Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping

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Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Wu Ruofu was born in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province in 1962. After graduating from the Performing Department of the People's Liberation Army Art Academy, he became a professional actor in the National Theater. Since his debut, he has starred in dozens of film and television dramas including "Grand Parade", "Holding Hands", "State Secrets", "The True Colors of Criminal Police", and has won China TV "Golden Eagle Award" and "Flying Award" for outstanding actor awards. His wife's name is Liu Sha, 22 years younger than him.

On January 14, 2010, Wu Ruofu was promoted to Happy Father. On this morning, his beloved wife Liu Sha successfully gave birth to his lovely daughter in a Beijing hospital. Wu Ruofu is straightforward and straightforward. He named his daughter Wu Bingqing. It is said that his daughter is the lover of his father's previous life, and Wu Ruofu, who is a middle-aged daughter, is in excitement. On the second day of his daughter’s birth, he wrote a letter to his daughter passionately: “Bing Qing, my lovely daughter, there are so many beautiful things in the world, and there are countless ugliness. Dad named you Bing Qing. , I just hope you know that good and evil are beautiful and ugly, the ice is clear and jade is clean, and the silt is not stained; the heart must be good, beautiful in form and in the soul, and then it is great."

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Wu Ruofu and Liu Sha

The warm sun of winter sprinkled on the delivery room Here, Liu Sha hugged her daughter against the bedside to enjoy the sun. Wu Ruofu sat down next to his wife and daughter and read the letter verbatim to his wife. Liu Sha groaned: "My daughter was just born. Where can I understand?" Wu Ruofu kissed her daughter's forehead and smiled: "This is the birth gift I gave to my daughter. I wrote it all from my heart. My daughter will naturally be able to grow up. Understand."

Liu Sha stayed in the hospital for a whole week. After the wound healed, she and her daughter returned home with Wu Ruofu. As soon as she entered the house, Liu Sha's mother rushed over. As soon as she met, she took the initiative to ask her son-in-law: "I am in a tough body, and there is nothing to do at home. Just come and take care of the mother and daughter of Salsa. In this way, you will not be delayed at all in filming." Wu Ruofu sincerely declined: "Mom, you will Salsa. I have fulfilled my obligation to cultivate talents, and there is no reason to take care of my granddaughter. Taking care of Sasa’s mother and daughter is my unshirkable responsibility. Experts have said that when children grow up with their parents, their minds and characters will be more sound.” After several years of contact, Liu’s mother knew The son-in-law was steady and careful, and knew how to be considerate, so he stopped insisting.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Young Wu Ruofu

In this way, Wu Ruofu started his "middle-aged dad" career. He used to shoot 6 films a year, leaving him with very limited rest time; after the birth of his daughter, he gave himself a long vacation, giving himself time and energy to his wife and daughter. Liu Sha is 22 years younger than Wu Ruofu. She started boarding at the Beijing Dance Academy since she was very young. After graduation, she joined the Chinese Opera and Dance Theater and has never lived independently. Wu Ruofu treats her as a daughter.

However, at this moment, the happy life of Wu Ruofu's family of three took a sharp turn. At 11 o'clock one evening, Wu Ruofu drove his friend to the airport. When I passed by a bar when I returned, under the dim street light, three drunk mature men pulled and pulled in front of the bar. The same night, the same place, and the same scene, like a knife, tore away the wounds in Wu Ruofu's heart, and the frightening past suddenly surged...

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

On February 3, 2004, Wu Ruofu and a few friends had a party in this bar. , It was early morning at the end. Wu Ruofu was in the parking lot preparing to drive home, but before opening the door, he was suddenly surrounded by three men calling themselves police. One of them showed his "work permit": "The car you drove escaped after a traffic accident. Please come with us." Wu Ruofu vigilantly argued: "You have found the wrong person. If you have any misunderstanding, I will go to the traffic team tomorrow. Clarification." The other party suddenly took out a pistol, held Wu Ruofu's waist, hijacked him to a Nissan car parked on the street, and then used the 9 locks on the shackles and handcuffs to lock Wu Ruofu's hands and feet tightly. The resistance became futile. Wu Ruofu played the role of a policeman on the screen many times, and he had simulated the crimes many times. He realized that he had really met the kidnapper this time, and Wu Ruofu's back was filled with cold sweat.

