Hello old time finale plot

neidi 2493℃
hello old time plot introduction:

Hello old time finale plot - Lujuba

Hello Old Time Plot Introduction Episode 30-Finale: After years of walking with Zizhizhizhi

, Benben finally returned to this familiar city and opened a barbecue stall outside Zhenhua Middle School. On this day, a few Zhenhua students came here and sat here to talk about the art festival. These students happened to belong to the animation club. When Benben heard their chats, they suddenly became interested. Several students thought they were themselves. He was the first to set up an animation club and was very proud. Ben Ben told them that someone had founded an animation club ten years ago. As soon as these words came out, a few students got angry and ran away without paying.

The next night, Chen Xiaoxiao, the president of the animation club who did not give money, was not reconciled. He went to Benben to inquire about the animation club ten years ago. Now the animation club has come to life and death again, so he just won’t shine at the festival. Will be banned, Ben Ben told Chen Xiaoxiao that he could rehearse some historical stage plays, and COS became an anime character. This gave Chen Xiaoxiao the inspiration, and often brought the staff to the Benben store to rehearse.

The brothers who opened a barbecue stall with Benben ten years ago set up a storefront and wanted to pull Benben into the company. Benben sincerely wished his brothers a successful career and thanked them for remembering him, but he has no savings now. , There is no motivation. When Chen Xiaoxiao came to Ben Ben to eat, he was surprised by Ben Ben's negative attitude and reminded him that Mi Qiao wouldn't like him like this. Ben Ben felt uncomfortable for a while and didn't know what to do. Mi Qiao has left him forever. He went to her favorite place and saw a lot of scenery, but she was absent and nothing made sense.

Before closing the store that day, Benben found the DV at the door, which was actually the one he gave to Miccio. In the quiet night, in the dim room, I watched the footage taken by Mi Qiao quietly, and smiled silently when watching them who were once alive and young in the picture. The picture is blurred, and Ben Ben suddenly missed the time before, he called Yu Zhouzhou and made an appointment to visit her when he was not busy. Suddenly, the picture returned to clarity. Mi Qiao was wearing a hospital gown and recorded a video to him before the operation. If the operation is successful, they will go to Qinghai to see the salt lake; if the operation fails, let Benben not be sad and be able to meet him, Mi Qiao thinks this is the happiest thing in her short life, and the picture is over. Benben got up and opened the curtains. At dawn, he stood quietly at the window for a long time. Since Mi Qiao wanted him to live a good life, he must not let her down, and rushed to the brothers' shop, intending to fight with them.

Chen Yu is back. He and his girlfriend Saisai plan to immigrate to Australia and get married in Melbourne. Saisai does not want Chen Yu to leave regrets. She contacted Chen Yu's father through Yu Zhouzhou and arranged for them to meet. Chen Yu actually wants to see his father. I heard that he is now down and the woman is gone, but she doesn't know what to say after meeting. Saisai and Chen's father made an appointment to meet at the top-floor restaurant of the hotel. If Chen's father does not come, they will have a meal and enjoy the scenery. In fact, when Chen Yu graduated, he contacted his father once and invited him to attend his graduation ceremony, wanting to reconcile with him, but his father did not come at that time and he did not wait. The

elevator temporarily broke down. After the repair, the restaurant closed. Chen's father still did not come. Chen Yu and Saisai left together. Saisai mentioned that his father had broken his leg and needed to walk on crutches. Chen Yu suddenly flashed a white light in his head and returned to the dining room to find his father sitting at the table. Yes, the elevator has been broken for so long, his legs are inconvenient, and it will naturally take some time to get up. Chen Yu came back this time, saw his father and Yu Zhouzhou, and left with peace of mind.

Jiang Chuan and Ling Xiangqian are getting married, and Lin Yang and Yu Zhouzhou are the best man and bridesmaid. In the bridal shop, Jiang Chuan kept his eyes open and urged Lin Yang to cheer. The curtains opened, Ling Xiangqian and Yu Zhouyi were in white wedding dresses, youthful and beautiful. Seeing Yu Zhouzhou like this, Lin Yang couldn't move his eyes away. Some words were just on his lips, but for some reason, he just couldn't say it. In the evening, Yu Zhouzhou and Chen Xiaoxiao met. Chen Xiaoxiao received the assignment from the director Pan, now principal Pan, to interview well-known alumni. Yu Zhouzhou looked at the familiar figures in the DV, no matter what was there in the past, now looking back, they are all grown up.

Yu Zhouzhou and Lin Yang ate together, watching this person who has been with her for many years chatting on the other side, she told Lin Yang, no matter what he wants to say in the bridal shop, her answer is I do. Lin Yang was so excited that he couldn't speak. After so many years, the girl he guarded finally belonged to him.

See you at the beginning of the year. The little emperor Lin Yangfeng Yu Zhouzhou is his four imperial concubine. Things have changed. The four imperial concubines have always been a favorite. She was confused and hesitated, and finally bravely took the emperor’s hand and used A lifetime to practice the phrase "hold your hand and grow old together".

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Tags: neidi