Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024

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One of the information that

is most concerned about by the Taiwanese media now may be the election of county mayors in Taiwan this year.

In fact, in order to demonstrate its "democracy", Taiwan has always spent a lot of effort in various elections. "Did the leaders who came out really bring benefits to Taiwan? It doesn't seem to be.

In addition to the election of county mayors in Taiwan at the end of the year, the election of leaders in Taiwan has always been the focus of Taiwan's media. Although there is still some time before the election in 2024, some people have already announced that they are "considering" running for the election in 2024. leader of Taiwan.

He was once the number one general under Ma Ying-jeou, and now Luo Zhiqiang, the "New God of War" of the Kuomintang. Then, who is Luo Zhiqiang, and why did he jump out to "consider running for election" without serving as the party chairman?

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

's eloquence helped Ma Ying-jeou win the election

Now, one of the things that Taiwanese media is most concerned about is the election of county mayors in Taiwan at the end of the year. Both the DPP and the KMT have put forward their own election goals and launched their own candidates .

Previously, Luo Zhiqiang announced his candidacy for mayor of Taoyuan, but he was "pressured" to withdraw from the election by Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun , and now he has directly announced that he is considering running for the post of leader of the Taiwan region. What's the meaning?

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

In 1970, Luo Zhiqiang was born in Hualien County, Taiwan Province, but he is indeed a "second generation from other provinces" in Taiwan. Luo Zhiqiang's parents are from Dachen Island, Zhejiang, but they do not belong to the Kuomintang army, they are just ordinary farmers from Dachen Island . When the Kuomintang retreated from Dachen Island,

"evacuated" a large number of local residents to Taiwan, including Luo Zhiqiang's parents. After

went to Taiwan, Luo Zhiqiang's parents settled in the Keelung area. His father worked as a dock worker in Keelung, and his mother worked as a nanny and a female celebrity to support the family.

Therefore, Luo Zhiqiang was indeed born in a very ordinary family, and everything he has achieved now is all achieved by his own struggle.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Luo Zhiqiang has been studying very hard since he was a child. After graduating from Keelung Senior High School, he entered Sun Yat-sen University to study business management, and then obtained a master's degree in law from Zhengzhou University.

has to say that reading has indeed changed Luo Zhiqiang's fate. During college, he and the current DPP general Zhao Tianlin jointly established a "Chinese Speech and Debate Association". In this association, he trained himself very well. His eloquence and critical thinking skills laid the foundation for his later success.

It is said that Luo Zhiqiang can clearly explain different issues in a short period of time, and when the other party puts forward his own arguments and reasons for the debate, Luo Zhiqiang can refute the opponent with reason and reason only after thinking for a few seconds, which shows his adaptability. Also strong.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

During college, Luo Zhiqiang also came into contact with the political arena and intends to enter politics. In 1998, he ran for Kaohsiung City Councilor as a non-party member. Since he has no background and economic ability, he can only promote himself by "talking on the streets".

During that campaign, Luo Zhiqiang gave a speech at Ma Junction in Kaohsiung City with a loudspeaker after get off work, promoting himself to interact with the citizens.

He once recalled that once when he was giving a speech, he encountered a competitor's publicity car driving towards him. Later, a burly man came down from the car. He was very scared, thinking what the other party would do to him.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

did not expect that the burly man actually came down to "praise" him, which moved him very much, and because of this, Luo Zhiqiang still insists on interacting with the people on the street. He believes that this will make him meet More "warm" things.

However, Luo Zhiqiang regrettably lost in that election due to his "single strength". After losing the election, he went to Taiwan Chengchi University to study for a master's degree in law. During this period, his mentor was former SEF Secretary-General Chen Changwen.

Chen Changwen valued Luo Zhiqiang very much and introduced him to Ma Ying-jeou. Since then, Luo Zhiqiang has officially started his own political path.

He first served as Ma Ying-jeou's staff. Later, due to Luo Zhiqiang's excellent eloquence, during Ma Ying-jeou's election for the leader of the Taiwan region, Luo Zhiqiang became the spokesperson of Ma Xiao's camp, and made great contributions to Ma Ying-jeou's election. It can be said that he was under Ma Ying-jeou The number one general.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Later, Ma Ying-jeou sought re-election, and Luo Zhiqiang also contributed. During the 2012 Taiwan leadership election, Tsai Ing-wen published articles on the Internet to smear the Kuomintang and build momentum for the election.

After Luo Zhiqiang found out, he wrote an article overnight to refute Tsai Ing-wen, saying that the DPP claimed to "love Taiwan" but had no actual achievements, and also implied that Chen Shui-bian was doing corruption and abuse of power while talking about loving Taiwan. This article effectively hit back Tsai Ing-wen and saved a certain image for the Kuomintang.