More than an hour later, Wu Ruofu was kidnapped to a farmyard and detained in a bungalow with another "routine" Du Qingjiang. Several gangsters were armed with live ammunition and kept guarding them every step of the way. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 3 million from Wu Ruofu, otherwise they would tear up the ticket overnight. At 8 o'clock in the morning the next day, Wu Ruofu called his friend Su and asked him to help withdraw 3 million cash, and then remitted it to a strange account. My friend realized that Wu Ruofu was tied upIt's up, call the police immediately. The Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, together with Chaoyang Public Security Branch, quickly established a "2·3" task force to conduct full investigation. After 22 thrilling hours, Wu Ruofu and Du Qingjiang were successfully rescued by special police, and several criminals were arrested...

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

The fright of life and death many years ago was played back in Wu Ruofu's mind again and again like movie footage. He trembled all over and his hands were weak. After finally driving home, her daughter was already asleep. Liu Sha sat on the sofa while watching TV while waiting for him. Instead of going into the bedroom to kiss his daughter as usual, Wu Ruofu locked the anti-theft door and drew all the curtains in the house tightly.

Liu Sha asked concerned: "What's wrong with you?" Wu Ruofu didn't want to spread his nervousness and fear to his wife, and replied dullly: "Nothing." After a week, Wu Ruofu's nervousness eased and life returned to peace. Liu Sha was also relieved. In her opinion, when everyone has mood swings, the occasional abnormality is not worth fussing about.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

One day, when Wu Ruofu was working out on a treadmill, he accidentally saw CCTV's famous brand column "Today's Statement" telling such a case: An Anhui nanny secretly took away a baby boy from the employer’s house for several months. Sold for 40,000 yuan to human traffickers. Although the nanny was brought to justice, the baby boy never fell, and the hostess was insane because of this... The

report has not been finished yet, Wu Ruofu walked into his daughter's small room in sweat, squatting on the cradle and looking at the sleeping Xiaobing clear. The daughter's face is quiet, her long eyelashes are curled up, her pink and small mouth is like two delicate petals, and her even breathing exudes bursts of milk... her daughter is clearly a pure little angel. Comparing heart to heart, Wu Ruofu could feel the pain in the heart of the mother who lost her son.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Since the birth of their daughter, Wu Ruofu and Liu Sha have hired a nanny from the housekeeping company to be responsible for cooking and housekeeping. That night, Wu Ruofu said to Liu Sha: "I feel more and more that an outsider dangling around at home is very eye-catching. Let's resign the nanny." Liu Sha asked her husband confusedly: "Auntie came to our house for almost a year. Although she is only responsible for cooking and housework, when you go out, she always helps me take care of Bing Qing, but she never asks for an increase in wages. Where are we looking for a good person like aunt?" Wu Ruofu hides The real inner world: "A distant cousin in my hometown in Qiqihar was laid off. I want her to come to our house to help." A few days later, Liu Sha reluctantly fired the nanny. To make up for the guilt in their hearts, she and Wu Ruofu gave each other more Two months’ wages.

However, a month passed in a blink of an eye, but Wu Ruofu did not mention that his cousin came to help at home. Seeing that her husband was too busy, Liu Sha had to take on part of the housework. Once, Wu Ruofu drove his daughter to Beijing Children's Hospital for a vaccine. At noon, Liu Sha went to the kitchen to cook. Because of no life experience, Liu Sha didn't even brush the iron pan when making sauerkraut fish, so she put the fish in the pan and boiled directly. After Wu Ruofu returned home, a large pot of pickled fish with rust was on the table. Wu Ruofu took a bite, and an unpleasant iron smell made him nauseous. Liu Sha didn't even move the chopsticks, and there was an unknown fire in her heart...

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Once the trauma left by the catastrophe was torn apart, it would be difficult to heal. Anxiety, fear, worry and other negative emotions are intertwined in Wu Ruofu's heart, and gradually become a beating heart demon. Wu Ruofu began to fear the darkness. As soon as the sun went down, he turned on all the lights in the house. When going out for business or party, he must go home before 9pm. On the day of

, Wu Ruofu took his daughter to flutter the butterflies in the community, and the daughter disappeared when he let go. The structure of the community is complicated, with strangers coming in and out from time to time. Wu Ruofu is very worried about what will happen to his daughter, and his heart is puzzled. A few minutes later, he finally found the daughter of the ant holding a blade of grass behind the rockery.

This incident taught Wu Ruofu another thrilling lesson! Adults have a sense of self-prevention, while children belong to a disadvantaged group, and their personal protection awareness is almost zero. Wu Ruofu warned himself repeatedly in his heart: The daughter must be protected! After that, he only allowed his daughter to walk around in the yard, and the distance between her daughter and himself could not exceed 5 meters. Occasionally a stranger passed by, and the other party casually glanced into the yard. Wu Ruofu picked up his daughter and walked into the house.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

A few days later, there was not much pure water at home. Liu Sha called the water station and asked the other party to send two buckets of water. Soon, the doorbell rang, and Wu Ruofu caught a glimpse of a young man standing outside the door through the cat's eye on the security door. Through the anti-theft door, Wu Ruofu questioned which company he was from, what his company's phone number was, and the price of various purified water. Seeing the other party's answer, Wu Ruofu cautiously opened the security door.

sent away the waterman, Liu Sha complained to her husband: "How can you do this to the waterman? This is disrespect for others." Wu Ruofu plausibly said: "What if he has a murder weapon on his body?" All kinds of words and deeds made Liu Sha feel distressed and anxious. She didn't know why her husband became like this.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Du Qingjiang

One day, Du Qingjiang, who was kidnapped by gangsters with Wu Ruofu, came to Wu's house as a guest. The unforgettable life and death experience precipitated the deep friendship between each other, and Wu Ruofu and him became life and death brothers. Over the years, the two have been in contact. Like every time they met, Wu Ruofu would high-five with Du Qingjiang, and the two said in unison: "We are lucky to survive." Then they began to drink and burst into tears.

At noon, Wu Ruofu cooks Zhang Luo’s wine and dishes, and Liu Sha sits on the floor with her daughter playing with blocks, and babbles to Du Qingjiang: “Our family Ruofu doesn’t know what’s wrong. He’s nervous all day long, so he’s guarded against everyone. A good nanny was fired by him, which made the family life a mess. My daughter and I were kept at home all day long, and occasionally I took my daughter out, as long as he came back half an hour late, he would lose his temper..." At this moment,

, Wu Ruofu’s cell phone rang on the coffee table in the living room, and Wu Ruofu wearing an apron ran out of the kitchen, picked up the phone and looked at it. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, he said to himself, “Who is this? I don’t know. Could it be a bad person? Blackmail?" Then hung up. Liu Sha punched her husband’s back and said to Du Qingjiang: “He often does this, all day long.”

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Du Qingjiang was not as surprised as Liu Sha imagined. After pondering for a long time, he told Liu Sha: “Sister-in-law, this is Angkor. This situation is normal. A few years ago, I had the same mental journey. Psychologists said that this is post-traumatic stress syndrome. Everyone who has experienced life and death will reflect on it more or less. Yes People who are stricken will be highlighted at that time, and some will be affected by external stimuli a few years later."

Liu Sha asked anxiously, "What can I do?" Du Qingjiang said patiently, "Don't be nervous, this is not a serious illness. There is no need to take medicine and be hospitalized. As long as you give Angkor scientific psychological counseling and family support, you can return him to a normal life." Liu Sha looked embarrassed: "Can I?" "This is not precision surgery. Why can't it?" Then, Du Qingjiang talked about his method and process of saying goodbye to the shadow of psychological trauma.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

During the dinner, Du Qingjiang and Wu Ruofu exchanged cups. Several times, he repeated to Wu Ruofu: "Angkor, you have a better psychological endurance than me. The kidnappers wanted to bury the two of us alive, and I couldn’t eat any of them while eating the “road dumplings”. Not only did you look calm, for Encourage me to be strong, sing to me, and negotiate sensibly with the kidnappers, willing to use your life savings to exchange our lives... I have already bid farewell to the past, and you must completely forget the past, just as it never happened Over.” Du Qingjiang wept several times in just a few words. After finally calming down, he punched Wu Ruofu on the back: "I am living well now, and I hope your life is as wonderful as before. You have a successful career, your sister-in-law is beautiful and virtuous, Xiaobingqing is lively and lovely, you He is simply the happiest man in the world. You have to grasp the direction of your family!"

