Korean drama witty doctor's life episode 7 diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

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Korean drama Wit Doctor’s Life Episode 7 Diversity Plot Introduction

An Jeong-won insists on liver transplantation for children Li Yijun patiently persuades patients to cooperate with treatment

   An Zhengyuan hopefully waited for a liver transplant to the patient, but he waited for bad news. The liver donated by the patient was too thick, even if it was cut in half, it was a bit thick. This made An Zhengyuan very helpless, but there is nothing more He can only try a suitable liver source in order to save the child, so he told the nurse that the operation will proceed as usual. Li Yijun took the intern to see the liver transplantation. He gave an explanation of liver transplantation to the intern Yin Fu on the way in the past. He also mentioned that the liver transplantation may be very severe because the donated liver is too large, but it is a last resort for the baby. The last resort. The patient's parents waited anxiously outside. The operation was intense. Zhang Dongdong delivered the donor’s liver out of breath. An Zhengyuan started the transplant operation. During the operation, the patient had a lot of bleeding. He asked everyone not to be sloppy. After rescue, the baby finally survived. An Zhengyuan wanted to tell the patient’s parents about the operation process and the patient’s possible situation, but the patient’s parents were more concerned about the child’s condition, so the intern quickly explained the situation to the patient, and the patient’s parents thanked An Zhengyuan very much. An Zhengyuan said The most grateful one should be the young life injured in the traffic accident.

   Liang Shuoheng asked Qiu Minhe to check the patient’s condition. At this time, the patient’s family came out to Qiu Minhe and said that the patient’s abdominal pain was unbearable, but she said that there was no problem for the checkup five minutes ago, and said that she would check again later. For a moment, Qiu Minhe had to obey the request of the patient's family. Nurse Ming Enyuan has been chatting with the patient to relieve her psychological pressure. At this time, a pregnant woman came out and asked for a checkup. Seeing this situation, Qiu Min told Ming Enyuan that everyone is busy now. She hurryed to work and stopped chatting. Ming Enyuan immediately stood up and went to work. The patient had opinions on Qiu Minhe.

   At noon, Zhang Dongdong and the interns finally waited for Li Yijun's lunch. Zhang Dongdong wanted to eat more. Unexpectedly, Jin Jun stepped in after pushing the door, and Zhang Dongdong's idea of ​​having a full meal was lost. In the restaurant, An Zhiyong and several doctors were chatting about the past of the five-member group of doctors. Zhang Dongdong cares about An Zhengyuan, An Zhiyong cares about Cai Songhe, and Qiu Minhe cares about Liang Shuoheng. An Zhiyong was busy until early morning because of the main surgery. Jin Jun went into the operating room after explaining the situation to the patient’s family. In another department, An Zhiyong was very nervous during the operation. Cai Songhe was on the side to guide him, but because of An Zhiyong She didn't do well in her mistakes, and she took it personally. Anzhi was very disappointed because he didn't perform the operation, and his colleague came in to comfort him.

   During the operation of Jin Jun, because the valve was too small, it was very difficult for Jin Jun to complete the operation. The operation time was prolonged. Jin Junwan came out to explain the situation to the patient’s family, and Jai Xia felt that what Jin Jun finished talking about was not the point. He hurriedly explained to the patient’s family for him, saying that the operation was very successful, which made the patient’s family grateful. For the first time, Jin Junwan felt that Jae-xia had interrupted well, but he still insisted on telling the patient about the operation. Description of family members. During the break, An Jung-won came in and mentioned Professor Chin Myung Tae to Jin Junwan, saying that he was reported to get a kickback, focusing on whether Jin Junwan was also involved, especially whether he was related to Chin Myung Tae while playing golf, but At this time, Jin Junwan was chatting with Li Yishun, and he had no time to pay attention to An Zhengyuan, which made him even more worried. An Zhengyuan asked about Jin Jun after he played golf. He said that he paid his own money and converted it into cash to settle the account. There was no use of Qianmingtai’s membership card. There would be nothing wrong. An Zhengyuan was afraid that he would be taken by golf. Unconscious, Jin Junwan comforted him that he was okay.

