Recently, the M26 theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Kurottsu no Fish Shadow" is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of "Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow" has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver

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Recently, the M26 theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Kurottsu no Fish Shadow" is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of "Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow" has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical version of "Detective Conan", it is considered very good for the current period.

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

When "Black Iron's Fish Shadow" was in theaters, the "Today's Film Review" program of CCTV's "Six Princesses" movie channel also reviewed this theatrical version. During the show, the guest teacher Wang Peng from the Communication University of China also caused quite a bit of controversy. She said that the official "Detective Conan" will throw out several groups of popular characters from time to time to continue to stir up CP, while maintaining Conan's bottom line. , while maintaining the ambiguous relationship between Conan and Haibara Ai, there is only a thin line between Conan and a scumbag.

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

Teacher Wang Peng's words also caused dissatisfaction among many fans of "Detective Conan" on the Internet, especially fans of Kudo Shinichi. Many people thought that Teacher Wang Peng's words were too extreme. Just like the plot of Conan and Haibara Ai's artificial respiration in "Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow", he was running to save people from the beginning to the end, and he didn't consider the relationship between men and women at all. It is unfair to call him a scumbag. .

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

In fact, this is not the first time that Teacher Wang Peng has commented critically on "Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow". As early as when "Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow" was released in Japan, she had talked about it on this program movie. At that time, teacher Wang Peng said that Conan and Haibara Ai were just comrades-in-arms. Conan was a detective, not a playboy. If Ke Ai was together, it would be a moral issue. At that time, it also caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

Speaking of this incident, I think there is nothing wrong with what Teacher Wang Peng said, but what the fans said also makes sense. First of all, the author of "Detective Conan" Gosho Aoyama really likes to speculate on CPs, not to mention in the theater version, but also in the comics. The most typical ones are the CP pair of Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuba. The couple was originally in a good relationship, but Gosho Aoyama insisted on adding Ooka Momiji, forcing their love to develop into two women competing for one husband.

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

Of course, what the fans say makes sense. Kudo Shinichi (Conan) saved Haihara Ai entirely for the purpose of saving people, and it had nothing to do with love. In the animation, Conan did not give artificial respiration to other people. Could it be that Conan also likes that person? The person who equates artificial respiration with kissing is Haibara Ai. He has nothing to do with Conan and Kudo Shinichi. How can he be called a scumbag?

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

The main reason why fans think there is something wrong with Teacher Wang Peng is because the two sides are evaluating from different perspectives and from different standpoints. From the perspective of ordinary viewers, Mr. Wang Peng obviously has people he likes for many of the characters. As a result, Gosho Aoyama has been causing trouble for people and deliberately stir up CP, while the fans are judging from the perspective of Kudo Shinichi. Obviously I was just saving people, why was I labeled a scumbag for no reason?

Recently, the M26 theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Kurottsu no Fish Shadow' is being released in China. Up to now, the domestic box office of 'Kurotetsu no Fish Shadow' has exceeded 82 million. Although this box office is not the best result of the previous theatrical ver - Lujuba

And this is exactly what Gosho Aoyama wants. The harder you tear it apart, the more popular and popular I will be. I also hope that the audience and fans will not be led astray by the old thief Aoyama and be rational. Viewing. Finally, what do you think about the CCTV guest's critical review of "Kurottsu no Fish Shadow", saying that there is only a thin line between Conan and a scumbag? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below.

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