Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time.

entertainment 424℃

Text|Mei Ya/Lan Xin

is the evaluation of many people on Guo Jingjing . Although he married into a wealthy family and became a husband and wife with Huo Qigang, Guo Jingjing did not lead a luxurious life like other Kuo wives. , But just like ordinary people, pick up babies and give them away, and even walk to buy vegetables.

Her simplicity touched countless netizens and made everyone respect their couple. Now, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang and have one child and two daughters, and they are living a life of immortality.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich” tradition for the first time

Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang are both very cautious in naming their children. For their son, they named Huo Zhongxi . According to the rules of the rich, the girl's name cannot be the same as the boy's, and it needs to be distinguished from inferiority.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

In Huo Zhenting's generation, there was a "shock" in the names of boys, but the girls could not be the same, so the name became a "li" in the name. When it was Huo Qigang's turn, the boy named Qi Zi and the girl named Si Zi. It stands to reason that it is the turn of Huo Qigang's son, and the daughter's name should also be distinguished.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

But influenced by Guo Jingjing, the two decided to name their daughters Huo Zhongyan and Huo Zhongyi. Their decision broke the wealthy tradition for the first time, and it also showed that the couple values ​​boys as much as girls and do not have the idea of ​​patriarchal.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

knows that there is a girl whose name is Zhaodi. From the name, it can be seen that parents attach importance to boys, and it also reflects how deeply ingrained the idea of ​​patriarchy is. Therefore, Huo Qigang and his wife are able to actively abandon this kind of thinking, which is especially admirable.

Name your child. Don’t be influenced by some backward thoughts.

The name is a symbol that accompanies the child throughout his life. It is like an ID card to the child, it is their face. Therefore, parents must pay attention to them, and don't be constrained by some backward thoughts and give their children some unpleasant names. If there is such a kind of thought, it should be weeded out. Many parents named their children Gougan, and the leftover dogs not only bark ugly, but also feel shy after their children grow up.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

Eccentricity is the biggest harm to the child

Don’t think that the child is young and sensible. In fact, they see everything in their eyes, just leave it alone. They know that their parents value their elder brothers more and do not care about their sisters. They also know that when eating, there will always be more meat in their brother's bowl. This kind of eccentricity of parents will bring great psychological harm to children, making them feel inferior and wronged.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

Can the child really do something wrong? not at all. Eccentricity is the greatest harm to children. Parents must treat them equally, and boys are as important as girls. Naughty boys never let their parents worry about, but well-behaved daughters can help their parents do what they can. Don't be swayed by backward thoughts. Children's inner thoughts are what we should really consider.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

Let children learn to help each other, learn to share

In addition to the equal treatment of parents, we also need to educate children so that they can learn to support each other with their brothers and sisters. Let them realize the importance of each other, because brothers and sisters are their closest people, and when they grow up, they can provide themselves with great help. And parents will leave their children one day, and only they can depend on each other.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba

allows children to learn to share with their brothers, their quality will become more excellent, and smooth flow in the interaction with other people. Moreover, such people are more likely to be respected by others. Children who can give to others without asking for rewards deserve our praise.

Huo Qigang’s daughter’s name was exposed, breaking the “rich family” tradition for the first time. - Lujuba


There are some things that should not be said from parents: "You are the boss, you should let the second child. You are a girl, and you should let boys go to school." Such words will bring great harm to the children, and they are also parents. Why should the child of the country be treated so differently? Parents must not have such backward thinking anymore. We must attach importance to girls and raise them well.

Today’s topic: Are there any examples of patriarchal around you?

Tags: entertainment