Ye Tianzi Episode 13 Plot Introduction

neidi 2394℃

Ye Tianzi Episode 13 Plot Introduction

   Ye Xiaotian's chance coincided with the leader, Zhan Ning'er's heart secretly Xu Ye Xiaotian

Ye Xiaotian wanted Zhan Ning'er to live well. He jumped down and stepped on the ants vigorously. The ants swarmed to chase Ye Xiaotian. Ye Xiaotian ran to the river and jumped in. Ye Xiaotian drifted along the water and came to the leader's. Before, the leader woke up Ye Xiaotian and told Ye Xiaotian that a poem could save his life. After that, the leader asked Ye Xiaotian to let go of his hand and drift away.

A Bao cut off his finger to test whether the poison of Thousand-Year Killer has been solved, because the leader once said that the poison of Thousand-Year Kill will disappear with his death. A Bao found that the finger was not swallowed, so he determined that the poison of Thousand-Year Kill No longer, excitedly ran to the tower and shouted at the people below that the leader is back to heaven. According to the canon, the old leader has not decided on a candidate, so he can only find the token of the previous leader to become the new leader. Yang Yinglong wants to re-establish a new leader, and the two elders inside want to protect the Gu Cult. .

Ye Xiaotian repeated the words of the leader, and found that there were ants and spiders implied in poems on the stone on which he was lying. He pressed a stone door to open. Ye Xiaotian walked in, found the mechanism through the code words of the poem, and found that the people outside were working Fighting, the small farmer was so scared that he was about to leave with his head, and found a new pattern mechanism, and hurriedly clicked to enter the secret room. In the secret room, two groups of people and horses have also broken into the secret room. The sword looked dead, lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. He got up until everyone was beaten by both sides. He continued to check the pattern on the wall. When I remembered the call to stop, I opened the mechanism and went all the way to the innermost side, and found a black dress hanging. On the shelf.

A Bao yelled and was finally free. He ran out frantically, but was stabbed in his heart. At this time, Yang Yinglong came to A Bao and claimed that he had missed it. It turned out that A Bao was just a useless knife. He died from vomiting blood.

Ye Xiaotian was soaked in the water just now, and his clothes were wet. He saw the black clothes on his body. At this time, a group of people broke in and beat Ye Xiaotian. Ye Xiaotian picked up the bamboo pole and beat him. , The hall was being mixed and killed. Ye Xiaotian used a bamboo pole as a weapon and found centipede marks on the ground. Ye Xiaotian stepped on it, and a hole appeared in the ceiling of the hall. In the cave, thousands of bats flew out under the pressure. The melee attacked, and the people of Gu God sect saw that these bats appeared and the new leader would appear immediately. At this time, the bamboo pole in Ye Xiaotian's hand suddenly burst, and the leader’s holy rod appeared, and the bats flew around the small Tainong. The liquid dripped down on Ye Xiaotian's body. Ye Xiaotian's black clothes instantly changed color. The elders hurriedly took the lead and knelt down and bowed to the new leader Ye Xiaotian. Yang Yinglong also clasped his fists to signal.

The first elder and the second elder prepared porridge for Ye Xiaotian and drank it. After drinking it, the snakes, insects, rats and ants could not get close. Ye Xiaotian drank it out, and the elders prepared extermination soup, telling Ye Xiaotian that all the leaders must drink the extinct grandson and avoid the dominance of the family. As soon as Ye Xiaotian heard this, he refused to drink soup, and the two elders could only express their long-term plan.

   Ye Xiaotian was worried that he would really cut off his children and grandchildren, and planned to take Hua Yunfei and Luo Daheng to sneak away, and must steal something before leaving. The three brothers took away everything they could.

At the same time, the two elders also negotiated that all the previous hierarchs could travel, or they could take advantage of Ye Xiaotian’s travel time to leave children, and then come back to inherit the position of the hierarch, so tell Ye Xiaotian that he can let him marry a wife and have children. When I came back again, it happened to see the three brothers stealing things, and they all smiled tacitly.

Ye Xiaotian negotiated with the elders to go out and travel for 20 years, otherwise he would never be the leader again. The second elder agreed to Ye Xiaotian's request after discussing, and Ye Xiaotian proposed that the 20-year period starts from the time spent in the night in his bridal chamber. The two had no choice but to agree. At this time, when Zhan Ning'er heard that Tycoon Luo said that Ye Xiaotian was not dead, she hurriedly came to Ye Xiaotian. When the two elders saw him, she secretly rejoiced and thought that she would soon be able to spend the night in the bridal chamber.

   Ye Xiaotian asked Zhan Ning'er to sing a song for him, and Zhan Ning'er was already happy with Ye Xiaotian.Huan, naturally agreed, and Ye Xiaotian was still the one who saved her life. Unexpectedly, Zhan Ning'er's singing made Ye Xiaotian feel that he was killing him, which is really not good.

The elders asked Ye Xiaotian to choose a few people to take with him. Ye Xiaotian thought that he wanted to send someone to watch him, so he specially selected a person with old and bad eyes to follow. The elder suggested that her apprentice Taiyang, Doni, could follow him. Doni used poison very well. Ye Xiaotian wanted to use the inconvenience of men and women as a reason to refuse. Daheng Luo liked Doni hurriedly proposed to bring Doni, but Ye Xiaotian had no choice but to agree.

   Dolini and Zhan Ning'er take a bath. Doni is curious if anything happened to Zhan Ning'er and Ye Xiaotian. After all, after being alone for a day and a night, Zhan Ning'er hurriedly explained that she and Ye Xiaotian are just buddies. Dolny looked at Zhan Ning'er nervously and couldn't help but smile. She told Zhan Ning'er that she was playing with her and wanted to help Zhan Ning'er wipe her back. Suddenly she found that the mark on Zhan Ning'er's back was missing. Ning'er remembered that she was knocked down by Xiao Xiao, and Ye Xiaotian's hand was scratched by a stone. Ye Xiaotian used the scratched hand to support Zhan Ning'er. Perhaps the mark was missing at that time. Thinking of here, Zhan Ning'er thoughtfully.

Luo Baichuan came to see Yang Yinglong. Yang Yinglong believed that Ye Xiaotian had become a leader at a young age. He did not believe that Ye Xiaotian would be willing to die in the church. Therefore, he asked Luo Baichuan to let Luo Tycoon stare at Ye Xiaotian. Luo Baichuan tactfully refused but was reprimanded by Yang Yinglong. The descendants of the Yang family should have worked for them. Luo Baichuan had no choice but to agree, but Yang Yinglong secretly speculated that Ye Xiaotian was a young man and would always have ambitions, and Ye Xiaotian might not be unable to use it for him.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi