A trip to meet love episode 4

neidi 569℃
A travel story that meets love:

A trip to meet love episode 4 - Lujuba

A travel TV drama that meets love. Episode 4: Li Xinyue was drunk and hit Jin Xiaotian. Chu Zhihan had financial difficulties.

Li Xinyue and Chu Zhihan did not go home after separation. Instead, he drank alone at the beach and recalled his mother's death in a car accident. The scene is very sad. Not far away, Jin Xiaotian looked at her very worried. Jin Xiaotian carried Li Xinyue home, who was too drunk to wake up personnel. Li Xinyue cried and laughed while vomiting and talking nonsense. Jin Xiaotian kindly went to take a piece of clothing to cover Li Xinyue's body, but Li Xinyue just woke up, mistakenly thinking that Jin Xiaotian was taking the opportunity to insult her, and beat Jin Xiaotian in anger.

Jin Xiaotian and Captain Feng are discussing the investigation of Li Xinyue. Jin Xiaotian said that Li Xinyue, as an ordinary moonlight white-collar worker, went to the auction to be suspicious. Captain Feng told Jin Xiaotian that Li Xinyue asked Boss Zhao to borrow 3 million in loan sharks. Jin Xiaotian was also very puzzled. Captain Feng asked Jin Xiaotian to find out why Li Xinyue borrowed usury. Chu Zhihan announced at the company that he would get a creative event for a RV trip to Shangri-La. The employees of the company think this idea is feasible, but it needs funding. Chu Zhihan felt that funding was not a problem, and was confident to raise funds.

Li Xinyue woke up the next day, Jin Xiaotian persuaded him not to be a girl to drink so much alcohol in the future, but Li Xinyue has completely forgotten that she was drunk yesterday, drunk crazy and beat Jin Xiaotian. Jin Xiaotian kindly reminded Li Xinyue not to be a girl who drinks so much wine and wears such a short skirt. Boss Zhao invited Li Xinyue to his company. He was very happy that Li Xinyue helped him make so much money. He wanted to dig Li Xinyue to work here, but Li Xinyue refused. But Boss Zhao immediately asked Li Xinyue to go to the Mediterranean Sea for a 10-day tour, but Li Xinyue also refused. Boss Zhao immediately said that Chu Hongfei wanted to see Li Xinyue, but Li Xinyue felt a little uncomfortable and declined in every possible way. Boss Zhao said that he had already complimented Chu Hongfei to him, and Li Xinyue was not going to slap her face. So he gave both kindness and power, not giving Li Xinyue a chance to refuse.

Jin Xiaotian searched the house while Li Xinyue was not at home and found that Li Xinyue had a painting tube in his house. He immediately became suspicious that there might be something wrong with the painting. At the same time, Li Xinyue was targeted by the supervisor again at the company. She received a call from Chu Zhihan when she was feeling uncomfortable, saying that she had something to discuss. At the same time, the police station has sent someone to the gallery to identify that the painting is fake, and Li Xinyue still has a tube of the painting at home. Chu Hongfei repurchased the painting again at a high price, and the police department felt it was tricky. So Captain Feng asked Jin Xiaotian to follow up further.

On the other side, Li Xinyue was meeting with Chu Zhihan in a coffee shop. Chu Zhihan told Li Xinyue that his RV trip was from Shanghai to Shangri-La. He said that this is not only the company's offline promotion, but may also be the first travel product. Li Xinyue immediately asked if she could participate. Chu Zhihan thought it would be better if she was willing to participate, but he did not have enough funds and might not give her a lot of money. Li Xinyue said that she didn't mind and was willing to make a plan.

Captain Feng wants to go to the gallery to see that painting, and will meet Chu Hongfei by the way. As a result, Chu Hongfei put away the painting, and Captain Feng tentatively asked if he was sure that the re-purchased was the original one. Chu Hongfei was startled, but he said that he was sure of course. However, Chu Zhihan's company had a problem. Most of the employees chose to leave because of the company's financial difficulties. Chu Zhihan felt uncomfortable but had no choice but to let them go. Chu Zhihan went to the bar to meet with friends. Friends saw that his face was not good, and asked him if he had any problems, and everyone would help. Chu Hongfei told friends that his company needed funds and wanted to borrow some funds from them. But his friends are not optimistic about his entrepreneurial projects, and no one wants to lend him.

As night fell, Li Xinyue walked to the amusement park alone, watching the tourists look like family harmony. She thought that if her parents were still there, she would often bring her here. Not far away, Jin Xiaotian was watching her. . Jin Xiaotian followed Li Xinyue in the same Ferris wheel. Li Xinyue was surprised that Jin Xiaotian appeared but couldn't drive him away. Jin Xiaotian talked about Li Xinyue, so she could tell him if she had troubles, but Li Xinyue said that she only wanted Jin Xiaotian to move out. Jin Xiaotian deliberately pretended to be silly, and Li Xinyue couldn't help him.

Chu Zhihan couldn't raise funds everywhere. He wanted to sell his beloved car, but at the last moment he couldn't bear it. summerXia gave a detailed introduction of the paintings being auctioned during the live broadcast at Chu Hongfei's gallery, which attracted the attention of Chu Hongfei's wife, Chen Zhengqian. Chen Zhengqian asked security to stop Xia Xia from shooting at the gallery, and Xia Xia could only leave.

Tags: neidi