The world's first Chinese-language blockchain business war movie, "Sage Thief" set off a financial storm

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"Sage Thief" is a suspenseful crime film in Taiwan released in 2019. It is directed by Xu Jiakai, starring Lai Yayan, Gao Yingxuan, Tseng Zhiqiao, and Zeng Zhiwei. The story tells the story of a young entrepreneur with dreams, Yin Zixiang, who brings his girlfriend Chen Xi and his partners to work together. He hoped to use blockchain technology to get rid of the financial world kidnapped by the consortium and rebuild an emerging financial model, but he did not expect to join the government sandbox bill with the hope that it was more complicated than he thought. Reality.

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The world's first Chinese-language blockchain business war movie, 'Sage Thief' set off a financial storm - Lujuba

"Sage Thief" film review: the price you must pay for your dreams

After breaking away from the era when Chinese films were mostly focused on youthful campus love and love, Taiwanese films will be available in 2019 Many breakthrough growths, whether it’s "Illusory", which puts forward conjectures on the 319 shooting, "Le Prison" which combines music with prison themes, "Scorching Secret" which started from the sexual harassment incident in the entertainment industry, and through the local Taiwanese taste No matter whether the final result is satisfactory to everyone, the emergence of these works that are willing to make new attempts in the movie "Jiang Hu No Difficulties", where zombies and movies have become four different things, means that Taiwanese movies are in the process of progress. The same goes for the financial-themed "Sage Thief".

The world's first Chinese-language blockchain business war movie, 'Sage Thief' set off a financial storm - Lujuba

block chain we understand?

"The Sage Thief" is definitely a good Taiwanese movie that we deserve and should support this year. The director Xu Jiakai, who only filmed the web series "Mr. Bartender" and "Private Room" before, boldly challenged the rare Taiwanese film for his first feature film. Financial subjects, from the financial system of our capital market, and the "blockchain" technology called the next generation Internet network, through the protagonist Zixiang, who can’t understand the current operation of the financial market, wants to use virtual currency The ideal and ambition for change shows that these young people who have just stepped into the society are facing the already deep-rooted system and the struggle between dreams and reality in their hearts, staged a confrontation between small shrimps and big whales. The

The world's first Chinese-language blockchain business war movie, 'Sage Thief' set off a financial storm - Lujuba

movie cleverly locks the theme of "Sage Thieves" on the "blockchain". Most people have heard of it, and it feels like it is very powerful, but in fact, they all have a little knowledge of it. Through its data computing storage, point-to-point transmission (P2P) ), the characteristics of being able to decentralize to make transactions more secure and the high degree of applicability brought about, not only successfully enhanced the appeal of the movie "Sage Thieves" to the audience, but also allowed the young entrepreneur Zixiang in the film to go deep inside Watch how this new technology, originally known as "open and transparent" and capable of changing the current situation, is repackaged into another tool to manipulate and deceive the public in the hands of these high-level resources and powers.

Money and wealth are the current social situation in the upstream

The overall smooth story rhythm of "Sage Thief", coupled with the director’s clear narrative techniques, the use of cup magic in the bar, several investment and innovation applications for publication and promotion of speech activities, in addition to simple and easy The language that we understand allows us laymen to understand the concept of the operation, and enter this seemingly difficult financial war between "blockchain" and "virtual currency". It is also played by the protagonist Zixiang and Lai Yayan. The company’s general manager Xu Jing came into contact with him and gradually became a leader at the mercy of the upper class. He completely told the audience that "we can start with a hundred hands" or "we can change the world". Behind the beautiful vision, perhaps it also hides the need to pay accordingly. The false truth of the price.

The Chinese title of "Sage Thief" comes from Zhuang Zi's: "Sages do not die, there are more thieves." It means that when there is a highest rule (emperor, sage) that everyone must follow and grasp in this society Bandits and disasters continue, just as right and evil coexist in opposition to each other. Without absolute good, there is no absolute evil. And under this premise, "Sage Thief" uses this core point of view to use the emerging technology of blockchain to package the "money" that everyone now regards as the biggest goal in life, telling the audience that when we all When “rich or not” is regarded as the condition and degree of a person’s success, Zeng Zhiwei’s role as the big boss Lin Mingyan in the film, or many accustomed bosses, black-hearted businessmen and other “big thieves” in the real world are born.

Should continue to persist or compromise to reality?

I really like the character creation and plot design of "Sage Thief". In the end, the movie has such a big financial structure, and finally it still pulls the main story of the story back to issues that are closely related to us. Everyone has their own dreams, but on the way we realize our own dreams,Will you bow your head to the wicked in order to climb up, be forced to compromise to reality due to various pressures, and finally violate your original original intention, cross the bottom line set at the beginning, become someone you don’t like, or even hurt your side and care about you People? Maybe there is no correct answer, but I want to make us think: "How to keep ourselves amidst the ravages of society?" This is the theme that "Sage Thief" wants to tell the audience.

However, what moved me the most in "Sage Thief" was that director Xu Jiakai, as a young creator in the film and television industry, chose relatively difficult financial and economic themes in the first feature film, and thoroughly The film "Sage Thieves" conveys his philosophy that he has adhered to in the past few days, with the theme of "how to maintain oneself despite the ravages of society", which is not only very convincing in the current difficult and challenging Chinese film market, In the film, the description of the character's body handling and the struggle with reality is also quite empathetic. Xu Jiakai is well deserved to be shortlisted for the Golden Horse Award as a new director this time.

​​Sage thief film review conclusion

Overall, "Sage thief" is worthy of our affirmation just to be willing to try, not to mention that the film is so well filmed, although I don’t deny that the truth of the latter part of the story is slightly insufficient, it seems It has a huge story structure, but unlike the historical background of financial turmoil in "Big Short" in the United States or "National Bankruptcy Day" in South Korea, it is a pity that the movie is only locked on a few characters at the end, but even so, no matter it is The estimation of the future or the description of the inner change of the little character still gives the movie "Sage Thieves" a very clear core value. Perhaps money can indeed bring us happiness, but in the process we must take risks and must pay. Are the sacrifices and costs worth it for us to devote ourselves so madly? I think these are all issues that must be considered.

Tester: If you follow

, your life should be wasted on a beautiful movie. If you like me, please pay attention!

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