Recently, in a new show, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye after a long absence, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the show. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with f

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Recently, in a new program, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye for a long time, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the program. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with full aura, as loud as they wanted. I have to say that the big cousin is worthy of being a big cousin, and her expressiveness on the show stage has not declined in the slightest over the years.

Recently, in a new show, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye after a long absence, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the show. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with f - Lujuba

Liu Wen is well-known both internationally and abroad. Many people cannot envy her unique face, excellent figure and bone appearance. Although many people think that her appearance is not good-looking, but in the fashion circle, she is a proper high-end face, and her temperament and figure are really nothing to say, very perfect, international supermodels are different.

Recently, in a new show, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye after a long absence, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the show. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with f - Lujuba

A pair of long legs is very superior. The most important thing is her innate temperament. It is very difficult to have a supermodel-like temperament, especially ordinary people are hunchbacked and arched. It is even more difficult to become a walking clothes hanger like a supermodel. At this time, we will notice that Liu Wen's beautiful back has greatly added points to her temperament and expressiveness.

Recently, in a new show, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye after a long absence, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the show. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with f - Lujuba

For girls, having a beautiful back is a plus. In our fitness training, we can improve our overall temperament through back exercises, and at the same time make our figure more linear. The temperament of a supermodel must also be cultivated. If we strengthen our back exercises, we can also have a beautiful temperament and become a hanger.

today will share with you the novice gym back training plan, and tell you about the detailed movement process. Before practicing the back, we must first learn to sink our shoulders, sink our shoulder joints, we can circle our shoulder joints in a large circle and then sink them down. The decomposition is shrugging, sinking shoulders, moving forward, and retracting. After mastering it, we will start formal training.

Recently, in a new show, Liu Wen made her debut, appearing in the public eye after a long absence, and also became a hot topic again because of her performance in the show. Seeing that she and Hu Bing walked on the same stage with full aura in the show, both of them walked with f - Lujuba

1. Pull down the high position of the equipment

We first adjust the height of the seat and the sponge column, hold the handle at a wide distance, and then ensure that our forearm is perpendicular to the ground throughout the whole process. Stabilize our shoulder blades, then lift our chest and draw in our abdomen, and let our back push down. There is no need to do it too fast, just let our shoulders feel the feeling of exerting force. Don't use explosive force to do it violently, it will have no effect, and it will hurt us instead. A set of 12 reps, a total of five sets.

2. Sitting rowing

After we sit down, we adjust the baffle on our chest until we are deeply grasping the handle and there is still a little distance for movement. Keep your chest up and your abdomen in. When we do it, we can tilt our head back slightly, which can also prevent our trapezius muscles from borrowing force during the movement. Push back, let our arms on both sides be close to our body, and then pull back horizontally, pay attention not to pull upwards diagonally. Remember to stop when you reach the top.

3. Single-arm equipment rowing

Compared with doing double arms, the sense of force exerted by one arm can be more obvious. Novices can use one arm to find the sense of force exerted on the back. Put our body forward. It should be noted that when we do one-arm rowing backwards, our body can be slightly tilted to the rowing side, so as to squeeze our back to the greatest extent. 12 on each side, do the other side after finishing one side, a total of three groups.

4. Rope pull-down at high position

This action has a strong sense of force. If you don't have this equipment, you can also choose to use the gantry rope to do it. Similar to the high-position pull-down with a straight rope, the advantage of this action is that we can do an external rotation of the arm during the pull-down process, which stimulates our back even more. Do 12 times in one group, a total of five groups.

Our back shaping is also very popular, but many people who don't usually exercise will ignore the importance of back shaping. If we train our back well, our body can be more symmetrical. The upper shoulders and lower waist are affected by our back, and the proportion will look better. At the same time, the connection of our hips also has a good visual effect.

Tags: entertainment