The 9th episode of the fourteenth year of Chenghua (48 episodes in total)

neidi 2273℃

In the fourteenth year of Chenghua, the 9th episode of the ninth episode is introduced

Tang Fan helps Wang Zhi to solve the horse robbery case and everyone goes to Ji'an to rescue Suizhou

   Xue Ling was arrested, and Tang Fan introduced a civil official with neither horses nor ships. In desperation, he had no choice but to follow Dong'er's idea and go to Doerla for help. After hearing about Tang Fan's difficulties, although Doerla agreed to help, she asked Tang Fan to agree to help her find someone in the future. After getting Tang Fan's answer, he rushed to Liaodong with Wuyun Bragg and Tang Fan and Dong'er.

   After Huang Jinglong heard that Suizhou had become the boss in prison, he still did not give up. He wanted to continue to persuade Suizhou to submit to him, but no matter how he persuaded him, Suizhou remained indifferent. The frenzied Huang Jinglong wanted Suizhou to die in prison, so he asked his subordinates to publicly announce Suizhou’s previous official positions, but he didn’t want to be at a critical juncture. The child grabbing medicine for his mother stood in front of Suizhou and persuaded everyone to join him. Protected by Suizhou's side.

   Wang Zhi sent people to investigate according to the clues of the horse feed, and it was true that the Jurchens had recently purchased a large amount of horse feed, but when everyone rushed to the Jurchen’s stables, other tribes followed. At the time when the two sides were at war, Tang Fan's four arrived in time. After hearing about Suizhou's situation, Wang Zhi promised that as long as Tang Fan helped him detect the horse loss, he would help him rescue Suizhou.

   Although Wang Zhi said that he didn't care about Suizhou temporarily, he still sent Jia Kui privately to investigate the matter and protect Suizhou's life.

   At night, Tang Fan was still worried about being in Suizhou in Ji'an. He came to Wang Zhi's big tent to lobby for the slander, but when he returned, he mistakenly entered Doerla's camp. Seeing that Doerla was repairing the cloak before it was under the light, Tang Fan took the initiative to help and told him the importance of chopsticks to him. Although Doerla could not fully understand what Tang Fan was talking about, she probably knew that these chopsticks were indeed very important to Tang Fan.

   In order to be able to rescue Suizhou as soon as possible, Tang Fan took the initiative to investigate the lost horse case the second day he came to Guangning. After reviewing the interrogation records of the three owners, Tang Fan really found the strangeness. While interrogating one of the owners, he ordered the soldiers to divide eighty-one routes to find a place where a large number of horse dung gathered. Afterwards, Wang Zhi and others found the missing horse in this way. Tang Fan also wanted Wang Zhi to tell his guess. When he was about to continue the interrogation, Wang Zhi asked him to close the case. While Wang Zhi asked Tang Fan to prepare his luggage and leave at any time, he met with Commander Doyanwei and his younger brother, the mastermind of the horse robbery and Nei Ying Batu, who resolved it on the spot. Commander Duo Yanwei also bowed his head to Wang Zhi because of Wang Zhi's unrepayable favor.

   Guangningma City resumed, Wang Zhi's mission was successfully completed, and he led his men and Tang Fan and his party to Ji'an to rescue Suizhou by water.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi