A neglected drama "Meeting Happiness": Everyone can see themselves in life

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No one knows what will happen when the door opens tomorrow.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

The play is starring Jiang Xin, Guo Jingfei and Liu Zi. It mainly talks about the opening of the three faculty members (played by Jiang Xin), Ouyang Yanyan (played by Guo Jingfei) and Xiao Qing (played by Liu Zi) in a mid-life crisis, facing many problems in family, career, children's education, communication with parents, etc. , Their friendship has also gone through more than 20 years of misunderstanding to the resolution of the past, and finally the process of mutual support. After some twists and turns, everyone regained happiness. The plot of

is relatively plain, without the ups and downs of the plot, it is the little bit of life, the water flows long. However, when you look at it, you will feel very touched, sad, and can't help crying. Life is too realistic, and life is not easy for everyone.

1. Everyone’s life is full of bruises

People in middle age, everyone has their own difficulties, in life, you are not the only one who is bruised all over.

  • 01. Zhen opened up

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

More than ten years ago, he desperately squeezed into this industry, working hard every day, day and night, what did he get in the end? Even the important three years of growing up with my daughter have been lost.

is now the world of young people, can't fight, want to spend more time with her daughter.

TV station shopping channel director. She devoted herself to work. In the eyes of others, she was fighting spirit every day, like a chicken blood. At any time, a phone call from the TV station rushed over. Ignoring the care of the family and caring for the husband led to the breakdown of the marriage.

opened up and accidentally ran into her boss's adultery, and then kept putting her shoes on, she resigned decisively. When looking for a job, the employer was very satisfied with her, but her requirement was to take care of her daughter, whether she could not work overtime, and she promised to complete the work on time at home without delay. The result can be imagined, facing the workplace The embarrassment on the scene is really helpless. Xiaoxia, the nanny

, ​​left, went home and got married. For openness, as a working woman, doing housework and taking care of children is much more difficult than work. The marriage was gone, the job was lost, and by chance, I became a special car driver.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

Zhen Dad did not allow her to be a special car driver, worried about insecurity, and asked her to change jobs. Opening up and said: "Can I say that if I change jobs, others can ask me? I can only do this now." Dad Zhen didn't say a word, and realized that the parents' hesitation to their children stopped, except for distressed or distressed.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

Reality is so naked, no matter how good you have been, you have to bow your head to reality.

  • 02. Ouyang Yanyan

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

can’t find a decent job, so my son can’t find a decent school abroad. I can’t find a decent school abroad. I lived for my parents when I was young, my teachers and classmates when I was in school, and I lived for my colleagues and bosses after work. After we got married, I have to live for my wife and son. Can't I live for myself? Will this be the case in my life? What's wrong? The sales director of

medical equipment company, with an annual salary of several million, is very business-minded, and is the company's sales champion every year. untilA competing colleague finally won him once, but fainted on the podium due to advanced liver cancer. He was terrified. This incident of

touched him a lot. Thinking about how he flies more than 200 times a year on average, he is really scared. After earning so much money, his health will eventually become dysfunctional. No amount of money earned will help him. Resigned.

He wanted to enjoy life, but he couldn't get the understanding of his wife. Instead, he blamed him for not considering his family and children, which was too irresponsible. When Dad Ouyang watched him idle at home every day, playing games, he always said that he was not doing his job properly.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

He felt that when he was poor, he was happy every day. Now he does not worry about eating or drinking, but he feels tired and feels that he is living for others every day.

was originally the happiest of the three in his married life, but after his resignation, his wife became suspicious, especially unconfident about herself, and asked a private detective to follow him. He once had a mental derailment, and in the end reason defeated his emotions, and his wife knew about the mental derailment. Many things accumulated, and his wife filed for divorce.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

  • 03. Xiao Qing

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

z13 I got married very early, and after giving birth, I left my daughter to the care of my parents in my hometown. For so many years, I did not fulfill my responsibilities as a mother, so I felt very guilty.

wanted to make money for her daughter to study abroad, but her daughter quit school without permission. Husband is a martial arts instructor and stays away from home all day. It is like a "widowed" marriage. When he is sick and needs help, his husband is not by his side. His existence may be to earn money for his daughter to go to school abroad. Life was very numb, she desperately to make money, money is her sense of security.

