Classic review: take stock of the famous scenes in "2012"

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The essence of the Classic review: take stock of the famous scenes in '2012' - Lujuba

sneer lies in the "obscure and nonsensical" famous director Roland Emmerich, who is famous for his courage to explore the "art of visual effects in movies". The science fiction disaster film "2012" directed by him is one of the most well-known disaster films in film history with the Mayan prophecy about "the earth will be destroyed in 2012".

Classic review: take stock of the famous scenes in '2012' - Lujuba

But little known is that Emmerich is not only good at playing special effects, but also likes to tell cold jokes in movies. The so-called cold joke is that it was not funny at the time, and then I couldn't help laughing when I remembered it later, but I couldn't tell where it was funny. It feels a bit nonsensical, but more subtle. Today, Brother Xiu will take stock of those serious "cold jokes" scenes in "2012".

Wu Litou + obscurity = endless aftertaste Scene 1: "I'm still a child!" At the beginning of the movie, there is deep water on the road during the rainstorm. The protagonist Adrian (played by Chevat Egafo) takes a car to meet his Indian friends Along the way, the son of a friend squatted on the ground and played with the toy boat in the rain. Because the speed of the car was too fast, a large wave of water was stirred up. The child was splashed in water and the toy boat was overturned. Although the child was not directly photographed, but... the director put this scene on the beginning of the film, obviously the motivation is not simple, not only echoes the clues of "flood" throughout the film, but also implies the cruel reality that "nature can easily destroy humans" . In addition, combined with the final ending of the family, it is naturally more meaningful... Scene 2: "It feels so cool!" Satnam (Indian friend + child father + first sign of disaster) works underground at 10,000 feet , It’s very sultry here, the normal temperature is above 40℃, when he told Adrian the signs of the disaster, the atmosphere became more and more serious--the quantum physicist Dr. Lockhee who was so hot with ice cubes next to him, Suddenly he said something coldly: As soon as the old man spoke, the scene suddenly became very cold and cold... In fact, the first time I saw here that year, I didn't think it was funny, but when I saw it years later, it suddenly became inexplicable. laugh out loud. This lens can't analyze anything, it may be to promote the development of the plot. Scene 3: "If a person wears a military uniform and sunglasses, then this person must be a general." After the president of the United States announced the regrettable news that "the earth is about to be destroyed" to the heads of state, the camera was taken to China. The "Chinese soldier" played by several Hollywood actors is arrogant to the crowd. It wasn't funny when I saw this place for the first time that year, but there was a strong sense of violation. Later I realized that this was probably a unique brain hole of Americans: wearing military uniform + wearing sunglasses = mighty and domineering general. Although Emmerich didn't know anything about Chinese soldiers, he could not be blamed. He just mistakenly thought that soldiers from all countries were as arrogant and domineering as American soldiers. When I saw this paragraph later, I didn't feel that it was a violation, because it was naturally possible to connect this picture with the so and so. A sense of joy suddenly came to life... Scene 4: "The place where he was murdered happened to be in the same tunnel where Princess Diana was killed in 1997." In the film, when the governments of various countries "build the ark" action After the beginning, in order to avoid panic, all public figures who tried to "leak secrets" were assassinated. According to the "news report" in the movie, the French museum curator had a car accident in the same tunnel where Princess Diana was killed in 1997. . The death of Princess Diana James Bond, played by Daniel Craig, has been suspected of being a conspiracy by the British royal family. However, is it really good for American directors to use such "crazy hints" in Hollywood movies... Scene 5: "Not bad? All animations are done by myself." Jackson (John Cusack) took his children to go Camping, I met "Doomsday Radio anchor" Charlie (played by Woody Harrison). Charlie told Jackson about the "Doomsday Theory" he believed in, and in order to make it easier to understand, he broadcasted the "Doomsday" that he had posted on his blog. Doomsday Analysis Animation". This animation is so well-made, it’s amazing... Woody Harrison is an actor that Xiu brother likes very much in private. When he used to have hair, he was actually handsome. But then when the hair is bald, the whole person becomes "self-pleasure". Whether it's "Zombie Paradise" or "Seven Madness", as long as he appears on the stage, even if he doesn't say anything, you just need to stop wherever you go, and you will immediately feel "joy is overflowing."

Classic review: take stock of the famous scenes in '2012' - Lujuba

Actually, the role played by Woody Harrison in the movie "2012" does not have a strong comedy color, but under the control of the actor's own senior acting skills, even if the role is playedVery little, still impressive. The animation dubbed by him in the movie was actually very boring when I watched it back then, because although Charlie himself found it interesting, Jackson only gave him an awkward and polite smile. This is the coldest but funniest joke in the whole film. But I watched it again after many years, but I couldn't help but laugh, and even this paragraph became the most unique essence of the whole film in my heart.

Memorable things can become classics and truly classic movies. It does not lie in the use of high-tech special effects or tells any fresh and refined stories. The most important thing is that it must stand the test of time. Only those things that can leave a deep impression in memory and still have a long aftertaste many years later, can become classics.

Because Emmerich’s "2012" is too popular. As a result, even if the Mayan chief personally refuted this absurd "doomsday prophecy" after the theater was released, many people were still unreasonably worried... Now every time I think of it, I always laugh out loud. And this is another cold joke belonging to reality.

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