"Ghost Story" produced by Taobao: the best horror movie of the year and the best memorial movie of the year

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'Ghost Story' produced by Taobao: the best horror movie of the year and the best memorial movie of the year - Lujuba

In the Internet age, objects and poetry are in our bills.

World Net Business Reporter Ning Hanxia Intern Reporter Qin Yuyang

Yesterday, on the occasion of the Chinese Valentine's Day, a "ghost story" attracted thousands of "fainthearted" to try it out: open Taobao, search for "watch ghost stories", and watch Taobao Bills.

magical music plus continuous scrolling stripes, the bill "picked up" everyone's Taobao history, including the time of registration for Taobao, consumption status, order status, first item bought, most expensive consumption, shopping cart The baby who has been lying down for the longest time, the way of chopping hands, spending time, etc. The

account was singled out, and the comment area was full of wailing. Netizens called out, "The best horror movie of the year", "Horrible than ghost stories", and "Single dogs are too miserable." Many netizens at

had an epiphany and found excuses for deposits that they couldn't bear to look directly at them. They trembled and felt miraculous about their consumption performance.

On the day when the Magpie Bridge met, this bill full of age and memories was placed before me. It was simply the best proof of love, pain, and madness. To borrow the lyrics from "New Love" is: "Recalling the past, the painful lovesickness can't be forgotten, why do you still stir my heartbeat, how can I love you".

The "ghost story" of rice that hasn't been sold for more than 2 years and shoppers

starts with the old baby in the shopping cart.

"The longest baby in the shopping cart" has evoked everyone's memory.

Some people are poor, and the baby that has been lying in the shopping cart for the longest time is actually rice. After lying in the shopping cart for more than 2 years, it has not been shot. This person should have forgotten, or what to eat to live until now?

'Ghost Story' produced by Taobao: the best horror movie of the year and the best memorial movie of the year - Lujuba

Some people claim to be a cultural person, but they are not willing to buy a pen after 661 days in the shopping cart-netizens say "No, you are a cultural person if you buy it. You didn't buy it."

also has graduate textbooks "Advanced computational economics and stata application", after Taobao bill reminder, "young people who once wanted to work hard" went to the shopping cart to delete this item.

This is nothing. The people who thought "love to chop their hands" have always been steadfast and ruthless, and they are the same avid consumers as those who drill the rolling doors of Uniqlo.

Everyone is very rational.

Some people posted their results, and bought one of them after browsing an average of 165 treasures. The nickname is "choose one in a hundred, with a unique eye."

resulted in a vote of "comrades" who never acted rashly—they took advantage of the opportunity to come to a "stingy" solitaire. The average browsing baby to purchase ratio was 473:1, 517:1, and the highest reached 720: 1.

Do these people see Taobao purely for shopping, and they have an eye addiction?

'Ghost Story' produced by Taobao: the best horror movie of the year and the best memorial movie of the year - Lujuba

They also have a clear understanding of themselves: “Choose from the left to the right, it’s not because of poverty.” There are also people at

who are resolutely browsing and buying after an average of 24 treasures-this is a small number, really, so far, they have not found that it is less than 10 : 1 consumer.

is on Taobao and it is not an exaggeration to say that you can shop around.

"The life of Chop Hand does not need to be explained."

Regarding the meaning of the bill, some people say, "The life of Chop Hand does not need to be explained."

has been able to gain dazzling eyes because of hard work. There is a loyal Taobao user who has been shopping for 7 years and 7 months and has placed 3526 orders, with an average of 1.3 orders per day. The delivery is soft and almost all items must be Taobao first.

Because time has settled, we find the annual ring of the item. Someone bought Tamiya sandpaper for fifteen years, but it hasn't used up yet.

"I don't know, it should be used for polishing the knife." Netizens recalled.

also has a record of pain and happiness because of everything in the world. Some netizens revealed that the baby that has been lying in their shopping cart for the longest time is sleeping pills. They have been in the shopping cart for 649 days without buying them. The netizen

said, "I don't even remember, you can help me remember Taobao."

More people recalled that 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago, the first item "entered into the pit" Taobao was the phone bill, a satchel, and the memory that even the baby pictures were lost.

simple items carry unimaginable meaning.

The book "A Brief History of the World in the British Museum" was once described by the author as "telling history through objects that have experienced different worlds". The article wrote: Interpretation of history by literature is a well-known formula for hundreds of years, "but we must add a certain degree of imagination to construct the past and present of these objects. IWe need to use as rich and poetic imagination as possible to truly understand the profound connotations they convey. "

In the Internet age, objects and poetry are in our bills.

Taobao first appeared in your life. What is the difference in your life? How many years Taobao has been with you? Has late night Taobao cured you Random thinking? Of course, there are also total consumptions that I can’t bear to look at directly. Let’s ask where the money is going?

More, we learned online shopping from here, contacted e-commerce, and started shouting "pro", buying free shipping baby , To find countless stories of struggle and love.

, ​​a Taobao city that never closes, is a 24-hour city that never sleeps with people’s creativity, imagination and a better life.

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