Movie "Dog Thirteen" Film Critic: Compromise is a choice a child has to make

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accidentally saw a small editor recommended the movie "Dog Thirteen". I saw his introduction and thought this movie was not bad, but it hadn't been released at the time, so I kept waiting. It was a long time, and finally the movie was released one night. After seeing the introduction, I knew that the movie had been produced several years ago, but I don’t know why this movie has been shelved until now. The

Movie 'Dog Thirteen' Film Critic: Compromise is a choice a child has to make - Lujuba

movie mainly tells the story of a girl who grew up after being hit by reality again and again. Li Wan's parents divorced when Li Wan was very young. Li Wan, who did not want to live with her stepmother, has been living with her grandparents. One time when the school chose an interest class, Li Wan chose physics based on his hobbies, but the school teacher thought that Li Wan's English scores needed to be improved, so he called Li Wan’s father to the school. Li Wan’s father was busy with the company. Things, because he was in a hurry, he secretly changed Li Wan's interest class to English. This made Li Wan very dissatisfied. His father wanted to use money to make up for the harm he had done to Li Wan. Li Wan ignored him. All Li Wan wanted was his father's love and company. After returning home, Li Wan found that her father had sent a puppy. She didn't care and was busy with her own affairs. Later, under the puppies' soft and hard soaking, Li Wan finally accepted this cute puppy and gave it to it. The name is Einstein. From then on, Li Wan took him out for a walk as soon as school was over and gave him a good pork liver meal, but once his grandfather accidentally lost the dog when he took Einstein out to buy groceries. Li Wan cried and made a lot of noise for several days. Her father bought her a new one that was exactly the same, but she still didn't accept it. In order to find a dog for her, grandpa's feet got stuck and grandma got lost.

Movie 'Dog Thirteen' Film Critic: Compromise is a choice a child has to make - Lujuba

Dad’s patience finally reached its limit. He beat Li Wan and reprimanded her to apologize to his grandparents. Li Wan finally gave in and accepted the new Einstein and began to live as before. However, reality gave her a lot of things. Hit, my father took Li Wan to meet his two-year-old half-brother after playing Li Wan happily. Li Wan didn’t say anything but accepted all this silently, but once he kept beating the dog while playing with the dog. The dog kept yelling. Under the pressure of the stepmother, Li Wan’s father sent the dog away. No matter how much Li Wan cried, it didn’t work. This was undoubtedly another heavy blow for Li Wan, and Li Wan started again. Becoming taciturn, his father took Li Wan with him during a social party. In order to cope with the bosses, Li Wan drank and ate dog meat, which surprised his father. Later, Li Wan kept studying hard. Li Wan’s father saw Li Wan who had achieved excellent results and praised her. Li Wan proposed to his father that he wanted to see Einstein, and his father told Li Wan that Einstein was only given away. Went to the adoption center and did not send to the slaughterhouse, but because Einstein went on a hunger strike, he died soon afterwards. Li Wan only said thank his father for not killing him. The end of the story is that his younger brother was forced to learn to skate at the ice rink. Li Wan didn't dare to recognize each other after seeing the real Einstein.

Movie 'Dog Thirteen' Film Critic: Compromise is a choice a child has to make - Lujuba

Li Wan's experience also reflects the experience of many people in reality. Under the pressure of the world, we have to work hard to grow up and work hard to be sensible. This may be cruel, but the reality is so cruel. In order to make their children an excellent child in the eyes of others, parents force their children to do things that they don’t like. Perhaps, at the beginning of the film, you will feel that Li Wan’s brother is happy and everyone likes it, but at the end of the film It revealed to us that they are all the same, in order to get praise from others, they are trying hard to do things they don't like. Compromise has become a choice a child has to make!

I have to say that Zhang Xueying showed the themes of this film to the fullest. This film is a mirror, and it truly reflects the experience of some Chinese families. The heroine can only represent a part of the adolescence that is too sensitive and rebellious. Of children, but I have to admit that the trauma brought to us by the original family is the most painful, and it may take us a lifetime to make up.

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