Know whether it should be green, fat, red and thin episode 10

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Know whether it should be green fat red thin Plot introduction:

Know whether it should be green, fat, red and thin episode 10 - Lujuba

Minglan knows the rules of learning, the classroom strategy, and everyone’s opinions are divergent. Comforting her, telling her that soldiers will come to cover, and the water will cover. Sheng Hong really came to see Mo Lan, explained to her why he beat her, and told her that the medicine he was holding worked well. Ming Lan mentioned Lin Xiaoniang to Mrs. Sheng, and she preached about Mother Kong’s brilliance. She didn’t want to expose Lin Xiaoniang’s true face. She must be aware that if a person pretends to sleep because others can’t wake up, Mother Kong is reminding Father, let him know that no matter how great his wife and concubine are, they can't match the honor and disgrace of the Sheng family. Minglan said that she only understood today that her grandmother asked Mother Kong to learn what rules are secondary, so that she would learn the essentials of living in the world in the future. Following such a mother, she would be willing to be beaten every day. The old lady told her to always be awake.

Wang Ruofu was still indignant with Lin Sushuang, the maid told her that she should accept it when she sees it, Wang Ruofu secretly regretted a good game of chess but had lost all the games, the maid reminded her that the most important thing is Brother Bo Of studies.

Lady Wei thought hard, and finally realized that Lady Zhou must have planted Fluttershy. Minglan felt that Lady Zhou was a person with a city government. If it were her, she would have planned something. She asked her aunt to leave tomorrow, which would make the people hiding behind appear strange. The aunt was worried that Minglan would not leave like this. Minglan took out what to do if there were snakes in the field and convinced her that she was Snake pole.

The next day, after Minglan sent her aunt away, Lady Zhou appeared. She told Lin Sushuang about the incident. Lin Sushuang was worried that they had planted Fluttershy before, so she asked Lady Zhou to take care of the matter. . The old lady

sent Kong away, everyone said goodbye, but the mood was different. Sheng Hong said to Mrs. Sheng that since Mother Kong taught her, the three daughters had informed them and asked them to go back to Zhuang Xueyan to study. Mrs. Sheng did not agree on the spot, saying that she would consider it again. Then she called Ming Lan out, and Ming Lan said that she also wanted to go to school, so that she didn't have to go for tea and food all day long, and it was wrong to talk to Mrs. Sheng that reading is useless.

After Gu Tingye saw his father, Gu Yankai accused him of studying at Sheng's house all day long, not knowing what he had learned. Gu Tingye used the ancient words he learned to ask whether his father was ashamed, and Gu Yankai left with excuses.

Zhuang Xueshu talked about hot topics in class, so that everyone can make decisions. The topic is to be long and capable. Everyone started to discuss this topic, and the opinions were divergent, which caused everyone's dispute. Gu Tingye and Qi Heng also mixed Minglan in. Ming Lan's remarks made everyone admire, and even Zhuang Xuexi praised her. Rulan and Molan dismissed themselves, and Sheng Hong heard that Sheng Changbai mentioned Minglan and felt that Minglan was really insightful.

On the way home, Minglan saw the entourage next to the little father-in-law, knowing that Qi Heng must be hiding by the side, so she left with an excuse, unexpectedly Qi Heng would be beside them. Minglan politely declined Qi Heng's kindness, but Qi Heng secretly said that he would not give up.

Minglan and the maid made knee pads for the two elder brothers. The maid said why three sets of knee pads should be cut. Minglan said that she hadn't done it for a long time and wanted to practice her hand. Wang Ruofu was preparing for Changbai to rush for the test. After hearing that Lan sent a knee pad to Changbai, Wang Ruofu praised that she was becoming more and more sensible. At Lin Sushuang's place, Chang Feng sneered at Ming Lan's intentions. Lin Sushuang told Chang Feng to get a Jinshi back, so that their mothers won't have to be angry anymore.

Minglan was doing embroidery, and the maid came in and said that the little father-in-law of Qi Mansion had come. To express her gratitude to the Sheng family, she sent some gifts and sent them to their respective rooms. Seeing the pen Qi Heng gave to herself, Ming Lan was thoughtful.

Tags: neidi