Wit Prison Life Episode 6 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

neidi 1189℃

Wit Prison Life Episode 6 Diversity Plot Introduction

Lee Jun-ho celebrates the golden mother's birthday, Sepak takraw match in prison

   This day, a newcomer came to the cell, Liu Tingyu (Ding Haiyin), known as the demon Captain Liu, was imprisoned for beating his subordinates to death, causing everyone to avoid him

   At Lee Jun-ho’s home, Lee Jun-woo suspected that Lee Jun-ho was talking about his girlfriend again regardless of Kim Ji-hyuk. He was incompetent and furious and complained about Li Jun-ho. Lee Jun-ho ignored Lee Jun-ho, took up the pillow and beat Lee Jun-woo to the bed. In the prison, Peng Shiyun arranged the weekend routine for everyone. Liu Tingyu said that he wanted little finger to help dehydrate the towel. After receiving the towel, the little finger told Kim Ji Hyuk not to give up baseball. He was held back by Kim Min Cheol and Peng Shiyun in the middle. Walking away, Liu Tingyu suddenly stabbed and said why he should be so sensitive if he doesn't play baseball.

   Jiang Zhedou is an old smoker. He has not smoked recently. I heard that the temple will go to the temple for sports competitions recently. Jiang Zhedou thinks it is a good opportunity. Before the competition, he asked his girlfriend to hide his cigarettes in the box of the prize ramen. Je-hyuk, he thinks that Kim Je-hyuk is an athlete who can definitely win the first place. Kim Je-hyuk did crush many opponents during the shuttlecock kick, but a mistake accidentally caught the ball with his hand and the final score was zero.

   In the hospital, Li Junhao talked to the doctor about Kim Ji Hyuk’s arm. The doctor told Li Junhao that Kim Ji Ha had just been here. Li Junhao found Jin Zhihe, but after only a few words, Jin Zhihe left. In the cell, Jin Ji-hyuk made a stretchable belt himself, but he fell down unexpectedly without securing it. At Liu Tingyu's side, Liu Tingyu was in class. Liu Tingyu repeatedly said that he did not kill but only played a few laps. The teacher said that he believed but only verbally believed. Liu Tingyu said that he only wanted to be alone by himself. Liu Tingyu was so angry that he hit the table with his head. Taking charge of Song, seeing the situation was wrong, he broke in and stopped Liu Tingyu.

   Lee Jun-ho bought a bunch of flowers for Kim Ji-hyuk’s mother for her birthday, and when he saw the table full of food, Lee Jun-ho thought it was Kim Ji-hyuk’s mother, and asked if Kim Ji-xi was just watching, but Kim Ji-xi said they made them all by themselves Yes, it turns out that Jin Jixi has become a cook. Li Junhao recalled some of his childhood with Jin Jixi. Lee Jun-ho brought Jin Ji-hee’s seaweed soup to Jin Ji-hyeok, and he tasted it in one bite.

   This time is a sepak takraw match organized by the Catholic Church. Kang Cheol Doo once again expressed confidence in Kim Ji Hyuk, but Kim Ji Hyuk was eliminated in the first round. Because of his professional habit, he held the ball with his hands again. Can only be incompetent and furious. Kim Ji-hyuk apologized to Kang Cheol-doo and explained that he would do his best no matter what sport it was. Unexpectedly, the last event was an intellectual competition. He asked Kim Ji-hyuk a simple question and Kim Ji-hyuk didn’t answer it. Jiang Cheol-do decided to change. One candidate was selected to participate in the competition. At this time, Jiang Zhedou found out that Liu Hanyang had graduated from Seoul University after searching for information.

   Chief Luo wanted to transfer Liu Tingyu to prison, so he called Liu Tingyu, who was originally angry and convulsed in the punishment room, from the punishment room back to his original cell. He wanted Liu Tingyu to get into trouble so that he could be transferred to prison. Kim Ji-hyuk recently had insomnia. Lee Jun-ho found the doctor in the prison. Because he was afraid that the stimulant in the medicine would be bad for Kim Ji-hyuk, he told the doctor in advance not to prescribe this kind of medicine to Kim-ji-hyuk, only some fruit and lettuce. Just recommend Kim Je-hyuk for things, but there was no response after seeing the doctor, so I decided to let the doctor prescribe hot milk to Kim Je-hyuk.