The biggest problem she faces is the education of her children. Her daughter likes to sing and wants to pursue her dream, but she forces her to study finance. The mother and daughter are incompatible with each other. They are always noisy when they meet.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

As parents, they don’t want to see their children take detours, and always want to show them a bright road. However, my children have not experienced it, and will never realize your good intentions.

Xiao Qing always wants to influence her daughter's life, and her daughter is also very disgusted that she is always pointing fingers at her life. Xiao Qing finally compromised. She told Zhen Kaikai, "When I gave birth to her, it was difficult to give birth. At that time, I told myself that she only needs to be healthy."

Two and two generations need time to get along with each other.

Many of our generation have been studying and working abroad since graduating from high school. They have very little time to live with their parents. When they really live together, there are many conflicts. , Many concepts are inconsistent, living habits are also different, it takes time to run in. The three fathers in the

play were good friends when they were young, and they have been together for a lifetime, a very rare friendship. Parents worry about their children all day long, but they don't use it, and they always help. They want to be the saviors in their lives and they are also critics.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

zhen opened a conversation with Ouyang Yanyan. Although it is funny, it does reflect some reality. Yan Yan said: "My dad has wrapped my remote control with plastic skin, and the sofa has been covered with sheets." Zhen Kaikai said: "My dad said that plastic bags cannot be used, it is not environmentally friendly, so he went to the market to buy bamboo blanks. , We make bamboo baskets at home every day, and then buy vegetables at the marketThis one. Yan Yan said: "My dad is well-clothed and well-fed, and he smashes out a bench by himself. "Zhen Kaikai said: "The small tickets I bought in the supermarket were all torn apart and still in the trash can. He turned them out and tried a little bit as a charge against me for spending money. "

Of course, our parents are for our good, but we have not lived together for a long time. Many things need time to adapt. To adapt to each other's pace of life, we must be patient with them and cherish the days we spend with them.

Three , Sending a little love Over time, some have changed, but some cannot be changed.

At that time, we were innocent, we were intimate, we didn’t know that the future would be so hard and friendship would be dusty. Childhood is a piece of old Whether the photo is in black and white or in color is up to you. If you know that adulthood is what you are now, would you still want to grow up?

Because of the relationship between your parents, Zhen Kaikai, Ouyang Yanyan and Xiao Qing have been in a good relationship since childhood , The three people are always stuck together. Because of some misunderstandings, they had no contact for many years after they separated, and the relationship was relatively distant. When they met again, they had grown up at the funeral of Aunt Yan Yan more than 20 years later. None of the three of them wanted to restore this friendship.

The ice-breaking of the three of them was Xiao Qing’s father who fell on the stairs and had a broken leg for surgery. All of them came to the hospital to visit, and Zhen Kaifa lost if nothing else. 400cc of blood. At this time, Xiao Qing is fragile, and no matter how proud it is, it will melt.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

There is a kind of love called petting. In the face of getting small, everyone knows the roots and no longer needs to be strong and disguise. There is no contact, but just a few words can be taken off guard, open up to each other, feel back, as if you are back in an instant.

They shed their suspicions, whoever has something, they will gather together to discuss countermeasures, although Usually they run on each other, but when things happen, they are not at all ambiguous. Open relationship issues, strict marriage and entrepreneurship, Xiao Qing’s children’s education and relationship issues with her husband, they all participate in the process and give care and support. Just like when you were a child, you can bully yourself, but others can’t bully.

A neglected drama 'Meeting Happiness': Everyone can see themselves in life - Lujuba

The life of middle-aged people is exhausted, and you must not bow your head to the years. Don’t have a young heart. Romance, even a little bit, the heart can’t grow old. The

drama has no exceptions and a happy ending. But in reality, our lives are still going on. Although life is full of thorns, maybe it will be clear in the next second. Life is impermanent. , But we still have to cherish hope.

Tags: entertainment