Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor

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Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds.

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Shenzhen teenagers conducted scientific and technological innovation research to feel the scientific and technological power of offshore oil exploration.

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Shenzhen teenagers walked into the Futian mangrove wetland to explore biodiversity protection.

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. Shenzhen teenagers realize the significance of biodiversity protection through the chirping of birds. Shenzhen teenagers conducted research on scientific innovation to experience the scientific and technological power of offshor - Lujuba

A teenager from Shenzhen walked into the ancient city of Nantou, which has a history of nearly 1,700 years.

"What can we teenagers do?" This question has been lingering in the minds of Shenzhen teenager Ke Qinjian for a long time.

On December 23, 2023, in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Cochin ship and its friends publicly released a youth initiative, putting forward youth suggestions around high-quality development in the fields of science and technology, ecology, culture and other fields, and hoping that more Many young people combine their personal development with the times and integrate it into the development of the country. The release of the Youth Initiative is part of the response of Cochin Ship and its friends to "What can we teenagers do?" When talking about its origin, we have to go back to the survey during the summer vacation.

High-quality development is a proposition of the new era. In the summer vacation of 2023, 100 students from 12 primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen got out of their books and conducted a high-quality development research with the theme of "Stories of Great State-owned Shenzhen Youth Tour". This group of "post-05" and "post-10" teenagers went deep into the live scenes on the front line, discovered during the investigation and research, gained insights while walking, and tried to contribute "youth wisdom" and "youth solutions" to high-quality development.

Origin of

"Get out of books and inspire more possibilities for teenagers"

"Classes are not only in school, and evaluation is not limited to subject examinations. Get out of books and inspire more possibilities for teenagers." In the Youth Initiative, Cochin Ship and Primary School The partner wrote this.

In 2023, artificial intelligence will set off a new wave around the world, which will also pose new challenges to the cultivation of future talents. How education models and learning methods can keep up with the changes of the times has triggered many discussions among teachers and students in Shenzhen. Thus, a survey was launched that combined the development proposition of the times and the changes in learning methods.

High-quality development has become the “primary task”. How can young people keep up with the pulse of national and urban development? In the summer of 2023, 100 students from 12 primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen carried out a high-quality development survey on the "Shenzhen Youth Tour with Great State-owned Stories", measured the city with their youthful footsteps, learned ideas and practices through the investigation and research, and formed the "Shenzhen Youth Tour" "Research Report on High-Quality Development" and a Youth Initiative.

The high-quality development research of young people is carried out around different lines such as science and technology innovation, ecology, culture, etc. Their enthusiasm and actions have received active support from the school and society. During the survey, the teenagers visited well-known technology companies and scientific research institutes in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, a highland for scientific and technological innovation, to explore how technological innovation leads to front-line changes in the industry. Enter the Futian Mangrove Wetland, an internationally important wetland, and try to propose a "youth plan" for high-quality ecological environment to support high-quality development. Enter the ancient city of Nantou, the historical root of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and explore cultural heritage and cultural confidence.

"Personal development must be integrated into national development" "The prosperity of young people will lead to the prosperity of the country, and the strength of young people will make the country strong"... The young people came with novelty and excitement, and returned with thinking and responsibility.


 Scientific and innovative spirit "Some people think that if middle school students do this, can it be used as college entrance examination scores?"

 In the high-quality development research, what have the teenagers experienced and what have they gained?

Ke Qinjian from Shenzhen Yucai Middle School is a teenager who holds three patents and likes to tinker with technological products. The first line of the teenagers' high-quality development research is the theme of science and technology innovation, which is exactly what the Cochin ship "appetite". "Some people think that if middle school students do this, can it be used as college entrance examination scores?" But the Cochin ship does not care.

The research on the science and innovation route was full of fun, but something happened during the process that made Cochin and his friends a little unhappy.

The country is accelerating the construction of a maritime power, and Shenzhen is aiming at the global ocean center city, so one of the stops for the survey was arranged at CNOOC Shenzhen Offshore Engineering Technology Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CNOOC Shenzhen Technology Services"). At the CNOOC Deep Technology Service, the teenagers personally controlled the underwater robot (rov) costing 40 million yuan, and were delighted to be able to experience the technological power of offshore oil exploration up close. But later, the teenagers learned from experts that in terms of deepwater oil field development, some high-end equipment still relies heavily on imports, and the risk of "stuck neck" still exists.

"This has further inspired us to think about the responsibilities of teenagers in the new era." As a young science and technology expert who loves to delve into research, Cochin has his own insights into the role of teenagers in building a country that is strong in science and technology.

The Cochin ship said that he once led his friends to design an "intelligent drone with integrated reconnaissance and fire extinguishing". Its core component is a "single-chip microcomputer" used for flight control. This type of technology was once mastered by foreign companies, but now Our country has achieved independent research and development. The country is self-reliant in science and technology, and young and proud, I also look forward to personally dedicating myself to the development of the country.

In the research report, Cochin Ship and his friends suggested that society and the education system should provide students with the courage to "change the world", so that young people with innovative spirit and practical ability can bravely stand at the forefront of the future wave of technological change. , showing young people’s responsibility.

Ecological protection "The happiness of harmonious coexistence between people and nature is passed on from generation to generation"

On one side are the bay and migratory birds, on the other side are high-rise buildings and traffic. The Futian Mangrove Wetland, located in the central area of ​​the city, is a unique "ecological business card" of beautiful Shenzhen. . This is an important wintering place, transfer station and supply point on the "East Asia-Australasia" migratory bird migration route. Every autumn and winter, many citizens come here to watch birds and have an "uninterrupted encounter" with migratory birds from afar.

In the ecological route of high-quality development research, teenagers walked into the Futian mangrove wetland. Through the introduction of the historical changes of mangrove wetlands, the teenagers understood the difficulty of preserving this "ecological business card".

In the 1990s, Shenzhen planned to build Binhai Avenue, a main urban thoroughfare running from east to west. The original plan was to pass through the mangrove reserve, which meant that the mangroves would be cut down and the habitat for migratory birds would no longer exist. In the context of the times, many people felt that it was unnecessary to sacrifice economic benefits in order to protect mangroves, and their voices of support were very loud. Fortunately, the city finally made the right decision. The construction of the coastal avenue was moved northward, bypassing the mangroves, and preserving this ecologically blessed land that is considered a "priceless treasure" today.

Nowadays, Futian Mangrove Wetland has been included in the list of internationally important wetlands of the Ramsar Convention, and the world's first "International Mangrove Center" has officially settled in Shenzhen, which demonstrates Shenzhen's achievements in ecological and environmental protection and also means that Shenzhen will Play an active role in national participation in global multilateral environmental governance. Get out of books and enter the classroom of nature. The teenagers realized the significance of biodiversity protection amidst the chirping of birds, and made a beautiful wish that "the happiness of harmonious coexistence between man and nature can be passed on from generation to generation." Through research, the teenagers also put forward a "Youth Plan" for high-quality ecological environment to support high-quality development.

Hu Tianle and Chen Jiene from Hongling Middle School in Futian District, Shenzhen, together with their team members, proposed the concept and plan of "ecological income generation". The essence of "ecological income generation" echoes Shenzhen's exploration of building a gross ecological product (gep) accounting system, both focusing on cultural tourism service value and regulatory service value. In the eyes of teenagers, "ecological income generation" conveys the important value of ecological environment protection in a simple and direct way, and is easier to be understood by the public, which can further build consensus among the whole society and better serve the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. .

 Cultural inheritance “Opening it is like walking through the gates of an ancient city and opening up history.”

 “It’s a wonderful feeling to think that there are cultural relics buried under the campus that I walk through day after day."Chen Shimin from Nantou Middle School in Shenzhen grew up in Nantou Ancient City. Chen Shimin said that due to the upgrading and renovation of Nantou Ancient City, the primary school she once attended was demolished and rebuilt. During the demolition and reconstruction process, a batch of Cultural relics.

In many people’s minds, Shenzhen is a young city, but the existence of Nantou Ancient City tells people that there is another side to Shenzhen. Nantou Ancient City has a history of nearly 1,700 years and is known as the root of Shenzhen and Hong Kong history. The source of culture. Teenagers walked into the ancient city of Nantou and went on a journey of historical context.

In this survey, Chen Shimin went from looking back at the teenage growth experience of more than ten years to searching for the past and present of the ancient city for more than a thousand years, and gained a better understanding of It reflects the older generation’s attachment to the ancient city and their deep feelings for their country and homeland.

Today’s Nantou Ancient City, after transformation and upgrading, has become an urban creative district based on history and inclusive of multiculturalism. In this survey, the teenagers brought topics Lai Lai: How to find the connection point between history, culture and modern life, better continue the city's historical context, and achieve wider dissemination. To this end, the teenagers thought of independently designing cultural and creative products that integrate the cultural elements of Nantou Ancient City.

A teenager from Nantou City School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, combined with traditional tea culture, designed the "Aftertaste of Nanshan" cultural and creative gift box. The gift box design draws inspiration from the ancient city of Nantou. The overall design is pull-out, and the appearance integrates city gate elements. "Open It seems to have passed through the gate of the ancient city and opened up history."

Lin Weishu, a young man in charge of product design, said that he hopes that through this set of cultural and creative products, history and culture can be "come alive" and let more people know that Shenzhen also has a history worth savoring. Culture.

Growing up in Shenzhen, a city of science and technology, the creativity of teenagers does not end there. Through research, the teenagers found that Nantou Ancient City has AI (artificial intelligence) in terms of crowd management, historical and cultural explanations, disaster management and control, etc. A space for empowerment. To this end, under the guidance of experts, they proposed "AI control of people flow in scenic spots", "escort robots", "fire inspection robots" and other solutions to enhance the ancient city's tourist experience and assist in the refined management of the ancient city.

Continued from

Answer It’s about pursuit and responsibility. Young people will use actions to answer

. The high-quality development survey of the “Shenzhen Youth Tour of Great State-Owned Stories” in the summer of 2023 has ended. The high-quality development of countries and cities in the future requires today’s teenagers to continue to struggle.

 “What can we teenagers do? "The answer is about pursuit and responsibility, and the young people will answer with actions.

Written by: Nandu Reporter Wang Muguang Photography: Nandu Reporter Zhao Yanxiong Xu Songlong

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