Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive

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Fan Bingbing is back.

Fan Bingbing’s fan club posted articles and Japanese shop Fan Bingbing advertisements and other topics topped the list. Then someone broke the news that Fan Bingbing had reunited with Yang Tianzhen to fight for official resources, create popularity, and pave the way for the return of "Fan Ye". The subsequent interaction between the two seemed to confirm the rumors. Fan Bingbing "teared" Yang Tianzhen's phrase "her hallucination" that the two looked alike, and did not escape the fate of the hot search.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

Whether you agree or not, you have to admit that after two years of rushing to the west, Fan Bingbing actually returned to the circle where she had fought.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

At the time of the tax turmoil, many people had their own guesses as to where Fan Bingbing would go. Among them, "marrying the rich and getting off the shore" was considered her best choice.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

However, even when the news of "pregnancy for a 71-year-old rich man" is true and false, I don’t quite agree with this statement—not to mention that Iraq has always promoted self-improvement and independence. From this option alone, The so-called "optimum" itself is a false proposition. If

compares the selection process to a shopping event, a person in a bad state is a customer with little money. You can only enter the low-price pick-up field and pick out the relatively intact one among the piles of defective tail goods. However, no matter how superhuman our tastes and vision are, the ones we pick are always defective products.

Note that the more unsatisfactory a person's state is, the lower the possibility of the best choice around him. The same is true for love and marriage.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

Jia Jingwen, who just talked about the details of the divorce on the show two days ago, may just be able to comment on this false proposition.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

In 2001, she walked out of Taiwan and entered the mainland. As soon as she appeared, she was the wise and brave woman Nian Nujiao in "The Son of the Man". Not the protagonist, and it is not the top one among Chen Daoming, Chen Zihan and others, but it is enough to test the waters for her to squeeze into the heroine of a good script.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

So the amazingly smiling little princess Zhao Min in "Eight Dragon Slayer" appeared on the stage. Her sharp personality, beautiful face, and just right interpretation made her official debut.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

In 2003, Jia Jingwen continued to gain momentum and won the crown in reality with the tender and courageous Wu Zetian in "Supreme Beauty". But in the following year, she had already begun to go downhill. The filmed "Go Left, Go Right" and "The 100th Bride" were broadcast, and the screen exposure was maintained, but the popularity and reputation have long gone.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

She probably realized that the situation was not optimistic. She immediately transferred her career back to Taiwan and took over the familiar hosting job. When Xiao S went to give birth, she became the substitute host of "Kangxi Is Coming"-she was still full before she left. Cooperating with Hugua, Wu Zongxian and other host leaders, but returning from Gilded, only the bench is left.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

/ Sitting on Li Ao's thigh like a small S on the show /

It was also that year, Jia Jingwen, who began to long for a stable life, chose to have a romantic relationship with Sun Zhihao. In the eyes of ordinary girls, Sun Zhihao may still be regarded as a rare son-in-law: he graduated from a prestigious school, has a bright appearance, is good at coaxing people, and has a family business... But beside Jia Jingwen, who is the world's top 100 attractive beauties, he is definitely not the best The outstanding one.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

In fact, Sun Zhihao had been nicknamed before getting married. How could Jia Jingwen, who was in the same circle, not know? But perhaps it was dominated by the anxiety of a decline in her career, or perhaps the sisters got married and went ashore which gave her a sense of crisis. All she can think of is that the name of "Big Beauty" is still there, and the conditions are matched and seem Will not despise her man only. What happened later on

proved the absurdity of the so-called “optimal” choice: from the time when Sun Zhihao’s lace-up news flew all over the world after marriage, Jia Jingwen was cheated by her husband to miscarriage; she looked down on Jia Jingwen at her husband’s house and asked her to marry after the child’s DNA; Giving birth to Sister Wutong will not change the background color of the dogfight drama, and even give birth to an embarrassing show that has to cry for help from the media to see the child.code.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

career setbacks, betrayal and loss of fighting spirit...Unsuccessful and predicament are like a maze, and the more they go, the more suffocated. Those who are trapped in it will only lower the standard in order to find an outlet, and choose "not too bad" in the skin and the blood. "The one. Even if this option has been excluded, I still think "this is my best choice at the moment".