Liu Sha is a "post-80s" with active thinking and quick acceptance of new things. Under Du Qingjiang's prompt, she embarked on a journey of reshaping her husband's soul. In the evening, Liu Sha and Wu Ruofu took their daughter for a walk in the community, and a family of three went round and round the room. Liu Sha pointed to the stainless steel fence, steel structure anti-theft doors, and broken aluminum doors and windows at home, and told Wu Ruofu: "Our home’s peripheral protection measures are very strong. There are more than 200 cameras in the community for docking monitoring, and security patrols 24 hours a day. We are very safe to live here, and there will be no accidents."

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

The capital in summer is like a burning fireball, Xiao Bingqing can’t stand being cool.Shu, clamoring to go swimming in the playground. Liu Sha carried the swimming ring and walked out with her daughter. Wu Ruofu stood in front of the door: "What are you going out for? What if you meet a bad guy?" Liu Sha sighed, "Ruofu, the gangster who kidnapped you was in 2005. When Fa-rectification is over, don’t think about the unpleasant things anymore. People need to have a sense of safety, but excessive vigilance and protection will affect normal life. There is a good saying, you clenched your fist, there is nothing inside; you open it With hands, you will own the whole world.” Liu Sha said, Wu Ruofu had to accompany his wife and daughter out at the end.

Wu Ruofu is a well-known rider in the entertainment industry. He used to go to the horse farm every week to exercise. After his psychological trauma was torn apart, he put this exercise method on hold due to poor mood. Liu Sha knows that her husband loves horses. When filming the TV series "The True Colors of Criminal Police", Wu Ruofu's mount was killed in an explosion scene. He shed tears and wiped the horse's tears, and then closed his eyes, feeling sad for two. month. Liu Sha learned that exercise is the best way to dispel negative emotions. She told her husband, “A club in Beijing recently introduced more than 10 English thoroughbred horses. Would you like to experience it?” Wu Ruofu used to ride Ili horses. Hearing this from his wife, he entrusted his daughter to his mother’s care. , Came to the equestrian club with his wife.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

When he saw the sturdy and mighty thoroughbred horse, Wu Ruofu's eyes suddenly brightened. He stepped on his horse and pulled Liu Sha up. Liu Sha held Wu Ruofu's waist tightly with both hands. Wu Ruofu kicked the stirrup, and the horse carried the couple galloping on the wide grass. The white clouds and green grass passing by quickly, and the whistling wind in the ear, brought Wu Ruofu a hearty comfort. After half an hour, the couple relaxed on a wooden bench. Liu Sha gave her husband a thumbs up: "I feel the beauty of speed and heroism today. You are a strong hero!"

's mentality changed, and the background of the world became brighter and brighter in Wu Ruofu's eyes. In the face of the media and reporters, he can calmly talk about that frightening past. When he went out, Wu Ruofu no longer wrapped himself in a scarf, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses. When he saw the aunt and the security guard in the communication room, he took the initiative to nod his head. Once, Wu Ruofu kept secret about his address, and occasionally an acquaintance and friend asked him where he lived, he was always vigilant.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

In order to repair the relationship with his friends, in January 2013, Wu Ruofu invited more than ten friends to his house to open a PARTY. Everyone tasted red wine, sang songs, and talked about parenting experiences. The atmosphere was very harmonious. A friend asked Wu Ruofu incomprehensibly: "It feels like you were always separated from us by one floor before, but now you are more calm." Wu Ruofu smiled heartily: "I understand now that you can't defend your friends from the heart. There are still many people in the world. Only open up. Only by heart can you realize the sincerity between people.”

In 2015, Wu Ruofu was invited to star in the film "Rescue Mr. Wu", which truly restored the fright of life and death between himself and criminals on the screen. After the film was released, it received rave reviews and Wu Ruofu's heart was reborn.

Famous actor Wu Ruofu: Struggled for many years in the psychological shadow of kidnapping - Lujuba

Liu Sha's wisdom and tender guidance gradually dispelled Wu Ruofu's kidnapping trauma. He was able to tell the frightening past frankly, and he no longer wore a scarf, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses when he went out to wrap himself tightly. Wu Ruofu completely got rid of the psychological trauma caused by the kidnapping and returned to normal life.

Today is a society ruled by law, where public security is good and people live and work in peace and contentment. However, there are still cases of kidnapping and abduction in society. Whenever I learn about it from the media, Wu Ruofu's heart tingles. In January 2020, Liu Sha reminded her husband: “You can write your own kidnapping experience into a book, so that more people can be educated.” Wu Ruofu said sincerely: “This is also my wish!”

Tags: entertainment