Business blows! Jike Junyi praised Ayunga as the "Prince of Ballet"

starnews 1998℃

Business blows! Jike Junyi praised Ayunga as the 'Prince of Ballet' - Lujuba Jikejunyi chatted with Ayunga

reported on December 16 On the evening of December 16th, at the backstage of a fashion festival, Jikejunyi met Ayunga by chance and teased him: "Oh, where is this? A ballet prince?" He said that he was surprised and watched it ten times.

It is reported that Ayunga had previously danced ballet in a certain show. In response to this, fans laughed and said: "Thank you, my sister, for the quack dance", "Hahahahaha, business talk is okay"

(Editor in charge: Chen Shaojie_b6952)

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