"The case of burial in the playground" will be made into a movie, causing controversy, family members are preparing to sue

neidi 1101℃

Red Star News reported on August 22. On August 11, Red Star News reported that the "Playground Burial Case" in Hunan will be made into the movie "Playground." Random adaptation. After the publication of the

report, it caused widespread concern. The director of "Playground" responded that the script reflected the basic appearance of the case. After review and approval by various departments, it did not distort facts or fabricate it.

On August 20, Deng Shiping’s relatives entrusted a lawyer to issue a statement stating that the adaptation of the “Playground Burial Case” to the movie "Playground" was not authorized and will sue the filming party another day. Deng Shiping’s daughter Deng Ling told the Red Star News reporter that so far no one from the producer has communicated with his family. The family does not want the producer’s money, but it needs the most basic respect. Director

said that he had the support of relevant departments and read all the relevant files to create

. According to previous reports from Red Star News, the "Playground Burial Case" in Hunan will be filmed into the movie "Playground". The production company is Zhejiang Manguangnian Films Co., Ltd. and Qingguo. Pictures (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Wuyuan Wanxiang Pictures Co., Ltd.; directed by Ah Nian, a crime-themed film; start-up time is October 2021, filming cycle is 60 days, and filming location is Zhejiang.

'The case of burial in the playground' will be made into a movie, causing controversy, family members are preparing to sue - Lujuba

↑ The relevant filing and publicity information of the National Film Bureau.

"Playground" in the State Film Administration's filing information shows that the project number of the film is the film drama record [2020] No. 1885; the title of the film is "Playground"; the record unit Zhejiang Manguangnian Pictures Co., Ltd.; the record result It was agreed to shoot. The summary of the story is: Mr. Dong Yimin, the supervisor of the playground reconstruction and expansion project of Xinguang County No. 1 Middle School, rejected the "qualified acceptance" of the tofu project, and was killed and buried in the playground by the contractor Du Liqing and his associates. Under the leadership of the Central Supervision Group, the public security department eliminated the "criminal gangs involved in gangs" headed by Du Liqing in one fell swoop, giving the society a fair account.

On August 11, Deng Ling was interviewed by Red Star News that the "Playground" team did not pass the authorization of their family members, and she was worried that the incident would be randomly adapted. Subsequently, Zhou Zhao was entrusted to act as an attorney to deal with infringement disputes that may be involved in the adaptation of the film.

On August 13, "Playground" director Anian responded on Weibo that their creative team, based on the creative method of "respect for facts and appropriate artistic processing", and with the strong support of relevant departments, reviewed the relevant issues related to the case. All the files were created based on judicial rulings and other relevant facts, and the script "Playground" was created.

'The case of burial in the playground' will be made into a movie, causing controversy, family members are preparing to sue - Lujuba

↑ "Playground" director Anian's response on Weibo. The script of

focuses on the process of case detection. The core of the content lies in the political and legal system and the public security officers at all levels insisting on eliminating evil in special operations to eliminate evil and evil, so that the masses can see justice in law enforcement and receive education in observing discipline and law. The script reflects the basic original appearance of the case. After review and approval by various departments, it did not distort facts or fabricate it indiscriminately. Attorney

said that the producer did not communicate with the local area and the judicial authority did not provide the file

On August 20, Zhou Zhaocheng told the Red Star News reporter that, as an attorney, he noticed the producer’s "newest response from Director Anian". He believed that Wen Zhongda Talking about the "creative ideas and ideas" of the "Playground" movie, but avoiding the importance and continuing to ignore the "fact that the movie is not authorized by the victim's relatives".

'The case of burial in the playground' will be made into a movie, causing controversy, family members are preparing to sue - Lujuba

↑ Deng Shiping’s relatives entrusted a lawyer to issue a statement stating that the adaptation of the movie "Playground" has not been authorized and will startV. the film party.

told the producer that “with the strong support of relevant departments, they reviewed all the files related to the case and created the script "Playground".” Zhou Zhaocheng stated that he had contacted the relevant departments of Xinhuang County where the case occurred. Communication confirms that the producer has not communicated with the local area, nor has it received strong support from the local authorities. At the same time, it was also confirmed that the judicial authority handling the case had never provided any file materials for the producer to read.

In addition, the Red Star News reporter learned from Zhou Zhaocheng and Deng Ling that after Deng Shiping’s wife Tan Chunhua learned that the filming of "Playground" was about to start, she thought of the scene of her husband’s burial in the playground 16 years ago. She suffered depression and was sent to a doctor. At present, the body is no longer a serious problem.

Deng Ling told the Red Star News reporter that his father’s spirit is worthy of admiration. When adapting a movie, he should pay attention to the feelings of his family, but the producer still has not communicated with them. They are not asking for money, but the most basic respect.

Zhou Zhaocheng said that because the "playground burial case" was not authorized to adapt the movie "Playground", the relatives of the victim entrusted a lawyer to communicate with him.

(Editor in charge: Han Chong_NBJ11345)

Tags: neidi