Red Rose Episode 46

neidi 2293℃
Red Rose Plot Introduction:

Episode 46-Xiao Junhao escaped from the dead Xia Yuzhu carried out a dangerous mission

Xia Yuzhu drove to the countryside to visit Xiao Junhao and Heping. Seeing Xia Yuzhu again, he felt guilty in peace and fell directly in front of Xia Yuzhu. It turns out that Xiao Junhao has already told Heping about Xia Yuzhu's true identity, and Heping regrets his hatred of his mother.

Two days later, the Ministry of National Defense really wanted to send a special commissioner to inspect the Secret Bureau’s latent plan for Shanghai. In front of the commissioner, Gu Shuangju gave a detailed report on the latent plan and obtained the commission’s approval. At this time, the commissioner got the news that the inner ghost was out of the second hall, Gu Shuangju immediately asked, but as expected by Gu Shuangju, the inner ghost was indeed Xiao Junhao. After the

commissioner left, Gu Shuangju quickly grabbed the phone and asked about Xia Yuzhu's whereabouts. Knowing that Xia Yuzhu had not been at the airport, he immediately concluded that Xia Yuzhu was the inner ghost of the Communist Party. In the

country house, Xia Yuzhu and Xiao Junhao were discussing the evacuation. When they saw two vehicles from the Security Bureau rushing in, they immediately realized that the situation was not good. The two looked at each other, immediately drew their pistols, and went to stop the agents who were swarming out of the car. A thrilling gun battle broke out immediately, and Gu Shuangju finally thought about his past feelings and ordered the secret agents to catch Xia Yuzhu alive.

Seeing that the situation is critical, Xiao Junhao decided to leave a blocker alone to attract the attention of the agents and cover Xia Yuzhu and Heping to leave first. Xiao Junhao fought and withdrew, and he succeeded in leading the agents in the opposite direction. But at this moment, the bullets of his pistol ran out. Xiao Junhao ran away, but Gu Shuangju, who was chasing him, shot him in the chest and fell into the river. Xia Yuzhu in the vehicle in the distance watched Xiao Junhao hurt and fell into the river. She was heartbroken. While calling out loudly, she shot at Gu Shuangju and others. She wanted to get out of the car and rescue Xiao Junhao, but fortunately, Gu Changfa and Heping tried their best. Stopped, and had to leave with tears in the car.

In May 1949, Shanghai was liberated at this time. Xia Yuzhu saw Political Commissar Bai again, and she handed it over to Political Commissar Bai the hidden plan of the Secret Bureau formulated by Gu Shuangju. Political commissar Bai strongly praised the importance and timeliness of this information. Speaking of Xiao Junhao, Xia Yuzhu couldn't help being heartbroken again.

According to the lurking list, the People's Liberation Army quickly dispatched and arrested all these secret agents lurking in Shanghai. Gu Shuangju was telegraphing to the Bureau of Secrets from the stronghold, and hid after hearing the sound of footsteps, but did not expect that the person coming was actually his brother Gu Changfa. Gu Changfa stuffed Gu Shuangju with two ferry tickets, expressing that he would take her and rebirth to leave together. Gu Shuangju hesitated and reluctantly agreed. After changing her disguise, Gu Shuangju followed Gu Changfa's inspection by the People's Liberation Army, boarded the passenger ship, and left Shanghai.

Xia Yuzhu found the political commissar Bai and asked Ying to indicate that he would go to Taiwan to obtain information for the organization. Political Commissar Bai agreed to Xia Yuzhu's request and said that he would make arrangements for her as soon as possible. Xia Yuzhu returned home and made Heping's favorite braised pork. She told Heping that she was going to a distant place so that he could take care of herself in the future.

Xia Yuzhu lined up to buy tickets and was about to leave Shanghai, but she didn't expect to pass by Xiao Junhao. When she heard Xiao Junhao's familiar voice and looked back, Xiao Junhao had already got on the rickshaw and left. Since then, the lovers have been separated.

Xiao Junhao's sudden return gave Political Commissar Bai a pleasant surprise. It turned out that he was rescued by a local fellow at the time and was in a coma for more than a month. He has not returned until now he has recovered. Political commissar Bai told Xiao Junhao that Xia Yuzhu had gone to Taiwan to perform a mission, and Xiao Junhao was very worried.

Xia Yuzhu came to Hong Kong alone, and after getting a special pass, he boarded the ship and arrived in Taipei. On the streets of Taipei, Xia Yuzhu inquired about the location of Guangming Optical Store. After learning that Guangming Optical Store was closed, he had to leave in disappointment. At the door of Guangming Optical Shop, she found the new address of Guangming Optical Shop.

When Xia Yuzhu settled down in the hotel, her suitcase was snatched by a thief. Fortunately, Gu Changfa stopped her and found her. Gu Changfa took Xia Yuzhu home, and he persuaded Xia Yuzhu to leave Taiwan as soon as possible. The Kuomintang was seizing communist spies everywhere. Xia Yuzhu learned from Gu Changfa that Xiao Junhao was not dead, tears filled her eyes with excitement, and then left alone.

Tags: neidi