In the name of the people episode 15-16 plot introduction

neidi 2225℃

In the name of the people Episode 15 plot introduction

   Wu Xinyi is worried about her daughter's marriage. Hou Liangping visits Gao Yuliang

  According to statistics, Xindafeng has a total of 6.27 million and 203 shareholders. Chen Yanshi urged Zheng Xipo not to lose the shares again this time. Zheng Xipo said no, no one would be Cai Chenggong.

   In the evening, Zheng Shengli took his girlfriend back home, the baby yelled to Dad affectionately, and then Zheng Shengli took out his marriage certificate. Zheng Xipo was very happy at first sight, specially made 6 dishes and 1 soup and also took out wine to celebrate. The family was chatting happily. Zheng Xipo said that he had invested 200,000 yuan left by Zheng Shengli's mother. Zheng Shengli immediately turned his face and yelled that his father was a fraud. The father and son were tit-for-tat, Zheng Xipo could not hand out the stock certificates to his son, and said that the money he earned in the future would go to Zheng Shengli. Zheng Shengli questioned that the stock certificates were false. The baby casually said, "You think everyone is applying fake certificates like you." Now, Zheng Xipo knew that his son was fooling people with fake certificates, and the father and son broke up.

   Hou Liangping was laying noodles in the dormitory when he suddenly received a call from Ji Changming. Ji Changming said that Lu Ye's mother Wu Xinyi was coming to his dormitory and asked him to hide quickly. Wu Xinyi brought dumplings to see Hou Liangping. Hou Liangping was very kind. In fact, Wu Xinyi wanted to take the opportunity to let Hou Liangping help solve her daughter's personal problems.

   Hou Liangping asked about the relationship between Lu Ye and Chen Hai. Wu Xinyi said that Ji Changming had visited Chen Hai before. However, Chen Hai said that he did not want to be dragged down, and he was worried about wronging his son. At the same time, Chen Hai and Lu could also be in a superior relationship. This is not good after all. Hou Liangping said that as long as two people have fun with each other, these concerns are not a problem. Wu Xinyi knew that Lu could also have a deep meaning to Chen Haiqing, but Chen Hai was now lying in the hospital, and Wu Xinyi hit Zhao Donglai with the abacus again. According to Lin Huahua's intelligence, Zhao Donglai was divorced for three years, which may be interesting to Lu. Wu Xinyi meant that the organization would come forward to talk to Lu and also to persuade Lu.

   At the same time, Lu Ye could take Chen Hai’s son Little Ball for dinner. Little Piqiu asked Lu Ye whether Chen Hai would wake up, and Lu Ye watched Xiao Piqiu lose his mother when he was young. Now Chen Hai is still lying on the hospital bed, his eyes flushed sadly. But Lu Ye still encouraged Little Ball to have confidence, and Chen Hai would definitely wake up.

   After dinner, Lu could also send the little ball home. Chen Yanshi watched the comrades from the procuratorate who were busy with the little ball and wanted to send the little ball to live on campus. Xiaopiqiu was unwilling, and Lu Ye also said that the school is close to the prosecutor's office and everyone can help. Together, Chen Shiyan and his wife decided to move to Chen Hai's house to take care of Little Ball.

   Hou Liangping went to visit Gao Yuliang this day and brought a rose to Teacher Wu. Gao Yuliang thought that his student Hou Liangping was the one who came to Handong with a special mission, and had many thoughts. Hou Liangping also knew in his heart that today is not so much a visit to Gao Yuliang, as it is to ask for instructions and advice.

   The two masters and apprentices were playing chess while talking about the night Ding Yizhen was arrested. Hou Liangping guessed that Ding Yizhen was let go, so he asked Gao Yuliang, who was also the on-site commander that night, whether anyone had gone out to make a phone call. Gao Yuliang recalled that those who attended the meeting that day, including Ji Changming, Chen Hai, and Li Dakang, had all gone out. Gao Yuliang also said that Ji Changming didn't need to report to himself that night, but he just came. When Ji Changming came, it happened that Qi Tongwei was also reporting on his work. Gao Yuliang thought that he might arrest someone later, so Qi Tongwei was left behind. Ji Changming reported that Gao Yuliang was procrastinating that night, asking for instructions and reporting, and chatting with Sha Ruijin about his study plan on the phone. When Gao Yuliang heard Ji Changming say this, he put down the chess pieces, and said that Ji Changming was sneaky and the most problematic.

   On the other side, a cycling race around the lake is being held in the Lincheng Development Zone of Jingzhou City, and Sha Ruijin also came to the scene. After giving the order for the competition, Li Dakang was riding with Sha Ruijin while reporting the work of the Lincheng Development Zone. After years of hard work, Li Dakang cleverly built the subsidence area of ​​coal development into the scenic Lincheng Development Zone. This work was recognized and praised by Sha Ruijin.

In the name of the people Episode 16 plot introduction

   Li Dakang and Sha Ruijin have a heart-to-heart talk, Gao Yuliang suspects Li Dakang

   Sha Ruijin and his party came to the financial industry park. Many high-tech companies in the industrial park were dug from the province. Two of them were from Luzhou. For this reason, Gao Yuliang almost died with Li Dakang. After the visit, Sha Ruijin was impressed by Donghui Group. He thanked Donghui GroupMr. Zhao sends warmth to the elderly every month.

   Gao Yuliang believes that the leak cannot be ruled out as the possibility of insiders. He sent Qi Tongwei to investigate and found that there were more than 1,000 calls made from the base station of the provincial party committee that night, and there was no way to investigate. Hou Liangping talked about the mysterious phone call to Gao Xiaoqin. Gao Yuliang understood that the people who went out to call that night were very suspicious. Hou Liangping suggested to check with people close to Gao Xiaoqin, and mentioned that Qi Tongwei and Gao Xiaoqin have a very good relationship. Gao Yuliang interrupted and told him not to talk nonsense. He asked Hou Liangping to think about Ding Yizhen's departure and who would make the most profit.

   Hou Liangping understood that Gao Yuliang had suspects, but he didn't want to say it. Hou Liangping has always respected the teacher, but Secretary Gao in front of him is no longer the teacher Gao back then.

   Gao Yuliang wants to tell Hou Liangping the history of Handong and let him analyze and think by himself. 15 years ago, Gao Yuliang and Li Dakang worked together in Luzhou. Gao Yuliang was the secretary of the municipal party committee and Li Dakang was the mayor. As soon as Li Dakang took office, he overturned the city plan made before, behind the city committee. The reason why Li Dakang is so courageous is because he holds political resources, Secretary Zhao Lichun. After that, Zhao Lichun transferred Li Dakang to Lincheng. Immediately after arriving in Renlincheng, Li Dakang began the construction of the economic development zone. He even put forward the slogan "No law prohibits freedom," he dare to do anything and anyone dares to use it, just like a reformer. However, Li Dakang soon had an accident. A deputy mayor of Lincheng was double-regulated due to economic problems. More than 30 companies that participated in the development of the zone disappeared overnight.

   Hearing what the teacher said, Hou Liangping speculated that Li Dakang might have tipped Ding Yizhen about his political achievements. Gao Yuliang also said that he would report to Sha Ruijin at an appropriate time to show his attitude. In the end, Gao Yuliang urged Hou Liangping not to disclose the matter to anyone, including Ji Changming, until there was no result.

  As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Tongwei brought Liang Lu to visit Gao Yuliang. Everyone recalled the past at Handong University, and the atmosphere was warm and beautiful. Hou Liangping talked about when Qi Tongwei proposed to Liang Lu, but Liang Lu suddenly stopped talking. Obviously, the relationship between Qi Tongwei and Liang Lu was not so harmonious.

   At this moment, Li Dakang was also reviewing the history of Forest City with Sha Ruijin. Li Dakang believes that Gao Yuliang is practical and capable, but he does not agree with him on urban construction. Gao Yuliang is more conservative. When Li Dakang first came to Lincheng, Lincheng’s GDP ranked third from the bottom in the province, per capita income was second from the bottom, and fiscal revenue was fourth from the bottom. This situation forces him to make drastic reforms!

   Later, the deputy mayor Li Weimin had an accident and the investment company withdrew, which Li Dakang did not expect. After investigation, he learned that most of these companies are bribing Li Weimin. At that time, the development zone changed overnight. There were many unfinished buildings. Li Dakang looked at him with heartache and even wept. Some pollution-producing companies wanted to take the opportunity to enter the development zone, but they were all blocked by Li Dakang. He said that the Forest City Committee is engaged in development and wants to increase GDP, but what everyone wants is a modern, pollution-free GDP. Later, Sha Ruijin understood, Li Dakang failed to join the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, but Gao Yuliang entered.

