuba

Music and cultural enterprises accepted expert review

It is understood that 10 2022 Chengdu "Music Talent Studio" has been rated as music and cultural enterprises. Since the official signing and licensing, under the guidance of the Chengdu Music, Film and Television Industry Promotion Office, in the Chengdu Music Industry Under the specific leadership of the Promotion Association, give full play to the creative advantages of their respective teams and the subjective initiative of outstanding music creation talents, and complete the tasks of "promoting Chengdu, praising the new era, praising the new life, being close to life, being close to the masses, being warm, and There are 25 local original music works with local characteristics, Chengdu style and Tianfu elements that are "quality". They use their responsibility and responsibility to create Chengdu's local original music and make a positive contribution to Chengdu's construction of an international "music city". After the acceptance of

this time, the organizer will also organize various online and offline promotion activities to help these new works enter the public eye and continuously increase their popularity.

Chengdu Music Promotion will continue to actively build a sound and healthy development platform for local original music creation in Chengdu to "produce works, talents, quality products, and benefits".Efforts should be made to make full use of the mutual promotion and influence of the upstream and downstream industrial chains of musical works, organically combine the cultivation and incubation of outstanding musical talents, the promotion of outstanding works, and innovation, and provide a broader display stage for outstanding local original music works. Form a healthy and virtuous market cycle, actively play the role of leading the development of Chengdu's music industry, continuously improve the level of music creation, and enrich the quality of people's spiritual life.


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Tags: entertainment