But what is the best choice when it is down? When you and I come out of the maze, through the trough, step by step, return to the ground. Options that weren't considered in the past are still difficult to see at this time, and the price of regret is often huge and unaffordable, and may even drag us back to the bottom.

So if you are experiencing troubles and are willing to listen to some suggestions, I will sincerely say to you: Don't find your partner when you are in a bad state. In order not to regret when returning, but also to stand up and go on bravely without leaving a way.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

In this epidemic, I saw the anxiety of many people, and I also saw the various operations of passing on the crisis: some people started side business and turned their circle of friends into shop windows; some people began to get involved in the unfamiliar field of coin speculation, hoping to take advantage of the chaos A sum; some people deduct costs and believe that wealth can be saved; others regard marriage as a key solution and arrange 20 blind dates a day (WeChat video makes everything impossible).

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

especially yesterday after the news that "crude oil prices fell to a negative number, or the second global economic depression" came out, I saw a friend send five or six friends circle to marry, the condition is very simple: "男Yes, I live, my financial ability is not inferior to my "-I was in a hurry, and even forgot to mark "single". When

brushed this one, I laughed blankly, only when she was playing around for a while. After all, she was still stubborn on her neck when we met last time, spitting out to me with full anger: "My mother actually used'severing relationship' as a marriage reminder. What a joke. I'm single but my life is still going well. This is not enough. "?!" What a friend of

said is true. On her own terms, she does not lose her peers: her beauty still ranks high in the public relations circle of beautiful women; it is not that the vase is brainless, and many of the projects she participated in are regarded by the public relations circle. classic. Just in his early thirties, he was able to buy a house for his parents while he was living comfortably.

will be single until now, in addition to being unfair to others, she is always willing to believe that "love or not" is more important than "suitability". Therefore, she never listened to the argument of "getting married at this age", and only insisted on the idea of ​​"I want to get married when I meet someone I like"-there is no way to do something, only if she is willing or not, whether she wants to do it or not. .

So I saw that she resisted the urge to marry at home, carried the loneliness of the people around her to get married and only left her an isolated island, but because of true or false "economic depression", she sent a private message to me "Don't forget to see the right person I feel particularly sad when I introduce to my sisters.

The job is difficult to do, the environment is not good, and she was thrown out of chess by her old club. This time, she suffered a salary cut in the beginning of the year... I know her difficulties and difficulties, so I saw her soften her spine and talked about it. Such as "marriage is to keep a group for warmth", "marrying is a woman's second chance to change her destiny, I have no reason to give up", and the "marriage scripture" that marries changes destiny, I can't justly accuse her of not Motivated.

In the end, I can only turn back to her one sentence she once sent me: don't be forced to choose marriage, marriage is not good, age is not good, loneliness is not good, bad situation is not good.

Fan Bingbing tears up Yang Tianzhen to do things: life by marriage transfer, flammable and explosive - Lujuba

She was silent for a long time, and her voice replied with a nasal sound after crying: Then I had to hold this breath and continue to run forward.

looked at her circle of friends this morning, the marriage information has disappeared without a trace, replaced by her bright and proud selfie after putting on makeup, with the caption: don't get mad, it's no big deal.

Life is always ups and downs. We can neither go smoothly nor get stuck in unsatisfactory cracks forever. When you and I think I have found a shortcut to get through the darkest moments, perhaps you should think calmly. Will the end of this shortcut be a cliff or a dead end?

Marriage is not a hustle and bustle in a difficult time. All marriages in order to escape pressure, pass on crises, and pass on loneliness are unavoidable, scribbled, perfunctory, and can hardly escape the end of the tragedy of cocoon. statusWhen it's bad, what we should learn most is how to be alone, how to go from enduring loneliness to enjoying loneliness-first place yourself comfortably, live everything of one person, and then imagine two people together side by side. In order to be kind to life, it is easier to inspire happiness.

I hope you can choose to put on the wedding yarn because of the moment of heartbeat and prosperity. But if this luck and happiness has not yet come, don't neglect yourself, please hold your spirits and move forward.

Tags: starnews