   In the woodworking club hole, Kong Chuanxiu became the new monitor. Everyone thought that the new monitor would change a lot and would be very patient and considerate. Unexpectedly, he would ask the prisoner to pour him coffee. On the other side, Dr. Gao is working hard to make up for his homework. In order to win the gift of the contest, the game time is up. The host asks questions and everyone is working hard to write answers on the board. After heavy screening, only two people are left on the court. Unfortunately, the last question Dr. Gao answered incorrectly, and the final winner was Liu Hanyang. It turns out that Jiang Zhedou brought the drugs from the brother of the prisoner who was running a commissary, but Liu Hanyang was only poisoned by drugs, and he could recover for a short time by just feeding drugs. It was normal, but Jiang Zhedou got the cigarette as he wished, and Liu Tingyu returned to the cell.

   Lee Jun-ho heard Peng Shiyun said that Dr. Gao had the best relationship with Jin Ji-hyuk, so he found Dr. Gao and wanted Dr. Gao to persuade Jin Ji-hyuk to re-energize and pick up the major of baseball. Dr. Gao said that he did not hide from others. That’s great, so Lee Jun-ho called out all the people who were in the cell with Kim Ji-hyuk out to make suggestions and get back to normal Liu HanAt a glance, Yang could see that the relationship between Li Junho and Jin Ji Hyuk was unusual. Under Liu Hanyang's repeated questioning, Li Junhao could only say that he was Jin Ji Hyuk’s stalker. At this time, Li Junhao was called away, and the others were also Go back to the cell and start the action. On the second day, Chief Shen talked to Li Junhao about this, and said that Jin Jihyuk was going to play baseball again, and Li Junhao knew that it was Dr. Gao and the others.

   Early in the morning, Kim Ji-hyuk found his director and wanted to continue practicing baseball. It turns out that Kim Ji-hyuk’s mother had said that she didn’t believe that Kim Ji-hyuk would give up baseball. Then she took out Kim Ji-hyuk’s previous baseball cap and asked Lee Jun-ho to return it to Kim Ji-hyuk. Lee Jun-ho found Kim Ji-hyuk and discovered that Kim Ji-hyuk was on the move. The gardening class worked hard to throw. In the evening, Kim Ji-hyuk took the hat and discussed whether he could become better in the future. After Kim Ji-hyuk returned to the cell, Kim Min-chul asked if Kim Ji-hyuk decided to play baseball again. The answer is yes, so I took out the stretch belt for Kim Ji-hyuk so that Kim Ji-hyuk stepped up his training and rehabilitation, and told Kim Ji-hyuk thank him for helping him out

   Someone came to see Kim Ji-hyuk and Yoo Hanyang in the morning, but Kang Cheol-dou suspected that they were their girlfriends and complained. On Liu Tingyu’s side, he was in class like every day. While waiting for the teacher, he suddenly smashed the glass and turned out the window to pinch Song Dan’s throat. Peng Shirun, who was monitoring, looked at something wrong, and hurriedly asked people to pull away to see Liu Tingyu and Peng Shirun. When I went to the director to ask the teacher where he was guilty, he didn't think about it. The director asked Peng Shirun to let Liu Tingyu go back to the room. It turned out that Song Dan had a sudden heart attack. Liu Tingyu broke the window glass as a last resort. Afterwards, Peng Shirun found Liu Tingyu and let him go. Back to the room, I asked why Liu Tingyu didn't tell the truth, but Liu Tingyu said that if he told the truth in time, no one would believe it. It turned out that Liu Tingyu was framed to come in.

   Kim Ji-hae came to see Kim Ji-hyuk again, but this time Kim Ji-hyuk told Kim Ji-ha not to come to see him again, after all, the two have broken up

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint it without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi