Daddy Bear Bear Child Episode 22 Plot Introduction

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Daddy Bear Bear Child Episode 22 Plot Introduction

   You deliberately misled Duan Yunan and Yong chased Xiong Xiong, Li Youwei was jealous, followed and destroyed the Yu Nan project

You Yong sent Duan Yunan out. He said that Xiong Xiong did not tell the truth. You Yong lied that Xiong Xiong and Jin Jin were divorced a long time ago, but he kept claiming not to leave because he was afraid that his children could not accept it. If Duan Yunan really likes Xiong Xiong, he must use some strategy. , Slowly fell. Duan Yunan swept away the depression just now after listening, and asked You Yong to talk to her in detail.

   Youyong returned home and reported to Xiong Xiong that he had told Duan Yunan that his relationship with Jin Jin had lasted forever, so that Duan Yunan should stop worrying about himself. Xiong Xiong finally put his mind at ease and asked Youyong to organize the gift and return it to Duan Yunan. You Yong stopped Xiong Xiong and asked him to deal with the matter in a low-key manner. The more graceful he was, the more attracted Duan Yunan to chase after him. Xiong Xiong had to leave a gift first.

   Pooh had a sense of crisis and called her mother to report that Aunt Duan from her father's company liked her father and asked her to come back quickly. Gold told Pooh not to worry, if Xiong Xiong is really his good father, no one can take him away.

   Duan Yunan treats Xiong Xiong very preferentially in the company, and puts his office at the door of his office, saying that it is to facilitate communication. Duan Yunan asked Xiong Xiong to pretend to be his boyfriend and drink coffee with his old classmate Lu Qiang, the manager of the rival Fuxing Fund. Xiong Xiong heard that it was for business and promised Duan Yunan to cooperate with her. Li Youwei was jealous when seeing Duan Yunan and Xiong Xiong leaving the company together. He followed them to the cafe. He saw Duan Yunan introducing Xiong Xiong to her classmates as her boyfriend. He deliberately kissed Xiong Xiong while taking a photo and couldn’t help but jump out. They accused them of using their working hours to talk about love, and also exposed the fact that both of them were working in the Neutron Fund. Lu Qiang understood that everyone was a competitor and left angrily. Duan Yunan and Xiong Xiong blamed Li Youwei for being broken. At the opportunity, he deliberately said that the two of them were going to visit the park and went hand in hand.

   Xiong Xiong suggested to Jiang Dong that instead of competing with Fuxing Company, it is better to cooperate with them to compete with Dahua Company's project. Jiang Dong asked them to provide two sets of plans for his own reference, and Duan Yunan agreed. Xiong Xiong and Duan Yunan explained that they wanted to take care of their children and could only take their work home and could not work overtime at the company. Duan Yunan generously agreed and said that he could move the office to Xiong Xiong's home so that he could do both work and life.

   Xiong Xiong took Pooh home. Pooh smelled the smell of the rice and happily cheered that his mother was back. Xiong Xiong thought that Jin Jin had returned. The father and son rushed to the kitchen to find that Duan Yunan was busy in the kitchen. She ordered the food from the hotel, and the soup was cold so it was warmed up. Pooh refused to eat the food prepared by Duan Yunan and went back upstairs to eat instant noodles. Xiong Xiong also went upstairs with Pooh and explained to Pooh that he and Duan Yunan are purely working. The two of them ate a bowl of instant noodles, but neither ate the food ordered by the hotel. Duan Yunan was a little frustrated, and You Yong was very happy to eat. He encouraged Duan Yunan. To break Xiong Xiong's defense, the key is to get Xiong Poini's approval. Duan Yunan asked You Yong to help herself with more ideas, promising that if he pursued success, he would send him a Vespa antique small motorcycle that all the youth like.

   Duan Yunan took the opportunity to work overtime at Xiong Xiong's house and teased Xiong Xiong from time to time, which made Xiong Xiong annoyed. Xiong Pooh hurriedly called her mother to report the letter, but Gold told Pooh to ignore the adults. Pooh had to ask her aunt for help and asked her to help her look at her father and Duan Yunan who were alone in the study. Yinzi took a taxi and rushed to her after receiving the call. She came to the study and claimed that she wanted to lay the ground floor here, and let her brother-in-law and Duan Yunan continue to work regardless of herself. Duan Yunan happened to have no place to sleep, and now she happened to live in Yinzi's room, making Yinzi regret it.

Xiong Xiong and the others stayed up late to complete two plans. Duan Yunan bought coffee and cakes and said that he would reward Xiong Xiong. Xiong Xiong was unwilling to accept it. He took out the egg-filled biscuits and soy milk he bought, but Duan Yunan took the breakfast he bought to eat. Xiong Xiong was surprised.

You Yong was very happy to find that Yinzi came back, but Yinzi did not want to take care of You this time. She was always thinking about whether to tell her sister Jin Jin about Duan Yunan’s staying overnight. You Yong persuaded her not to destroy her sister’s family. Take the initiative to destroy. Yinzi thought that Duan Yunan and her brother-in-law had more opportunities in the companyTwo people get along with each other and feel uneasy, so they can send food to the company to check Xiongxiong's post.

   The company’s colleagues rumored that Xiong Xiong had divorced, thinking that Yinzi was his new girlfriend. Xiong Xiong was exhausted by rumors made out of nothing. Duan Yunan was going to invite Xiong Xiong to dinner, but when he met Yinzi, there was another verbal contest.

   Jiang Dong has seen two plans and asked Xiong Xiong and Duan Yunan to make some changes to the plan together, seeking to avoid the risks that the company may encounter and reduce the company's losses. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

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