Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes

neidi 1662℃

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

[ star original column "Eight Claw Entertainment", focusing on surfing the entertainment circle, bringing interesting and interesting gossip in the circle ]

Recently, as the Huo Zun incident continues to ferment, some netizens have picked out Huo Zunhe Wedding photos taken by my mother in the past. In the picture, Huo Zun and his mother were too close to each other. They were accused of not resembling a mother and a child, but like a couple, and some netizens even complained directly: hot eyes.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

In the picture, the two feed each other food, the mother looks at her son dozingly. Many netizens think this is the way to open the wedding photos of ordinary couples, and the future daughter-in-law reads the composition. How do you feel.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Many netizens pointed out that they could not do such a behavior, and they really could not accept such behavior. Could it be that Huo Zun is the legendary Oedipus plot; There is nothing wrong with taking wedding photos with my mother. These intimate behaviors between mother and child are understandable.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Many people know that Huo Zun’s father is the famous singer Huofeng, but few people know Huo Zun’s mother. In fact, his mother was also a singer, but because she was born after Huo Zun was born. She felt that she had more important things to do, so she chose to leave the music scene and concentrate on raising her children. She is the famous Shanghai singer Zhong Xiaoping.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Zhong Xiaoping80 was also a smash hit in the Chinese music scene. He was also known as the hottest singer of the year with singers such as Zhang Xing and Wu Diqing. Before the popularity of CD and cassettes, Zhong Xiaoping made many vinyl records. Even today's big sister Dan Naying has to call Huo Zun's mother her sister. It is conceivable that Zhong Xiaoping's contacts and status in the entertainment circle are unusual.

After Huo Zun’s parents divorced, he lives with his mother, Huo Zun’s mother is Huo Zun’s enlightenment teacher. Under her mother’s guidance, Huo Zun learns to play the piano, ancient musical instruments, and sing. Huo Zun once described her mother as like oxygen, and could not live without her.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

In an interview with "Chinese Good Songs", Huo Zun's mother said: Huo Baobao has been very sticky to me since I was a child. If I disappear for ten minutes, his mother and mother will be endless, and he will not be anxious.

Huo Zun’s mother once said on the show that her living conditions were not good after her divorce from Fenghuo, but she rushed to her son wholeheartedly, and even bluntly said: life can be given.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun has always been a simple big boy in Zhong Xiaoping's eyes. In 2018 year , Zhong Xiaoping said in the show that her son never went to Karazhan with others, nor did go out to drink with friends. In her eyes, her son is a simple big boy. This is not to blame her. , Because his son does not like to go to ktv, he likes to go to bars.

Zhong Xiaoping is also very proud to say that he knows his son's friends, has a good relationship with them, and knows everything about his son.

In the chat records that Chen Lu exposed , Huo Zun asked Chen Lu to be a perfect daughter-in-law according to her mother's requirements.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

However, the fierce material of Huo Zun exposed by Chen Lu also let netizens see him clearly. Not only did he share large-scale chat content in group chats, but also called girls the little Pipa Jing, the little Guzheng Jing and so on. In addition to this, directly complained about the variety show I was broadcasting "Big Brother Through the Thorns", and said that he could sing well, "all of you here are rubbish " .

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

Huo Zun’s behavior attracted a lot of scolding, and he also issued a statement on the evening of z6236z, he said that the comments on the network had a huge impact on his friends and family, " had friends collapsed. It has collapsed. A friend’s child was maliciously abused in the kindergarten, and even a friend thought of committing suicide. My mother also fell into a severe depression and was hospitalized due to illness. " He apologized to everyone in the long article , And said that he will withdraw from the entertainment circle.

Huo Zun and his mother feed each other food, face lying on the lap too close, netizens call hot eyes - Lujuba

At this point, the Huo Zun incident has come to an end. Netizens will continue to talk about him for a while, but don't raise the attack and abuse to his elders and family members. Perhaps it is also a kind of respect.

(responsible editor: Huang Yu_NBJS13621)

Tags: neidi