After that, the DPP started to fight "online election campaign" again, trying to solicit votes from young people. Luo Zhiqiang, not to be outdone, planned an "online election campaign" for Ma Ying-jeou.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Luo Zhiqiang helped Ma Ying-jeou to create a social media homepage, and also planned publicity plans for him, and planned various campus speeches, which made Ma Ying-jeou more familiar to young people and attracted more young people's votes.

In the end, Ma Ying-jeou's successful re-election as Luo Zhiqiang can be said to have contributed greatly. Therefore, Ma Ying-jeou also promoted Luo Zhiqiang as the deputy secretary-general of his office. Here, Luo Zhiqiang's political path in the Kuomintang can be said to be smooth and smooth.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

has a strong ability, the "new god of war"

in the Kuomintang is only very fast, Luo Zhiqiang ushered in a setback. In 2013, Ma Ying-jeou and Wang Jinping had a conflict, and the battle between the two was later called "Mawang Political Controversy".

Allegedly, Luo Zhiqiang is one of the main "planners" who set off the "Mawang political dispute", and he also drafted a media speech for Ma Ying-jeou to expose Wang Jinping's "illegal lobbying".

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

However, this protracted political struggle also caused Ma Ying-jeou's reputation to plummet. Although Luo Zhiqiang also used the Internet to defend Ma Ying-jeou, it had little effect.

In desperation, Luo Zhiqiang resigned as Deputy Secretary General of Ma Ying-jeou's office, and he did not accept any other positions or announced his candidacy for county mayor in Taiwan. After

resigned, Luo Zhiqiang basically made a living by writing manuscripts, but he continued to be active on social media platforms and hosted a blue camp political talk show in 2014.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Because Luo Zhiqiang is very knowledgeable about "maintaining fans" and expanding his influence among "fans", therefore, although he once withdrew from the political arena, his influence among the people may be "increasing instead of decreasing".

In 2016, Luo Zhiqiang believed that the time was ripe and he announced that he would run for mayor of Taipei.

In order to expand the public opinion base, Luo Zhiqiang also said on social media that as long as his social media followers reach 1 million within the time limit, he will run for mayor of Taipei.

At that time, not many people in Taiwan's political circles had more than one million followers on social media. There were only four people including Ma Ying-jeou and Tsai Ing-wen. Therefore, if Luo Zhiqiang could reach 1 million followers, it showed that he still had a certain influence.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Regrettably, within the time limit, Luo Zhiqiang's social media followers were only over 900,000, and he did not reach the goal of 1 million. As a result, Luo Zhiqiang did not run for mayor of Taipei as promised, but only ran for Taipei City Councillor.

In the 2018 election, Luo Zhiqiang won more than 40,000 votes, becoming the most voted member of Taipei City in the past 20 years. To a certain extent, this opened a door for him to return to the political road. good head.

analysts pointed out that although Luo Zhiqiang's high-voted election was not unrelated to his influence on social media, it also depended on the support of Ma Ying-jeou Group for him.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Since then, Luo Zhiqiang has become quite prosperous within the Kuomintang, and he even became a national last yearDeputy Secretary-General of the Party.

The outside world believes that Luo Zhiqiang has two "not afraid of death" in addition to his ability. First, he is not afraid of being "sued to death". He has seized every opportunity to attack the DPP authorities, and he is not afraid that the DPP authorities will use judicial means for this.

Previously, Luo Zhiqiang criticized Hsieh Changting on social media for "killing" the director of Taiwan's Osaka office in Japan Su Qicheng , and was sued by Hsieh Changting in court, asking him to compensate 1 million New Taiwan dollars .

Although Luo Zhiqiang was "prepared to go to jail", the court finally rejected Xie Changting's claim, and Luo Zhiqiang "escaped". Since then, he "has not changed his original intention" and continued to attack the DPP when he seizes the opportunity.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

2 is not afraid of "death from exhaustion". According to media reports, in order to promote the "four major referendum" voting cases on the island at that time, Luo Zhiqiang launched the "49 days of overnight stay in Kaidao".

Sleeping on the street is a very hard thing. Although many people claimed that they wanted to "sleep in Kaidao overnight" in order to expand their political influence, but after a few days, it was gone, but Luo Zhiqiang insisted. Come down and keep your promise. It can be seen that Luo Zhiqiang is determined and will actively fulfill his commitments.

is also because of this, Luo Zhiqiang was also named the "New God of War" within the Kuomintang, by no means an ordinary person.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

withdrew from the election for mayor of Taoyuan, and considered running for Taiwan leader

Because Luo Zhiqiang is eloquent, capable, and ambitious, he is actively seeking a "superior position" in the Kuomintang. Some analysts previously believed that Luo Zhiqiang would run for this year's Taipei City election. long elections.

