On December 29, the "Polar" ice-breaking scientific research ship will make its public debut for the first time. This is a new generation of ice-breaking scientific research ship completely independently designed and built by my country. What is the captain of the ice-breaking sc

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On December 29, the "Polar" ice-breaking scientific research ship will make its first public appearance. This is a new generation of ice-breaking scientific research ship completely designed and built independently by my country.

What is the captain of the ice-breaking scientific expedition "Polar" like?

Let’s take a look at the “final makeup photos” of the icebreaking research vessel “Polar”! Red and white are the main colors. The red hull is 89 meters long and 17.8 meters wide, which is equivalent to three standard basketball courts connected end to end. The scientific research ship has the ability to sail in unlimited navigation areas around the world, with a capacity of 60 people and a displacement of It has a weight of 5,600 tons and a range of 26,000 kilometers. A single supply can ensure that the entire ship can survive at sea for more than 80 days.

On December 29, the 'Polar' ice-breaking scientific research ship will make its public debut for the first time. This is a new generation of ice-breaking scientific research ship completely independently designed and built by my country. What is the captain of the ice-breaking sc - Lujuba

What are the new highlights of the "Polar" icebreaking research vessel?

The biggest highlight of this ship is that it can carry domestic drones, unmanned ships, underwater autonomous robots and other equipment at the same time. Relying on my country's independent satellite network system, it has formed an integrated air-space-sea-ice-submarine scientific expedition. Ability to simultaneously complete multi-disciplinary comprehensive scientific investigation missions including the atmosphere, sea ice, water bodies, and geophysics.

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