Sony creates a new Spider-Man mentor! Mysterious character succeeds Iron Man! Or introduce Spider-Woman!

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broke up with Marvel, Sony continued to expand its spider universe. According to Collider and THR reports, Sony has hired the screenwriters Matt Sazama and Burke Sharpless of "Mobias the Vampire" to develop the "Madame Web" movie! Let's take a look at the Spider-Man mentor who succeeded the Iron Man!

Madame Spider

Madame Web, formerly known as Cassandra Webb, first appeared in the 1980 comic "The Amazing Spider-Man" 210. The setting in the Madame Spider comic is a mutant, but Sony can’t Use this setting.

Sony creates a new Spider-Man mentor! Mysterious character succeeds Iron Man! Or introduce Spider-Woman! - Lujuba

Mrs. Spider is born with clairvoyance and telepathy ability , can read the thoughts of others, see through everything, and can perceive what is happening around her. She also has the predictive ability and can know what will happen in the future.

However, she is also blind and suffers from congenital myasthenia gravis. She relies on a life-sustaining device—that is, the spider-web-like chair in which she sits—to survive. She can also perform astral projection, similar to the soul out of the body, means that her consciousness can leave her body and wander freely. Is very similar to Doctor Strange, but in the comics, Doctor Strange once admitted that he is not as capable as Mrs. Spider (゚Д゚)

Sony creates a new Spider-Man mentor! Mysterious character succeeds Iron Man! Or introduce Spider-Woman! - Lujuba

Mrs. Spider has always appeared as a supporting role in Spider-Man comics, which is a proper battle. Five scum, but what people do is their ability to predict! Specially predict the blessings and misfortunes of Spider-Man in each universe. Think about it, this ability is quite important for Spider-Man. Although sometimes danger is inevitable, if you know in advance, there are ways to deal with it, so as to reduce the frequency and injury of Spider-Man every time he goes out. The degree is heavy.

Sony creates a new Spider-Man mentor! Mysterious character succeeds Iron Man! Or introduce Spider-Woman! - Lujuba

In the beginning, Mrs. Spider was helping Spider-Man find the kidnapped victims. Later, he began to instruct Peter Parker on how to be a superhero, train him, help him, and be the mentor behind Spider-Man. After she learned the secret of Spider-Man's identity, Mrs. Spider asked Spider-Man to help her find a magic weapon to cure her disease. Finally, Mrs. Spider recovered from her illness and became a young beauty. But she has always been a solid backing for Spider-Man, and she will also provide help to Spider-Man when he encounters difficulties.

or the introduction of Spider-Woman

In addition to helping Spider-Man, Mrs. Spider has also trained Spider-Woman, greatly enhancing the combat effectiveness of the spider heroes, and she herself is also the third-generation Spider-Woman (Spider-Woman) Marty ·Franklin (Mattie Franklin) grandmother!

guesses that superhero movies have always had a lot of action clips. Mrs. Spider is a real fight against the five scums and can’t stand up. The life support device can only sustain her life, which is different from Dr. Octopus’s claws. How does a character make a single-player movie? It’s a two-hour battle with the enemy

. So it’s appropriate to introduce Spider-Woman, and let Spider-Woman do it for the action part. Mrs. Spider will direct everything behind the scenes, and combined with Mrs. Spider’s predictions and clairvoyance, it is easy to be able to compete with Spider-Man. This man is in touch. However, there is not much pen and ink about the third generation of spider girls in the comics. only knows that she is a handsome girl with short hair, but looking at the amazing abilities and performance of the first two spider girls, the third child should not be too bad!

The personal movie "Mrs. Spider" once again confirms Sony’s ambitions of the Spider Universe. It is not difficult to see that Sony wants to reduce the influence of Marvel’s Iron Man on the Dutch brother’s version of Spider-Man. If "Mrs. Spider" succeeds, indeed The teacher-student relationship between Little Spider and Iron Man can be untied, and it depends on whether Sony can “change fate” (≖ᴗ≖) ✧ It would be even better if Spider-Woman was introduced along the way!

And the identity of Mrs. Spider as a prophet is too easy to use. If you want to introduce any new characters in the future, as long as Mrs. Spider opens up and the ending egg comes with Mrs. Spider's prophecy, everything will be solved! Sony shot it!

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