At the same time, analysts also believe that since the Kuomintang prefers to launch Jiang Wanan to run for the mayor of Taipei, and polls show that his chances of winning are very high, Luo Zhiqiang's candidacy may lead to the re-emergence of "infighting" by the Kuomintang, and eventually lose to the people again. Enter the party.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

However, in the end, Luo Zhiqiang did not announce his candidacy for mayor of Taipei. Instead, he announced his candidacy for mayor of Taoyuan in April 2022. To this end, he bought an old apartment in Taoyuan City and moved his household registration to Guishan District, Taoyuan. He also announced his resignation as a Taipei city councillor. What

did not expect was that the Kuomintang also had candidates it wanted to launch in Taoyuan City. Party Chairman Zhu Lilun did not want Luo Zhiqiang to go to "divide the votes", and took the Kuomintang secretary-general to "dissuade" Luo Zhiqiang in turn.

Under the pressure of the Kuomintang, Luo Zhiqiang reluctantly announced his withdrawal from the mayor of Taoyuan. In this regard, Luo Zhiqiang's "confidante" pointed out that in this incident, Luo Zhiqiang was "deeply injured", because it was equivalent to the party chairman directly deciding the nominee, denying the possibility of others participating.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

But as I said before, Luo Zhiqiang is a very ambitious person, how could he give up.

Therefore, in September 2022, Luo Zhiqiang declared during his inspection in the United States that he was considering running for the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024, and hoped that everyone would help him think about "whether to run for election or not".

Luo Zhiqiang said that he will listen to everyone's opinions within 100 days, and finally make a decision on whether to run for election after 100 days.

This time, Luo Zhiqiang came prepared. He not only put forward his intention to run for election, but also put forward his proposals after being elected, including restoring the license of "Zhongtian TV" and repairing " 92 Consensus ".

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

From Luo Zhiqiang's point of view, in fact, if he can really run for election and be elected, it will be beneficial to cross-strait relations.

After all, in the current situation where the whole island is turning green, even the Kuomintang "dare not" to hold high the banner of the "1992 Consensus", but Luo Zhiqiang proposed to repair the "1992 Consensus" with great fanfare, which will undoubtedly help ease the cross-strait. tensions.

Moreover, Luo Zhiqiang proposed a few years ago that if he is elected as the leader of the Taiwan region, he will build a "cross-sea high-speed rail". Direct access to Taipei, of course, also helps to repair cross-strait relations.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

However, as we all know, those who participated in the leadership election in Taiwan beforeMost of them are the chairman of various parties in Taiwan, that is to say, even if the Kuomintang will launch a candidate for the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024, that person will be the current party chairman Zhu Lilun.

So, why did Luo Zhiqiang announce that he was "considering running for election"?

Luo Zhiqiang's cronies once pointed out that he made this decision to put pressure on the chairman of the Kuomintang, so that the Kuomintang can really launch competitive candidates with fair rules, instead of directly deciding the candidates through a few people, only in this way , the Kuomintang can "unite and win back the power".

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

In addition, now within the Kuomintang, only Zhao Shaokang has a clear intention to run for the 2024 Taiwan leadership election. By announcing his candidacy early, he can also build momentum for himself as soon as possible and attract the attention of voters. In the future, if If he can really successfully run for election, he will have a greater chance of being elected.

In fact, Luo Zhiqiang also understands that the election of leaders in the Taiwan region is not something he can run for when he announces his candidacy, but his move is also to give himself more opportunities and to establish a fairer system within the Kuomintang. Election Rules.

After the establishment of a fairer system, even if he is not nominated as the leader of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, it can pave the way for him to run for the mayor of Taiwan county in the future. He will not want to run for election as he is now. , but was forced to withdraw.

Taiwan's Luo Zhiqiang: Ma Ying-jeou's number one general, considering choosing the leader of the Taiwan region in 2024 - Lujuba

Anyway, at least Luo Zhiqiang is a Taiwanese politician who clearly supports the "1992 Consensus" - no matter what reason he chooses to support the "1992 Consensus", he may become a "bridge" to strengthen communication between the two sides of the strait , it is very beneficial to ease cross-strait relations.

It's just that it's hard to say how far Luo Zhiqiang can go on the political road in the end, we can only wait for time to give the answer.

Tags: entertainment