Hello Old Time Episode 18

neidi 1025℃
hello old time plot introduction:

Hello Old Time Episode 18 - Lujuba

Hello Old Time Plot Introduction Episode 18-Xin Rui learns and feels both proud of Zhou Zhou Linyang's contradiction upgrade

After watching a movie at night, Xin Rui feels resentful, and even dreams at night that Yu Zhou, Zhou Linyang and Zhou Linyang watch a movie Sometimes she laughed at her secretly, in fact, it was only Xin Rui's inner self-esteem that distorted the truth. Xin Rui longed for a better life. After waking up from his dream, he started studying at three o'clock in the morning. She is not good at English and wants a CD player, but listens to her mother's voice and does not intend to buy it for her. After school, Xin Rui saw Yu Zhouzhou's CD player, and the strong sense of gap in her heart made her even more unwilling. When

went to self-study together, Xin Rui asked Lin Yang for English pronunciation, listening to Lin Yang's standard pronunciation, looking at his beautiful side face, Xin Rui was yearning. Xin Rui asked Lin Yang how to learn English pronunciation. She couldn't listen to tapes without a radio and really didn't know what to do. Knowing her difficulties, Lin Yang offered to lend her the CD he burned.

During class, Lin Yang and Jiang Chuan played basketball together to relax. Jiang Chuan accidentally saw Xin Rui running next to him, and deliberately teased Lin Yang’s recent approach to Xin Rui. Lin Yang smiled carelessly, he didn’t. Feeling that something is wrong, they are just attending a cram school together. Instead, the cold war with Yu Zhouzhou made Lin Yang distressed. Seeing that they were resting, Xin Rui ran over to ask Lin Yang if he needed to help him occupy a seat tomorrow. After getting Lin Yang's affirmative answer, he did not forget to remind him to remember to bring the CD before leaving. In the self-study room of the

library, Lin Yang took the CD he had burned to Xin Rui. The initials of his name were written on all of his CDs. He also drew a smiley face on it, listening to himself with Lin Yang’s CD player. Xin Rui was full of joy for the CD produced. Lin Yang's CD bag still contains popular songs. Xin Rui is curious. Lin Yang recommends nice songs to her. Today's self-study seems extraordinarily beautiful. Later in school, Xin Rui saw Yu Zhouzhou’s CD player and took the initiative to borrow it. Xin Rui said that it was used to listen to English CDs sent by friends. Yu Zhouzhou knew that she was using it for study and was very happy for her, Xin Rui’s I can see the improvement in my eyes, and I am really happy for her.

After school, Xu Zhiqiang specially waited for Xin Rui on his way home. Xin Rui has changed a lot from appearance to learning. Although she looks better and better, she has completely lost her own shadow. Although Xu Zhiqiang often bullies Xin Rui, he has a good impression of her in his heart, but he doesn't know how to express it. That's it, watching Xin Rui change step by step unlike her own, Xu Zhiqiang secretly anxious, reminding her not to lose herself. But Xin Rui obviously did not agree. The reason why she worked so hard was to get rid of the shadow of cowardice and low self-esteem.

Xu Zhiqiang's words still had an impact on Xin Rui. When she was in the cram school, her condition was obviously not as good as before. Lin Yang sensed that Xin Rui was in a bad mood, and offered comfort. Xin Rui would not tell Lin Yang about his worries, but he was very happy to hear his concern. After the cram school, Xin Rui accidentally tilted her foot. Lin Yang saw that she was having difficulty walking, so he kindly took a taxi to take her home.

Xin Rui thought that Lin Yang would look down on her when she saw her humble home, but Lin Yang made her laugh nonchalantly and humorously. How could Xin Rui not be moved by such a beautiful boy. Xin Rui went home earlier than before. Her mother thought she was skipping class and beat her without saying anything. When she heard that Xin Rui came back from a taxi, she beat her even harder. Lin Yang, who hadn't left, saw this situation and hurried to explain. During the parent meeting, Xin Rui's mother had heard the teacher praise Lin Yang, and also vaguely knew that Lin Yang's parents were the leaders, and her attitude towards Lin Yang improved immediately.

Lin Yang saw Xin Rui's mother's attitude towards her and her unsupportiveness in her studies, Lin Yang deliberately praised Xin Rui, and hoped she could live better. After Lin Yang left, Xin Rui's mother seemed to be aware of her daughter's changes and was no longer so mean to her. The tense mid-term exam came. After the exam, Mi Qiao Yu Zhouzhou wanted to ask Xin Rui to relax together. Xin Rui rejected them in the name of going home to study. Xin Rui has changed too much recently, making Mi Qiao faintly feel the danger, the competition between classes is fierce, Xin Rui is competitive and strong, Mi Qiao specially reminds Yu Zhouzhou to beware of her.

Jay Chou’s new album is out, and Chen Yao bought it immediately, and would like to borrow Yu Zhou Zhou’s CD player to use it. Yu Zhouzhou went back to his CD player from Xin Rui and opened it only to find that Lin Yang's proprietary CD was inside. Yu Zhouzhou suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. It happened that Lin Yang asked her to have a good talk during class. Lin Yang originally wanted to talk about it and end the Cold War, butHe couldn't calm down when he mentioned Chen Yu, and Yu Zhouzhou happened to feel uncomfortable because of Lin Yang and Xin Rui's approach, and his tone was inevitably bad. Lin Yang couldn't get upset for a while, and he complained that Yu Zhouzhou couldn't follow his classmates when he wrote him, and he agreed to go to the same middle school and didn't abide by the agreement. Yu Zhouzhou was angry and sad when he heard him say this. The message on the classmate’s record is her grandmother’s best wishes for her, and she didn’t mean to do things in high school. Yu Zhouzhou turned around and left, and Lin Yang stayed where he was weak. No one knows that all of this was deliberately followed by Xin Rui. He heard the

test results. Xin Rui forced Yu Zhouzhou and Ling Xiangqian to become the first in the class. The teachers paid more attention to her, and the students also treated her. More friendly, even the school radio station invited her to read aloud because of her good English. Xin Rui's light is getting better and better, but Yu Zhouzhou obviously feels that Xin Rui is getting farther and farther away from her. At the same time, Ling Xiangqian also had a strong sense of crisis and studied harder.

Tags: neidi