Zhao Lusi apologized to Song Qian on the likes and vomits

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Zhao Lusi apologized to Song Qian on the likes and vomits - Lujuba

reported on October 17 that After the opening ceremony of the Golden Eagle Festival, some netizens found that Zhao Lusi had liked a Tucao post about the shape of the Song Qian Golden Eagle goddess, which caused heated discussion.

Zhao Lusi apologized to Song Qian on the likes and vomits - Lujuba

Zhao Lusi apologized to Song Qian on the likes and vomits - Lujuba

On the 18th, Zhao Lusi issued an apology to Song Qian, saying that she accidentally liked Song while browsing the page, and she withdrew it in one second, "I'm sorry for the trouble." With her own expression Package self-deprecating. Song Qian was lazy to discuss with netizens, and posted a set of swimsuit photos with the text: "Hi~I am free, come to play in the water". The two are still paying attention to each other.

Zhao Lusi apologized to Song Qian on the likes and vomits - Lujuba

It is reported that at the opening of the Golden Eagle Festival on the 16th, the golden eagle goddess Victoria Song descended from the sky, wearing a golden robe and a crown, noble and charming. During the group interview, Song Qian bluntly stated that the dress weighed 30 kilograms and she did not dare to move when taking pictures. Speaking of being elected the Golden Eagle Goddess, Song Qian bluntly said that she was very excited and happy, "It is a great encouragement to me, just like this shirt is very heavy, and its weight is what I have to bear. As the Golden Eagle Goddess, I must bear the responsibility. Let more people pay attention to the responsibility of the Golden Eagle Festival and support the Golden Eagle Festival." Although the craftsmanship of the golden eagle goddess robe is exquisite this time, many netizens complained that Song Qian looked awkward to wear it, and this design appeared to have a wide waist. , The figure line is not good-looking. However, the dress has four layers for the luminous effect and weighs 30 jin. It is great that Song Qian can have such a waist wearing such heavy clothes.

(Editor in charge: Liu Jiaxin_NBJS11395)

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