Airport Special Police Episode 4 Diversity Plot (52 episodes in total)

neidi 2477℃

Airport Special Police Episode 4 Diversity Plot Introduction

Zhang Jingshan helps move easily Zhang Zhenhe wants to take his wife to travel

   Zhang Jingshan scored 100 points on the test when he was a child, but he was bullied by a group of classmates and trampled on his test paper. A big brother passed by on the road and drove away the group of children. After the eldest brother left, Zhang Jingshan ran out of the alley and said that he was not fat and he didn't need help. He would definitely prove it to them.

   Zhang Jingshan and Jiu Ge practiced fighting. After practicing for an afternoon, Jiu didn't want to practice. Zhang Jingshan quickly grabbed him and wanted to practice for a while, but Jiu ignored him. Wen Yongqiang just came over and started practicing with him. It is easy to call Zhang Jingshan out to accompany him to look at the house. He wants to rent a house outside, and when he sees his colleague Qi Tianle has sent a message, he comes to have a look. Zhang Jingshan walked and looked at the notes he had made. These will be taught tomorrow. He must be prepared to be a genius tomorrow.

   Two people saw this suite, the environment is very good, it is still a sea view room, but it is easy to be not satisfied with the rent. Qi Tianle said that the rent cannot be less, and many colleagues are interested. Zhang Jingshan asked him to rent it, and subsidized him two thousand yuan a month.

   Zhang Jingshan and easy to go home. They are neighbors. They grew up together and have a good relationship. It's easy to provide home for my mother, but this time renting a house spent a lot of money, this time it was a little bit less. Yi's girlfriend is the anchor, and Yi's mother thinks she is not doing her job properly and is very dissatisfied with her. When he hears that he is going out to live, she is unhappy, so they are not allowed to live together. It's easy to be read and can't help but to make up the family.

   It’s easy to find girlfriend An An. The two of them were talking. An An’s roommate Yu Anna suddenly came back. It turned out that she changed shift today. It's easy to ask her for dinner and call her colleague handsome. Anna knows what he means and expresses that she is not interested.

   Second Astronomy Yongqiang taught them the knowledge of guns, Li Xiang was sleepy, and was called up to answer, completely unaware of the answer. Zhang Jingshan answered, but was punished by Wen Yongqiang to go for a run, because he felt that he didn't need to listen if he could, and he should be punished if he didn't take class seriously. Zhang Jingshan was very unconvinced and felt that Wen Yongqiang was targeting him, Xin Kaiqing also came to run, and the two quarreled again. Xin Kaiqing picked up Zhang Jingshan's notebook, Zhang Jingshan gave her a piece of chocolate and also talked about the shrimp crackers, but Xin Kaiqing no longer remembered it.

   The next day was shooting training. Zhang Jingshan wanted to compare with Xin Kaiqing, and if he lost, he would invite everyone to dinner. Xin Kaiqing agreed. When it was Zhang Jingshan’s turn, he provoke Zhang Zhenhe again. The two of them did push-ups first. Zhang Zhenhe didn’t rush, and Zhang Jingshan shook his hands because he wanted to win. He shook his hands and didn’t hit a single shot. in.

  Zhang Zhenhe has a meeting with everyone. There will be an international conference in Macau next month. Many people will transfer to Hong Kong. Prevent and control it. Female singer Cherie Mountain refused to accept the suggestion. She will still hold a concert next month and she must be on guard. Zhang Zhenhe and Yi and his team went on patrol together. When they saw a little boy, they hid as soon as they saw the police. They were notified that a couple had quarreled. The wife was going to Australia for a divorce. The child took the husband's card and bought a plane ticket. The husband felt that the wife was taking the child away. Zhang Zhenhe discovered that this child had just met, and everyone hurried to find someone. In order not to be taken back, the child hid in the cargo box of the bus and was locked in it. He still had asthma and did not bring medicine. Fortunately, the special police found him and rescued him.

  The woman is very grateful to Zhang Zhenhe and them. Now she has to reconsider divorce. Zhang Zhenhe asked about her views on children. The woman said that when a woman becomes a mother, she will give priority to children. It is very important to have them from the beginning. Zhang Zhenhe thought of his wife. She was very sad and blamed when the child was lost. Zhang Zhenhe bought something and went home, saying that he had neglected his wife before. Many times when they went to travel, they didn't play well for various reasons. Zhang Zhenhe is going to take his wife to France again, this time he will definitely not take off leave.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi