▲Pu Cunxin Photo courtesy of Liangshan Cultural Tourism Group Bathing in the warm sunshine by the seaside in Xichangqiong, Liangshan, Sichuan, Pu Cunxin looked particularly relaxed, "like returning home." He guided the actors in line training and reviewed the Daliangshan Theater

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▲Pu Cunxin Photo courtesy of Liangshan Cultural Tourism Group Bathing in the warm sunshine by the seaside in Xichangqiong, Liangshan, Sichuan, Pu Cunxin looked particularly relaxed, 'like returning home.' He guided the actors in line training and reviewed the Daliangshan Theater  - Lujuba

▲Pu Cunxin Photo courtesy of Liangshan Cultural Tourism Group

Bathing in the warm sunshine on the beach in Xichangqiong, Liangshan, Sichuan, Pu Cunxin seemed particularly relaxed, "like returning home." He coached actors in line training, reviewed the five years of Daliangshan Theater Festival with reporters, and talked about family, roles, and Zen with readers and theater fans... He was radiant on the stage, sincere and open-minded in life, and had performed many classics When the character Pu Cunxin reaches his seventies, the song at the end of the drama "Li Bai" often rings in his ears: "Come on a long wind and carry the bright moon back home."

Talking about family: Gratitude and tolerance

Family has a huge impact on Pu Cunxin of. In 1953, Pu Cunxin was born into an artistic family in Beijing. His father, Su Min, formerly known as Pu Sixun, once served as the deputy director of the Beijing People's Art Theater. Pu Cunxin grew up in the theater with his father, and the words "the theater is bigger than the sky" were engraved in his heart very early.

However, Pu Cunxin's career as an artist was not smooth. He was nicknamed "Pu Cunxin" due to polio, which made him feel inferior at a young age. "Thinking about it later, if I endured more hardships and encountered more difficulties when I was a child, the hardships and difficulties in the future would be out of the question." In the hot-blooded years, Pu Cunxin took the initiative to cancel his Beijing household registration and went to Beidahuang, where he buried himself in the soil for 8 years, working in the fields. I have honed my character and acting skills in the local and publicity teams.

Life took a turn for the worse. He put on a military uniform and entered the Air Force Political Department Repertory Troupe. Pu Cunxin met his first love Wan Ping and started a family with her. The 70-year-old Pu Cunxin still remembers her first acquaintance when she talked about it: "Every time I hear someone mention her name, I have a different feeling in my heart." The initial stage of love and the ignition of life made Pu Cunxin deeply emotional. A love marriage can always remain fresh, thanks to "trust", "forgiveness" and "cooperation". "The temperature in our home is always constant." The professional characteristics of his father and Pu Cunxin filled the home with an atmosphere of understanding of art.

"It is precisely because of the understanding and support of my family that I have been able to work freely for more than 40 years." When he opened the topic of home, Pu Cunxin was full of affection. In his world, this home where he shares his worries is a comfortable home and a safe haven. , is a place where you can rest without restraint.

talks about performance: leaving experience

Since serving as the first initiator of the Daliangshan Theater Festival and the artistic director of the Art Committee in 2019, Pu Cunxin has poured his passion into this project, participating in performances on stage and coaching actors off stage, sharing the experience of a dramatist He had a lot to say about the history of spiritual growth.

’s path to pursuing art is to open doors to find the right path. After more than 40 years of experience in art, every new role is a new challenge. "Leave experience", Pu Cunxin believes that this applies to all drama colleagues. Although the plot and lines of the drama are fixed, improvisation is particularly valuable. In each scene, the individual masters the scale of one breath and the freedom of the body and mind, which determines the level of performance.

2023 Daliangshan Theater Festival invited many domestic and foreign professionals to conduct drama dialogues with the theme "Drama is life, drama is us". Pu Cunxin mentioned the concept of "drama is life" on many occasions. He praised the creative ideas of young people who participated in the "Rural Discovery" practical activity of the Natural Drama Festival of Drama Festival and left urban life. "It is full of Zen." They left behind their original experiences and left behind drama creations on the shores of Yele Lake, in cliff villages, and on Laojun Mountain, using old farmers' cattle, dead branches on the shore, and ancient pottery craftsmanship as creative materials. By discovering each other inside and outside the play, the creators have a closer connection with the village, people and local culture, and also broadened their path to pursue drama.

Pu Cunxin used the phrase "come toward me" from the drama "Li Bai" to illustrate his attitude towards life. It is said that there is a stone at the bend of the Yangtze River with three words "Come to me" engraved on it. If the boss of the ship bravely goes to it, he will definitely pass smoothly. If he is afraid of hitting the rock and turns the helm early, he will end up dead in the belly of the fish. He encouraged young drama colleagues to open their eyes, see all kinds of life in the space of drama, discover the beauty of the world, and restore themselves to their true nature.

Talking about the curtain call: Living towards death

"I have been an actor for more than 40 years, and the curtain call is about to come."Pu Cunxin, who is 70 years old this year, has walked into the mighty procession of time. He is older than Li Bai, Cao Cao, Master Hongyi, and Lu Xun who he has played. Looking back on his 70 years of life, drama has long been integrated with him. There is no time to count his drama life in detail. After encountering various situations on the road, he began to pursue more inwardly and shared his mental journey and thoughts at this age.

In the opening performance of this year's Daliangshan Theater Festival "Welcome to the World", Pu Cunxin He went on stage 7 times and gave wonderful performances. The reason was that he was deeply moved by a poem called "Leopard".

"I can only imagine the speed of the leopard. If it runs forward, my arrow , it is only possible to shoot in front of it, so that its spots can encounter my sharpness in the wind. If it pounces on me, of course I won't have time to hide. I have to wait for it to bite my throat, and then I can hold it tightly. "

attacks a powerful existence that is far beyond oneself, and dies with it, and even merges into one, as fearless as a passionate young man. This is the moving part of this poem, and it is also the Zen meaning that Pu Cunxin repeatedly recalls and chants." 70 years old Okay, I can understand this poem now. Pu Cunxin said, "When it rushes towards me, I can't hide. At this time, I have to hug it calmly and let it bite my throat." ”

The imagination of the poem even reminds Pu Cunxin of the last moment of his life. He holds onto his fantasies and desires, touches the leopard’s spotted brocade-like skin, and waits for the moment when a miracle happens. A state of life that is toward death. , Pu Cunxin said: "That should be the state of the curtain call, the time to welcome applause. "

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