He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday

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He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

reported on April 28. April 28 is He Jiong’s 46th birthday. Happy family members Xie Na, Li Weijia, Du Haitao, http://3g.163.com/touch/idol/star211 posted in the early morning, why Jiong celebrates birthday.

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Xie Na kindly called He Jiong "My Jiong", and praised Mr. He for warming and moving, "Happy birthday, happy every day."

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Li Weijia cordially referred to He Jiong as "I He", and posted four photos of the two together, saying "Happy birthday, chic and comfortable."

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Du Haitao issued an old photo with He Jiong: "May I have all the happy companionship, and I hope that I have all the happiness. The azalea will always be with me! I have a happy birthday!" The words are sincere.

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Wu Xin also issued a group photo of the two: "Happy birthday, how old I am. Everyone around you will unconsciously smile and feel your warmth and kindness. This is the you we all love" Happy All members of the family go to battle. Why is the teacher's birthday, the family must be neat.

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Zhang Jie expressed his heart in a sentence: "4.28, my brother, happy birthday, it is love!"

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Peng Peng "Peng Yuchang" also sent a congratulatory message, saying: "Dear Mr. Ho, birthday happy".

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Wang Jiaer also "joined the group chat." He said, "Brother, happy birthday. Thank you for being so grateful and happy birthday! My brother is always there."

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Wei Daxun: "Mr. He, ShengHappy Day".

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

justin Huang Minghao: "My favorite teacher He is happy birthday! ! ! Thank you, Mr. He, for taking care of you all the time, and I love you.”

He Jiong celebrates his 46th birthday - Lujuba

Chen He posted a smiling photo of Mr. He, saying: “Teacher He, happy birthday.”

(Editor in charge: Hu Mengyao_NK5655)

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