   Finally, on the embankment, Li Dakang reported his personal problems to Sha Ruijin. Sha Ruijin knew that Li Dakang had been separated from Ouyang Jing for many years, and he suggested that Li Dakang sue for divorce. After Sha Ruijin came to Handong, he also heard many legends of Ouyang Jing. Li Dakang explained that during the eight years of separation, he promised that he would never instruct Ouyang Jing to do anything that violates discipline. Li Dakang thanked the party for spending effort to train him from a rural child to secretary of the municipal party committee, and sent him to study in Japan and the United States. He never dared to undermine the image of the party and government for his own benefit.

   On the other side, Ouyang Jing said that she would never divorce. Wang Dalu persuaded her to want to start, not to fight with Li Dakang. Ouyang Jing was even more unhappy after hearing this, threatening that no one would be afraid. In fact, Ouyang Jing knew in her heart that there was nothing to miss. She still had feelings for Wang Dalu, but Wang Dalu always kept a certain distance from her. Since you cannot be a Virgin, it is better to divorce.

   Zheng Xipo and Chen Shishi came to Sun Liancheng's home to talk about the new wind factory. Sun Liancheng told Zheng Xipo to go to the office to talk about everything, and don't always drag the old Chen Shishi to run around. When Zheng Xipo mentioned the issue of industrial land, Sun Liancheng hurriedly interrupted again, saying not to talk about business at home.

   Shari King Kong received a call from Gao Yuliang when he returned to the office. After full preparation, Gao Yuliang approached Sha Ruijin to report. Unexpectedly, Sharijin praised him as soon as he spoke.Li Dakang and Gao Yuliang understand that this report must be difficult.

   Gao Yuliang talked about Ouyang Jing’s economic problems, but Sha Ruijin had a different view. He believed in Li Dakang. Gao Yuliang pointed out that this time Ding Yizhen had an accident and none of the investors left, which is really suspicious. Moreover, on the night of November 16th, when the fire was already burning, Li Dakang insisted on tearing down the wind factory. Gao Yuliang believed that Governor Liu was about to retreat, and Li Dakang was too eager for political achievements. Sharijin said that the leak must be thoroughly investigated, but before there is no evidence, you can't guess, stop here.

   Sha Ruijin asked Gao Yuliang why he didn't doubt Qi Tongwei, a proud student. Gao Yuliang replied that Qi Tongwei was thinking of the upper vice governor and had no motivation to let Ding Yizhen go. After hearing this, Sha Ruijin felt reasonable and asked Gao Yuliang to give Qi Tongwei a message: Qi Tongwei’s appointment is an organizational concern, and he should do his job well. In the end, Gao Yuliang suggested that the inspection of the 125 frozen cadres should be resolved as soon as possible. The tragedy of Chen Yanshi cannot be repeated.

   Speaking of Qi Tongwei's job, Ding Yizhen's traces have been discovered. Ding Yizhen's overseas hunting team was also formally established, with Qi Tongwei as the team leader.

  Lu can also report to Hou Liangping on the investigation progress of the four bank cards that Cai Chenggong bribed. Only one of the four cards can still be used. The money in the card has been withdrawn one after another. However, without any signature and image data of the withdrawal, no one can confirm that the withdrawal is Ouyang Jing. Since there are still five thousand yuan in the card, Lu also wants to remind Ouyang Jing of the existence of this card. Hou Liangping signaled to send Lin Huahua to ask about the loan situation of some enterprises of Ouyang Jing. In the end, Hou Liangping said that he must report to Cai Chenggong before Zhao Dong came, and he had the right to handle the case to further investigate Ouyang Jing and Ding Yizhen.

   At the same time, the police officer reported to Zhao Donglai. According to the recording analysis, the reporter who called Chen Hai was not Cai Chenggong. Zhao Dong recalled that Cai Chenggong did not cooperate with the recording that day, and asked to record it again and apply for arrest as soon as possible. In this way, from different angles, the procuratorate and the city bureau competed for Cai Chenggong's arrest. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To To

Tags: neidi