   Li Yishun finished dating with Jin Jun during the holiday. She took Jin Junwan to eat miso noodles. The two began a sweet date. Jin Junwan kindly helped Li Yishun mix miso noodles and told her that this was her first time. Li Yishun found it very sweet to give others noodles. An Zhiyong explained the patient’s condition to Cai Songhe. Cai Songhe said that the patient and his family should be told about the process of the craniotomy. The patient said that everything would be subject to the doctor’s arrangements. I will do my best to recover him and return to his favorite job. Li Yijun’s patient is getting worse and worse because he did not take the medicine on time. If this continues, the liver just transplanted will lose its effectiveness. Li Yijun wants her to be hospitalized for observation, but the patient said that she did not want to be hospitalized, so she wanted to die. Li Yijun had to be patient To comfort her not to think so,Don't do it either, live for yourself.

   Doctor Bae Joon-hee asked An Jeong-won to go to the movie. An Jung-won agreed. Zhang Dongdong looked disappointed when he saw that An Jeong-won seemed to be dating Bae Joon-hee, but in fact, the nurse on the side revealed the answer because An Jeong-won It’s easier to talk. No matter who asks him to invite dinner or do something within his power, he will readily agree. This does not mean how close the relationship is. He has eaten with An Zhengyuan alone and watched movies. Zhang Dongdong was relieved now.

   Jin Junwan was chatting with Li Yishun about information in the office. At this time, An Zhengyuan came in. After the two joked, Jin Jun finished picking up the car to pick up Cai Songhe and Li Yijun. In the car, everyone was speculating that Jin Junwan must be in love, but Jin Junwan tried his best to refute that he did not. At this time, Li Yishun called and Li Yijun picked it up. Jin Junwan immediately grabbed the phone to avoid advance Expose love information. During the meal, Liang Shuoheng was considering whether to tell his mother that the woman his father was looking for was pregnant. He worried that he would make his mother's condition worse after he said it. Other people said that they should tell her about it. In the end, Liang Seok-hyung decided to tell his mother. Fortunately, his mother was surprised and did not aggravate his condition. After Jin Jun came in, he told Liang Seok-hyung that his father pretended to be sick and was admitted to the VIP ward. This made Liang Shuo-hyung very speechless. Before leaving, he Let Jin Junwan not be his father's attending doctor.

   Li Yijun took the patient around the room. At this time, the patient wanted to introduce him to his girlfriend, making him dumbfounded. At this time, the patient's family also took out a golden turtle as a gift to give to Li Yijun. Li Yijun refused and left quickly. Li Yijun’s patient, Shen Yizhen, refused to cooperate with the treatment because her husband cheated. After she fell ill, her husband donated her liver. She was very contradictory and refused to take medicine. Li Yijun patiently persuaded her to eat more food with the nurse. She was not living for the sake of Her husband, but for herself, for all those who care and love her, Shen Yizhen thoughtfully after hearing this.

  President Liang ate and drank in the VIP room. In order to make the patient pretend to be more like a doctor, he asked his assistant to find a nurse to give him an infusion, and Xiao San acted like a baby with him. At this time, Liang Shuoheng’s mother came to the hospital. A bucket of water poured Xiao San into a soup chicken, and then quarreled with Chairman Liang. Liang Shuoheng hurried over to persuade him. Liang's mother said that she would not divorce if she died. Cai Songhe performed the operation on the patient, allowing An Zhiyong to chat with the patient to relieve tension. During the operation, An Zhiyong talked to the patient about his past and comforted the patient, but unexpectedly waited for the patient's comfort.

   Before Li Yijun left, I came to see Shen Yizhen again to persuade her to take medicine and tell her not to give up her life because of her husband. He also talked about the derailment of his wife at the time, so that the patient felt the same, and encouraged her to live her own life. The patient took the initiative to ask for medicine, which made Li Yijun very pleased. An Zhiyong found Cai Songhe. Cai Songhe said that he had checked him and knew that his physical functions had been damaged by some things. An Zhiyong said he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem. Cai Songhe comforted him and said that it is not a big deal to make him feel uncomfortable. . The colleague told An Zhiyong to let him not worry about someone on duty for him tonight and let him go out to relax. An Zhengyuan received an emergency. Zhang Dongdong was waiting outside at this time and told him that there was no emergency. But he asked An Zhengyuan to invite him to eat once on the weekend. It was the kind of formal dress for the two of them. An Zhengyuan agreed, but He did not understand Zhang Dongdong's intentions.

   Liang Shuoheng was listening to the song to relax himself. At this time, the other members of the five-person group also came to this place, and the five-person group began to relax and happily start a concert that belongs to them only. Du Zaixia has been immersed in the joy of paying the full rent of the house these days, but unexpectedly, he suddenly received a call from the landlord saying that his monthly rent had not been paid in time. This made Du Zaixia a bit of a godless, and realized that he May be deceived.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi