According to Southern Weekend, Li Zhi, an associate professor at the School of Engineering at Peking University, has recently posted several articles on social media, bringing the topic of whether university campuses should be open to public attention once again. Li Zhi recorded

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According to Southern Weekend, Li Zhi, an associate professor at the School of Engineering at Peking University, recently posted several articles on social media, bringing the topic of whether university campuses should be open to public attention once again.

Li Zhi recorded the story of him "hurdling" into the school some time ago and staged a "catch-up competition" with the security guards, and called on Peking University to open its doors.

This incident attracted a lot of attention, followed by a heated discussion on whether colleges and universities should open their doors. Some people believe that "a good university has no walls," while others believe that setting up entry and exit barriers can protect teachers and students on campus to a greater extent.

【1】"Free access to universities is a matter of course"

Jiupai News found an article on Zhihu titled "Starting from today's running race with security guards - Peking University's guard system should be changed" , the author is Li Zhi, this user does not have identity authentication.

According to Southern Weekend, Li Zhi, an associate professor at the School of Engineering at Peking University, has recently posted several articles on social media, bringing the topic of whether university campuses should be open to public attention once again. Li Zhi recorded  - Lujuba

Zhihu article screenshot

The author wrote in the article that the system of checking IDs when entering Peking University was implemented in 2008. Before that, Peking University was completely open and anyone could enter.

He believed that free access to the university was a matter of course, so he categorically refused to verify the new regulations, resulting in many frictions with the security guards at the entrance. "Fortunately, I usually cooperate with investigations (I just don't show my work ID) and am willing to wait for the police to come for questioning, so the security guards gradually know that there is someone like me, and they usually let me go over the years until the school gate was installed with gates. Fortunately, the gates of the gates are not high, so I can cross them by raising my legs. There is also a relatively large space between the doors of some gates. It is not an obstacle for a tall and thin person like me to squeeze through, so I still refuse to update. Admission system."

Since there are no classes at Peking University this semester, he rarely comes to the main campus. "So the guards probably forgot that there is someone like me, a teacher who never abides by the guard system of Peking University." A few days ago , when he came to the main campus and raised his leg to cross the turnstile, "the security guard didn't want to let me go."

He and the security guard staged a chasing competition at the school. He ran towards the newly renovated School of Mathematical Sciences, then turned towards the farm cafeteria, then towards the underground of the New Solar Activity Center, and then went to the lecture hall, whereupon he was caught by the security guard. catch up. He said to the security guard: "You are not strong enough. Can't even catch up with me?" The security guard replied: "Yes, you ran very fast! My coat is too heavy."

Later, Li Zhi asked the security guard again He showed his work ID and told him that as long as he reported his name to the leader, he would be fine. Sure enough, the patrols who came over quickly withdrew.

When he left school in the afternoon, the security guard asked him to scan his face again, otherwise he would not open the gate. He asked as usual: "Does it take so much trouble to go out?" The other party replied: "Just get out the same way you got in."

"That's what I want. I walked out as soon as I raised my legs, and at the same time told him, 'This is how I got in.'" '." Li Zhi wrote in the article.

At the end of the article, Li Zhi said that Peking University’s guard management system has caused great inconvenience to teachers and students. During rush hours, there are often long queues in front of the turnstile at the east gate of Peking University. "The security we really want to see should pay more attention to public places on campus instead of standing at the door. Especially if they have to control even going out, it is unnecessary. When will the gates that use facial recognition to enter and exit the school be removed?"

On the official website of Peking University, there is indeed an associate professor named Li Zhi. Official information shows that he is an associate professor of the Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science and deputy director of the Fluid Mechanics Discipline of the School of Engineering at Peking University. He began teaching at Peking University in 1999.

On December 17, Jiupai News tried to contact Li Zhi, an associate professor at Peking University School of Engineering, to inquire about the authenticity of the article. As of the time of publication, no reply had been received. Some media contacted multiple departments at Peking University to verify this matter, but received no response.

[2] This is not the first time that the issue of the opening of universities has triggered discussion.

Li Zhi's article triggered public thinking and discussion on "whether universities should be open."

Many people support Li Zhi, believing that colleges and universities are different from primary schools and middle schools and should open their doors. Many netizens have also reported on the inconvenience caused by the installation of gates or facial recognition in universities.

"The same goes for Zhengzhou University here. In the spring, I wanted to go to Zhengda University to see the cherry blossoms, but I brought a teacher who graduated from Zhengda University and couldn't get in. So when I went to visit Harvard later, I heard that I could enter at will. I can believe it. When I went in, I found that even the tour guides could come in at will."

"I went to Xi'an to see my daughter during the National Day and stayed in a hotel opposite the campus. I couldn't get through calling her on the phone in the morning. I wanted to go into the school to find her (because I had something to do), but the guard refused to let me in. Really good, protecting adults in their twenties like giant pandas, parents can’t even see them. It’s a bit confusing.”

“There are no walls on the campuses of Hunan University and Hunan Normal University, and the two universities are next to each other. Clear boundaries. When you walk in, you can feel the tolerance and openness of the university."

"Access control should be moved to teaching buildings and important places, open the campus door, share public resources, and implement refined management and control, rather than closing the door across the board."

九Pai News noted that this is not the first time that the opening of colleges and universities has sparked discussion.

In July this year, the Peking University Security Department issued a violation notice stating that on July 5, an off-campus research team called the "Wolf Dad Tribe" posted reservations on the Shudong platform by contacting campus personnel and borrowing accounts. The appointment can be divided into two ways: help information and other methods, and multiple teachers and students on campus can make an appointment to enter the school. The school decided to close or suspend the reservation permission of the team’s on-campus personnel.

According to Southern Weekend, Li Zhi, an associate professor at the School of Engineering at Peking University, has recently posted several articles on social media, bringing the topic of whether university campuses should be open to public attention once again. Li Zhi recorded  - Lujuba

Screenshot of Peking University's visit instructions

Tsinghua University also issued a document stipulating that visitors must visit within the specified areas according to the prescribed routes. All types of vehicles used by the visitors are prohibited from entering the campus. Visitors are not allowed in closed areas and on-campus teaching and office buildings. Staff open.

Universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University have opened their doors one after another and restored reservation channels for campus visits. However, this has been followed by phenomena such as "spots disappearing instantly" and "scalpers increasing prices".

At the same time, "China Science News" once published an article pointing out that behind these phenomena is a frequently discussed topic - whether universities should set up walls, and how universities can open up better.

A popular saying is that "a good university has no walls", and it is believed that the "bigness" of a university lies in its "tolerance means bigness". In this regard, Sun Wenwen, the young chief professor of Southeast University, told China Science News that there is no inevitable connection between a good university and whether there is a wall. There is nothing wrong with the wall itself, and it cannot imprison thoughts. If we link running a good university with walls, it is a paradox in itself.

[3] The campus of a public university is a public asset and a social resource.

Should universities be open to the public? What do teachers in universities think about it?

Jiupai News found that a few days ago, Li Zhi published an article on Zhihu, "Let’s talk about why Peking University’s guard system must be changed." He mentioned in the article that Peking University teachers and students probably also love and hate the gates. Those who like to be protected, more likely to be students at Peking University, tend to find the gates good. But gates also bring inconveniences, such as queues during peak hours. It believes that the gates still have safety hazards and are not conducive to the rapid evacuation of people if a critical situation occurs.

He mentioned at the end of the article: "Therefore, as an institutional suggestion, we need to start by dismantling the gates for exiting the campus. It is unnecessary to swipe your face and card when leaving the campus."

According to Southern Weekend, Li Zhi, an associate professor at the School of Engineering at Peking University, has recently posted several articles on social media, bringing the topic of whether university campuses should be open to public attention once again. Li Zhi recorded  - Lujuba

Peking University. Picture/Peking University WeChat public account

According to CCTV, regarding the topic "Why should universities be open to the public? How is it more appropriate to open university campuses?" Professor Hu Juan from the School of Education of Renmin University of China said that the campuses of public universities are public Assets are a social resource. The opening of university campuses is in line with the principle of public resource utilization and is an obligation and responsibility that institutions of higher learning should assume. Open university campuses should pay attention to the order of teaching and scientific research, campus security, and the actual situation of universities, and open the campus through refined management.

Associate Professor Zhou Sheng from the School of Education of Renmin University of China believes that the functions of modern universities include teaching, scientific research, and social services. Social services themselves are one of the important functions of universities.Open university campuses must be opened in an orderly and scientific manner, and should be carried out within the campus's capacity. At the same time, it should also be based on ensuring the normal work and study order of teachers and students.

Jiupai News Reporter Wen Yanli

Editor Wang Jiaqing Ren Zhuo

[Breaking News] Please contact the reporter on WeChat: linghaojizhe

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