Yu Zheng voiced his righteous indignation for the middle-aged actress and did not forget to advertise with pictures

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Yu Zheng voiced his righteous indignation for the middle-aged actress and did not forget to advertise with pictures - Lujuba

reported on November 22, , on 22nd, Yu Zheng posted an article for middle-aged actresses. He said that recently he heard that the market is not friendly to actresses around 40, but "in fact, this is their best age. , The appearance has not changed yet, the acting skills have matured." He believes that the market is deformed because too many producers are unprofessional and they need to rely on appearance and popularity to increase their confidence, but he believes that there will always be a group of people like him who can see the goodness of middle-aged actresses. The concept of the market is bound to change, and the future must belong to the performers!" The original text of

is as follows:

has always heard that the market is not friendly to actresses around 40 years old. In fact, this is their best age, their appearance has not changed, their acting skills have matured. So they have always been the protagonists in my play. The market is deformed because too many producers are unprofessional and they need to rely on their appearance and popularity to increase their confidence, but I believe there will always be a group of people, like me, who see their goodness, open up for them door. When the drama is opened and applause is heard, they will shine and be chased by everyone. Everything is in the process of being proved. Give more time to everyone. The so-called market concept will definitely change. The future must belong to The performer!

(Editor in charge: Hu Mengyao_NK5655)

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