"Fake Jin Dong" again! Wuxi Ms. Chen was tricked into 88800 yuan

starnews 1297℃

'Fake Jin Dong' again! Wuxi Ms. Chen was tricked into 88800 yuan - Lujuba

'Fake Jin Dong' again! Wuxi Ms. Chen was tricked into 88800 yuan - Lujuba

reported on November 1 Recently, according to media reports, Wuxi citizen Ms. Chen went to the police station to report to the police that she met the star " Jin Dong" on the short video platform and was tricked by the other party. After purchasing a wealth management product, she was eventually defrauded of 88,800 yuan. It was not until her family found out that Ms. Chen realized that she was deceived.

'Fake Jin Dong' again! Wuxi Ms. Chen was tricked into 88800 yuan - Lujuba

It is reported that a 60-year-old aunt was obsessed with Jin Dong on Douyin. She used her mobile phone to scan short videos every day from morning to night. Not only did she cut her hair and lost 10 pounds, she also shared with her husband Sleeping in bed, she said she was going to marry Jin Dong.

Wonderful barrage, all on the client side &xe61d;

'Fake Jin Dong' again! Wuxi Ms. Chen was tricked into 88800 yuan - Lujuba

A 61-year-old aunt Huang Yue (pseudonym) said to her that she was going to marry Dong Jin. Since the outbreak at the beginning of the year, Huang Yue has become obsessed with Douyin after changing her elderly phone to a smartphone, and claimed to marry actor Jin Dong because "Jin Dong" has confessed to her on the Internet. Huang Yue said that she had never really enjoyed love, and now she wants to chase love bravely. This aunt watched Jin Dong's videos from morning to night, and she lost 10 kilograms without thinking about food and tea, and she began to sleep in separate beds with her husband.

Wonderful barrage, all in the client &xe61d;

After Huang Yue suddenly ran away from home and went to Changchun City, Jilin Province, he said that he had been in love with "Jin Dong" through the Internet for a long time, and wanted to talk Marriage and marriage, the other party has to buy himself a house. When the family members persuaded this to be a scam, she still persisted, and even broke up with her son and husband. As soon as the family members mentioned the incident, she became angry and beat others.

(responsible editor: Chen Shaojie_b6952)

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